Author Archive

Ghost’s webpages and other important links can be found directly to the right of these blog posts.  If Red Elk mentions a link and it isn’t directly linked in the blog post, that’s usually because it’ s already in the column to the right.  I will also be adding more links as Red Elk requests, such as the survival guides link added last night, so I would suggest keeping an eye on it.

Also, emails to Heather and my addresses do not go to Red Elk directly – they go to us, then we forward them to him (same with Comments).  He gives us his answers and we send them back to the questioner or post them (if they’re comments or Red Elk wants them posted). All per his wishes.  However my address is also my personal email, so sometimes it’s been a little unclear whether the emailer is addressing me or Red Elk, and sometimes I’ve been addressed as a ‘brother’. 😉

Hope that clears up some of the confusion!


To any and all who feel led to give Back-Up Prayer for the important SPIRIT TRIP Work I’ve told of:  It will start THIS SUNDAY (the 14th of Nov.) at 11:00 AM PST.  Ending at approx. 3 – 4 hours later.

Remember, this is AN IMPORTANT and NEEDED “WORK”!

3 will “go in”….the rest of you PLEASE HOLD US UP IN PROTECTIVE (and EFFECTIVE) PRAYER!

For we 3 AND for EVERYONE INVOLVED (including YOU).

By ONE MIND / ONE HEART…an Enemy (“L”) plan WILL be STOPPED!  Thwarting hIM on this “break-out to our surface world.  At least for now.  “Throwing a wrench” into a VERY EVIL intent.

The results should be seen no later then 10 days after this ONE MIND / ONE HEART work.  Aho?  THANK YOU and GB    re


A sister wrote:

Saw the new pics today.  Wonderful.  How in the world did you do that entry way?  What is that?  Can’t quite make it out in the photo?  Boy, is that place looking sharp or what?!!!!!

Good job.  Re, please get some rest though, ok?   Want you around for a while.  love you

That entry EXTENSION are 2 LATTICE “Wind Breaks” any can buy at lumber yards and many bigger “all around” stores (Costco / Bi-Mart / Fred Myers / Etc. I got those at Habitat For Humanity ($4.00 for 2 big ones (those) and 2 smaller ones. 8 ft. long by 5 ft. high.  Just turned on end and bent ‘em over a bit to create a better “gnome” entry.  To the right side (inside) is a large space I call “the mud room.”  Simply a place to leave your boots / etc. there and not mess the floor inside.  There is a larg(ish) opening there, next to the right side of the main doorway.  That allows even more light inside.  Will cover that in clear Shower Curtain plastic.

At the top of both lattices I have a thick branch connecting the two at the top.  (This not well defined in the photo).  Bent at the top outside end.  Looks good and adds an “outdoorsy” (Gnome-Like) look.

I intend to line outside with LARGE stones around the whole dome…then toss dirt berming from those, up.

I’ve now got all I need to complete the inside (I THINK).  Just a matter of doing, now.  Putting on linseed oil on all wooden furniture / etc.  Spray paint the small round galvanized “shower tub”….seat the flagstone tiles and other general small things needed.  Will add 1 shelf to the side and above the kitchen shelf…another at the head of the bed.

In short, VERY close to done INside.  Still to clean up OUTside and start rocking / berming.

I will seed the berm with grass and wild flower seeds as I do this.

This dome is DOUBLE Trenched.  INSIDE along wall and OUTSIDE along wall.

So, as you can tell, still much to do to be what I “see” as totally complete.

The only thing I wish I had is a chimney through the top.  Even with double insulated chimney pipe, it doesn’t stop the excessive heat that passes by.  Melting my pvc pipe and willows that meet up there.  So …. SMOKEY Inside when fire is started AND DYING.  Between…FINE.

Any similar done I will use the frame of an “Apartment Trampoline”.  Setting the pvc and willows at its EDGE.  Leaving plenty of space at the top there.  Double Insulated Chimney will then be a safe option.  Either do THAT or build up the frame like a giant inverted “funnel”.  An African Hut “way”.  Our BIG dome (other property) is on that “line”.  Heat rises…and SMOKE is HEAT…the inverted “funnel” will catch this and guide the smoke out.  Trapped and “guided” to smoke exit opening.

You learn by mistakes.  Always improving on the next being built.  Aho?    re

From a brother:

Red Elk,

Thanks for this observation!!

Recently I received a fear based email about the economy. It spoke about the recent elections and coming crash to the economy. In the email there was guidance on how to protect yourself from economic disaster. Buy gold and silver was the solution to financial security.

