Red Elk Speaks
Medicine Man "Tellings"
Posts Tagged ‘race relations’
The One Is You, The One Is God, The One IS ALL

Friends / and those who don’t want to be :  Over my years of service to my calling, I have learned many things. Most are shareable, and I am. Here and in my book.
I would like to share this:
Man(kind) does not understand life…so therefore can Not understand death.
Man(kind) does not understand death…so therefore can Not understand life.
Man(kind) does not UNDERSTAND THEIR SELVES. Their REASON. Their UNIQUENESS and the SPECIAL “BEING” each individual is. So how CAN they understand the first two?
We are very special, folks. Almost HOLY. Made to SHARE With / In the Great Creator. To actually WALK WITH / IN “Him”.
Each of us has “God” WITHIN! Yet we don’t act like it. We have forgotten.
We have clothed ourselves with the “Ways Of The World”. Self.
It was not meant to be. Nor has it need to continue. It’s a MATTER OF WILL.
Only YOU, and YOU ALONE who can reverse your painful life….for SELF is a Lonely place.
All the partying, All the drinking, All the sex sex sex, All the drugs, All the killings, All the wars…are only to hide your loneliness. Your search to “Find your Soul” in a sense. We use these things to HIDE OUR MISSING PART of being WITH “GOD”.
All this time, centuries after centuries, “He” has never left ANY of us. Always waiting. Always staying at our side. Always whispering “come back to me, my love, my child.â€Â Never has “He” ceased.
It is YOU that have fought that still, quiet voice…”come to me Child…I AM here…come to me.â€
“He” Is, too! RIGHT THERE WITH YOU…whispering: “return”…”come home”. “Let me hold you, hug you, kiss you”. “Come BACK, let ME BE YOUR” COMPLETE FATHER. I LOVE YOU!”  Come back……………………
Only you can return. “He” left that decision up to you. Totally.
There is no need to hate. No need to “side” over names. No need to see color, or culture differences.
There is but ONE “color”…the color called…..Love.
We started as ONE. We can RETURN to ONE. Mitakuye Oyasin: ONE RELATION.    Aho? Ho.  re
Some Who See Our Troubles Are All the Same

The Wise Brother From Down Under

From our Aussie Brother. HE MAKES SENSE. I can LEARN from HIM!  Re
Personally I’m VERY ASHAMED of my white heritage.  re
somethin belong u then bro…but i dont think u should be…all tribes havehuman beings that have messed up in Fathers eyes…i forgive the dills long ago…just love em now…along with everyone else…i feel more related to my dogs than whitefellas:)…reckon we all gotta take responsiblity for what ‘we’ do…NOW….history is history…cant change it…but can try not to repeat it…what whitefellas do doesnt surprise me anymore…or blackfellas for that matter…(one stabbed his wife27 times in a drunken rage up in theNorthern Territory & then killed himself in shame…wife survived)…i think i’ve explained how ithink on this before…i dont see myself as a whitefella…just stuck in awhitefella body….dont feel any shame or responsibility for mistakes ‘other’ HUMANS have made in thepast or will in the future…black red or brindle….feel ‘SORRY’ for all the ones hurt…& all the injustices though….not ashamed…only ashamed of mistakes i’ve made…but grateful for all the hard testings & oportunities to grow from them…thankful & grateful it wasnt me doin more terrible things….thankful & grateful foreverything….even the ‘bad’ examples shown….cant feel asshamed ofwhatothers have done…they have to feel that themselves…& answer to Father forit….can only love em bro….(hope this makes sense to ya) GB
Does…certainly. I see more then you tho. NA SUPRESSION STILL GOING ON! Canada / USA / S. America. What eggs me on is FEW SEEM TO CARE. SOME do…but in general, rather not know about it. Alot like the Germans around the “killing camps”. Aho?  re
