A Couple Notes From Your Friendly Neighborhood Admin Whale Sister

Ghost’s webpages and other important links can be found directly to the right of these blog posts. If Red Elk mentions a link and it isn’t directly linked in the blog post, that’s usually because it’ s already in the column to the right. I will also be adding more links as Red Elk requests, such as the survival guides link added last night, so I would suggest keeping an eye on it.
Also, emails to Heather and my addresses do not go to Red Elk directly – they go to us, then we forward them to him (same with Comments). He gives us his answers and we send them back to the questioner or post them (if they’re comments or Red Elk wants them posted). All per his wishes. However my address is also my personal email, so sometimes it’s been a little unclear whether the emailer is addressing me or Red Elk, and sometimes I’ve been addressed as a ‘brother’. 😉
Hope that clears up some of the confusion!