Hmmmmmm Interesting I thought. Then I reread the email carefully and went to the website that was in the email. Turns out, the author is a seller of precious metals.

The author was not attempting to warn people, help people see things differently. He is attempting to line his pockets with money. This is fear based advertising to make money.

GREAT “SLOTH” WORK.  I’ll have this ADDED TO MY BLOG…so OTHERS can understand what I’ve said.  THANKS!   re


From one of the brothers who worked:

More work was done on Sky’s dome. This little dome home is really taking shape. The doorway was expanded and now has wind and snow protection. A second tarp was added to make the dome weather tight. There is more work needed to secure the tarp from blowing off but we used sand bags and rocks to hold it down for now. A hole was added to the new tarp so the side window is working.  Some tile work was done on the in side.

SkyDome Adam John Red Elk - 7 Nov 2010

Sky's Side window - 7 Nov 2010

SkyDome Front Door - 7 Nov 2010

SkyDome Tile Work - 7 Nov 2010

Teaching You to WALK

Friends, I’m tired.  Worn out, really.  Guess I’m feeling my years.  Want to just sleep sleep sleep.  Catch up on years of pushing myself.

You can see this in the video just put on (below).

I’ve quite recently started ‘delegating’ things others can do (any can).  Tired of being the one all come to.

I’ve spent years telling all how THEY can do these things, themselves.  Hardly any do so, though.  Keep coming back.

Time for me to sorta ‘set aside’….and FORCE you to DO.  I’m no good to YOU by constantly doing what You are quite capable of.  Either “you” start taking my many teachings and learnings seriously, DOing YOURSELF…or do without.

I’m ‘all over the place’…lessons , sharings , you name it.  This blog but only a part.  If you TRULY want to learn…then start learning to do RESEARCH.

I’ve Told and Told….AND TOLD.  Done more then enough (I feel).


My book (WHENEVER) will add yet a bit more.  I intend to put out 2 others as well.  One a children’s book.  Hoping ALL 3 will be out at the same time (?).

More? Possible…on some of my experiences while Doing things.  Ghosts (SHADES, to us) … “Little People), Aliens, etc.  MAYBE!

Hoping the writings will help support us in my / our older years.

I will continue adding here on the Blog….as led, but, in general want YOU to now start to hold your OWN “Baby Bottle”……or starve.

Done all I know how to do, save teach Medicine Knowledge.

Telling / Exampling.

So, be informed….and GOOD LUCK.

GodCreator Bless.   Re

(PS:  I will ALWAYS be here to help….but expect a lot of “ALREADY OUT THERE…RESEARCH!

Teaching you to WALK now! )   re


In the last few years I’ve received a number of ‘FEARGIVING’  Emails.  “Look at THIS / THAT ” things.  All quite possible….BUT ARE THEY TRUE?

The “Bank Holiday” one of the most recent.  Today, yet another type.

In truth, I was shown (“Great Vision”) there WOULD be an economical ‘falling’.  So I DO expect this to take place…SOMETIME.

I find it VERY difficult to believe a “report” that “A PASTOR Knows a person “in the Know”……..

No names….just “I was TOLD by……”

I’ve received a number of “I KNOWs” over the last 2 full years… NONE TOOK PLACE.  Not ONE!

To me, someone is “out there”  “having fun”.  LOVING TO SPREAD FEAR.


JUST as He did with Mary and her husband.  THEY LEFT on ORDERS, taking their new child with them.  BEATING King Herod’s “Kill All Little Boys” order…BY A NIGHT!

Today, yet Another “Fear” being told :  “Satanists have planted a NUCLEAR BOMB under the San Andreas Fault…to be set off…………”

ARE YOU AWARE OF HOW DEEP THAT FAULT IS?  How “they” GOT such a device…let alone GO THAT DEEP ‘to Do’?


“RUMORS” and, frankly, Lies.  Just TOO Farfetched to me.


WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TRUST?  “Him”…or “them”?


It’s one thing to get prepared.  Quite another to PANIC!

Let’s all CALM DOWN, Check, Pray…and TRUST!

Aho?   re


Think I don’t work?  Dome work, then answered 2 snail mails and ONE HUNDRED and TWENTY SEVEN EMAILs AND 3 Needed runs to town.

(OOPS, one HEALING “Work” as well)

To top it all off…STILL  have a Few HOURS before GOING TO BED…..Other Emails DUE!

Oh, Don’t forget the PHONE CALLS!  Them too.

Any wonder I get a bit cranky and am almost always tired?   (  :   re

The other parts are here.