ok….i see that too…although not livin in aby community so only ‘bits’ here & there…like racism in laundrymat from white woman to aby woman….’resentment’ ignorance i saw…heard ‘myth’ story that abys get extra $ for each of their dogs…sounds like complete crap to me…but good racism resentment story to ‘justify’ hatred/racism….i also see racism from abys too….to me all family feud/tribal fightin…..guilty on both sides…innocents on both sides…cant feel shame for any…just compassion…allhave to feel own shame…otherwise i’d be a shamed out mess for all the mistakemakers…sorry for them…for their mess up…because they gunnahave topay for theirmistakes…(like we all do)…feel sorry for innocents too…hurt ones of mistakes….shame apersonalthing…compassion universal….big family feud tribal fight bro….nothin much has changed….iguess ucould feel ashamed of ur family in general…but that should include ALL human being relatives…not just one tribe…thats racism…otherwise we’d become the same as the racists…should be no sides……all in this together…onefamily….just compassion for themembers who mess up….& pray we’re not next….pray for them too…no help toget mad…useless as tits on abull….this leads to war bro…payback….let Father payback…He’ll do it right….GB
thought ofthis too….victims plight short lived…mistakemakers could be stuffin up their eternity…who deserves more compassion/prayer?…..also this repression would be very clear to the repressed but maynot be to others far away….& done indiscreet way…not advertised or admitted…not inpapers etc….hiddenfrom most….no doubt some break through this repression & shine like stars in world full of injustice…others trapped by it…see no wayout….here inVictoria unever see abys…up in territory/desert…heaps…one town was spot the whitefella…Tennet Creek….u’dhave to live there to get a good feel for the racism & resentment…but upthere has the potental to be another south africa….i saw high fences & mesh on windows…& drinkin seems to be the abys main pastime….white fellas out numbered 100 to 1….seems also tobe an ‘unnatural’ friendliness between whitefellas upthere…(glad to see another whiteface in a seaof black)…experienced this up in New Guinea too…..i see through itall bro…see the mess the abys are in with grog & ‘infighting’ too….soon things willchange…the abys will do muchbetter after theflip….& the whitefellas willbe ‘out ofplace’….GB

I am different. There’s no doubt of that. In the way I’ve learned (and do my best to live), that this whole earth has a very sick view of the only God. That every religion I’ve yet dealt with, are controlled by their religious teachings. Not the teachings of the One God, but by centuries of Man”god” (one word) changes. Designed to simply control their masses. Ripping apart the Purity of the PURE word of God. Whether the Bible or Koran or ?????
Here we are…ALL actually brethren….and so ingrained by man teachings, well, I WANT TO CRY. (really).
To me there is only ONE leader….THE ONLY Creator of EVERYTHING. No MAN has me tied to their “apron strings”.
I’m not even tied to “HIS”….I    FOLLOW    “HIM” … Like a puppy…or a shadow… WILLINGLY. Not because I HAVE to!
Like all, I have my ‘problems’. Ones I’m not proud of and NEED to rid myself from them. ANGER is my biggest. I DONT LIKE THE WAY RACES FIGHT RACES! MYSELF included.
I am SO “N.A.” that if you saw me in RED Skin, you’d never know I am “THE Red Elk”. I see so MUCH of others (mostly Whites) still doing STRONG HARM to “my” Red Skinned brethren….it ANGERS ME. It rips me apart to look White.
Yet without my mix…I could NEVER do the job I’ve been given. I KNOW BOTH SIDES this way.
Yet I KNOWÂ Â Â S O M EÂ Â Â Â “whites” who have “seen” ONENESS, it gives me JUST ENOUGH HOPE to carry on my given mission.
Religions curtail this Oneness….more then any single One thing else.
I prefer Walking “Alone” over joining Any man lead “leadership”.
I LOVE “GOD”.   re
Them “Craaazy” Medicine People! :D

Thought I’d share with you what it’s like to be a Medicine Man….especially an Inner Heyoka one.
Though my being a “breed” has “I don’t believe it” by many NAs as well as those of other “skins”…it has, to me at least, been a WONDERFUL experience.
Medicine People walk a fine line between what most would call Insane and INsane….as in: Sane WITHIN.
