A Gift

On my way home today I spotted one of those old style GIANT tv dishes loaded atop a trailer that is being used to carry junk to the garbage dump.
I returned and asked if I could buy it. All I had was change and $12.00. Offered them $ 10.00. They said $10, and a DIME! Had THAT.
They asked why I wanted it.
“Can’t be used now”.
I explaind what I was doing to show the homeless and others what can be done, for “0” to next to
“This can be used in many ways….lined with aluminum foil I then become a Solar Cooker…and in BIG amounts….or used as a Rain Water collector….or to get a ‘boost’ for radio / tv / PC reception…or Up Side Down, the Roof of a tiny Dome “Gnome Home”.
Told um of my little “Village” domes and fighting the local “law” ( and winning…thank you). They laughed. The husband got an angry look in his eyes. Seems they TOO had had similar problems and DID NOT LIKE THIER “OverLord” tactics).
THAT “connected” use…”Fellow FIGHTER” ! Aho?
Well, they both joined me to help load it. I was without enough rope. He went into their barn and returned with some VERY expensive Flat nylon rope. GAVE IT ALL TO ME! Tho I offered to return it.
Loaded and well tied He then reached in his pocket and RETURNED THE $10.00!
“We believe in you project. I made a dime n the cost of dumping.”
See what one can do CHEAPLY when keeping ur eyes open, thinking ‘outside’ the ‘box’…and ASKING?
Intent and PRAYER helps “do” the “impossible”.
DAD KNOWS YOUR HEART..YOUR REASON. He knows MINE is for helping Others. That’s why the domes and tents and joggers / etc.. HE HAS MY “BACK”. Aho?
For fun I’d like to go on our big Rodio parade. Pushing a jogger carrying a small camp “pot”. With a sign: “I may be HOMELESS…but I STILL have a POT to PISS IN! ( :
Friends , NEVER GIVE UP! if you end up with only the cloths on your back and Have HIM…TRUST and He WILL tend to your NEEDS!
GB re