This jars many Medicine Apprentices and Does scare some so much, they cease their training.
Others see the “advantages” that their new knowledge gives and turn to the Sorcery side. Ego – Pride – “POWER” has stepped in.
These are the ones with less training. “Grabbing the ball and running”…withOUT seeing the End Posts. Like running in a very heavy fog.
No “goal(s)” and so “Power-Heady” (“I’VE GOT THE BALL! I’VE GOT THE BALL!….Ha HA!”) they learn JUST ENOUGH to “Do” SOME, and off they go.
A lot like new Teens, aren’t they?
Then there are those trained in “The Traditional.”
These have been “rote taught.” Ancestor Passed Down to Today Knowledge. Aho?
In this training they are told, at times Shown, then go test the learning. “Cementing” what they have been given.
High on Herbal, as well as Spiritual, training.
The Sorcery ones do as said, the Traditional ones are in a far longer training time.
Sorcery around 4 years, and as high as 5.
The Traditional: 7, to as high as 17.
Then there are the Inner Heyoka.  Our training well beyond the others. In my case, 41-42 years. Most about the same.
We 12 left…(and one may be “gone,” leaving 11) are the last of this “Society.”
I replace one who ‘passed’….but as we still left ‘go’, the Society will totally cease to exist.
We “Inners” are trained to ‘align’ with the Creator and let “Him” be our “Herbs,”Etc.
In this connection, we have found NO plants are necessary. NO chants are necessary. Etc., etc..
We 12 (?), as All the others, are TRAINED.
What’s it like to be a Medicine Person? A walk between what man calls “normal” and ALL of ALL in Medicine call “Sane, WITHIN.”
The Sorcerers are ‘stuck’ in the “world”…the Traditionalists have “reached out” PAST the world (and are the best respected)…the Inners WALK BETWEEN THE STARS (and are therefor about USELESS in WORLD Ways).  The LEAST understood. Aho?
Nevertheless, to be in Medicine is, indeed, WONDERFUL!   Ho
Red Elk
On Totems and Angels and ‘In Sanity’

A letter From and To a listener of my last interview. YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS.
We are to USE GOD’S WORD to “make it” WITHOUT FEAR. Please read on.  GB   re
Hi Red Elk!,
       I got your message about bending like a green reed, that we have knees to bend and should use them. Thanks for advice.
       This may be too long, but luckily I hardly ever email. LOL
       Trish told me I should email you over 3 yrs ago, asked several times if I had. Not sure when that was…but eventually I get around to it LOL.
      Anyway, just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed your podcast. I first heard you on Zeph show yrs ago.
       I never thought you were crazy, was glad to hear someone else who has similar experiences.
       I didn’t know things seen were not considered “normal” until around 6 yrs old There are too many wild things to list. When a baby people either called me “haunted” or “born between the worlds”. No one wanted to babysit me.  Not sure exactly what being born between the world means but that’s ok.  I am guessing it means a person who feels half in this world and half in the spirit world. Not quite fitting in.
       And I have to be careful, sometimes spirits pretend to be something else and lie like the devil.
      I am such a ghostly white person you would need sunglasses to look at me in the summer to protect the eyes! LOL But even younger than preschool I would have strange dreams and visions. And always dreams and visions with wolves, sometimes Indians too. I was locked in a pretty prison, they would try to break me out.
       Christian friends tell me wolves are evil but I have a hard time believing that. The wolves seemed to protect and taught me, they called to me to come out and follow them when I was just a little girl. I was never scared again when being chased in nightmares. I felt like one of them, still dream of them,  They called me their sister.
  Bizarre thing, my dad was a HUGE racist.  I asked about a few ancestor photos I found, he said nope, they had dark skin because they were in the sun too long. Yrs later I found out he has some Indian heritage. And the place they came from in Mississippi ,,,get this, it is NESHOBA, means WOLF in Choctaw! Wolf dreams took on new meaning. I do not claim to be anything, just a human BEing. Most Americans are mutts anyway. lol
       Animals and I have always talked with each other. I felt bad for a police dog at Special Olympics once, he broke rank and ran to me. The cops fiance hated the dog, was mean to him over jealousy. try explaining that to a cop without them getting the nets and white coats out!!!. Poor dogs have to be retrained if they break rank.
       After hearing your new podcast I shared with trish for the first time that I believe trees and plants speak too.  I was afraid she would think I was a little la la before. hehehe
         Once when watering new flower beds at a house sitting job I watered a very tall old trees trunk for the heck of it. That old tree asked me to spray the hose as high as I could reach, to get to its branches! I question myself at times and thought it looked really silly, but did it. The tree thanked me!  There had been a dry spell, Texas summers are brutal and tree missed the rain, felt gritty, like it needed it.
       I have been spared before in wrecks too, had a diesal pass through car when I prayed. And then I found myself just a few blocks from my house. Yet seconds before I was 30 minutes away, that was VERY disorienting. I turned the news on later…….there was the same wreck, not everyone was lucky.
       Because of your interviews I was able to stop my handicapped ( partially brain damaged) child from disappearing. The only way I can describe it is that it was like a doorway or portal. I was worried he would get trapped there. I even had to get help once, we were all searching for him in neighborhood. He reappeared out of thin air in front of everyone, but they did not want to stick around or try to explain it. they freaked. He says he went to another place. When he sleeps he says he goes to places without moving his feet. Since about 3 he would wake up and draw things like the planets, stone henge, etc…..He told me about these things on Mars who were put deep inside the rocks for punishment,. And that they were waiting to be let out. Which was creepy, I have dreamed about that.
        At around five he was drawing ancient hieroglyphics. He said he draws what he sees there. He is barely 14 now and still draws these things and weird maps.
      Anyway, there are too many experiences to list. And email is getting long.
       BTW, I am the one who made Zeph the morph Lion face, not dog. HAHA!
       Here is mine, I wanted a panther but was working against type, lol
       Just thank you for all you do. If I were not broke now I would send a little something..
I’m broke but USE TO IT! My “life” like that. ALL MEDICINE PEOPLE are as that. Keep your $$. YOU need it.
Your WOLVES are your TOTEM ANIMAL. PROTECTORS. I have my MAIN ONE (won’t tell) whose ALLIES ARE WOLVES…so in a sense, “mine” too. I also have MUSKRAT. GREAT for INTERNAL DIGESTIVE SYSTEM WORK. A number healed by their abilities.
A TOTEM IS ACTUALLY A N.A. A N G E L ! GIVEN TO OUR ANCESTORS IN A WAY WE UNDERSTAND.  The general Earth populace know ONLY the “HEBREW” (whites’) ONES. So OURS are “EVIL.”   Culture against culture…”WE are RIGHT…YOU are WRONG” thing. Aho?
My Main One, in answer to my question “What IS a Totem, anyway?” Appeared. Stood up-right, took its great paw to the “chin” and pushed his head back. JUST AS YOU’D SWEEP BACK A HOOD ON A HOODED SWEATSHIRT. Head fell back AND THERE, INSIDE, Was THE HEAD OF A “WHITE MAN’S” ANGEL! He GRINNED at me, reached back, and put his “head” back on. Then walked off into the World Of Spirit.
Note: ALL!
KNOWING this, I COMMAND lUCIFER and “hIS” MADE DEMONS (under hIS control and I’M IN CONTROL OF hIM) to do as I ORDER!  hE HAS TOO!  Again, “hear” : H A S to.
Thus I am able to Cast Out Demons, “Clear” haunted houses and Evil Power Spots, etc.
lUCIFER FEARS ME! (I MEAN JUST THAT). For he KNOWS that I KNOW THE TRUTH….that he HAS to OBEY! A “rule” set down by hIS/Our GREAT MAKER.  Aho?
“Fear Not, for I AM WITH YOU”…………………………..  ( :
You are not crazy (aka insane), you, AND SON, in-Sane, WITHIN ! Aho?
In our Lord and Great Creator…. GB   re