Red Elk’s Grandson Sky

Since Red Elk‘s passing I have received 3 messages (just like Red Elk to do it 3 times for me to check…check…check) that his work must continue. I have had numerous correspondences with many of you, I have had someone travel to see me from eastern Canada, and now arriving to stay with us for a week is his grandson Sky. He said he had something to talk to me about. It didn’t take long for me to find out what it is. Red Elk asked him to continue his work and to be available to others when they email and reach out. So what does that mean? I guess we’ll have it all figured out by the end of his stay how to get that request started. Red Elk does still speak. The messages have been amazing, the group (Adam, WS, Canada John, Sky and others) have to figure out our roles here. We’ll keep you posted. 

A few years back when Red Elk’s health took a turn for the worst, I asked him to put Meachelle on the bank account that received his book sales.  He did that.

If you buy a book directly from these websites, Meachelle will receive the royalties directly.

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Red Elk Crossed over at 7:06


It is June 26, 2015, at 8:10 I received a phone call from Sky….sobbing, Grampa died an hour ago. His cousin Mark is there. I had called Red Elk this afternoon to tell him that everyone was praying for him now, and people were coming to visit, and he said he was sleepy, and that I had woken him up. I could tell he was weak and didn’t sound like himself. I told him of people who were intending to come, and people who wanted to have word of how to help, and how I requested he receive company and prayers for release from pain.  I told him I loved him and would call back later to check on him.

I will keep you updated. I will be helping the family figure out how to handle the expenses and arrangements. I will let you know what is needed as things unfold.

Red Elk served unselfishly mankind, prayed for others and asked for prayers for himself. He would call me to ask me to pray for those he loved. Red Elk just celebrated his 73 birthday on June 18.

I love you Red Elk, God Bless You, and I will be here for you still and your family.




Red Elk Needs Prayers

Red Elk called me tonight, and he can’t hold himself up on his feet when he does need to, and he can’t use his arms, there is no strength. He is falling over. He has been bored, and frustrated, alone most of the time because his wife works, and he is confined to a wheel chair. It is also starting to get very hot out there. I just talked to his wife Meachelle, and she is also very tired, and very hot. Please pray for the family and if you can visit please do so soon.


Thank you,



Friends what you’re going to read may be quite extensive. Please bear with me. Many people today are interested in Bigfoot/Sasquatch. I’ve decided to write this for the public for the benefit of the species and for mankind. We are going to hear more and more about Sasquatch…. I want you all the understand that these beings are not animals. THEY ARE HUMAN BEINGS LIKE WE OURSELVES ARE. They have their own houses to live and stay in, and they have their own areas. They too have a language just like you have yours. Jen-U. That’s what they call themselves just like you or I call ourselves White Americans or what not. I hope to get more language knowledge in time.

I have planned on going to an area in Saskatchewan (Canada) where a small group lives but my health and finances have negated that. I am now planning on going to a closer area where a small group live. Miles away from there, on a mountain, there’s a whole group that would make up what we would call a small village. That’s on the Colville reservation. The Indians hunt there in daylight only. They get off that mountain at dusk and they don’t go on that mountain until the sun has firmly set in. I know of a cave there that’s a burial ground for a young child and an older female. They are not related. The cave is blocked by large boulders. That’s their normal burying way. That particular mountain I don’t think I’ll be able to get to. But there is a group of at least 3 that is 300 yards from the first spot that I can get to. I just hope that they are still there. With luck, I and the 2 or 3 that will go with me will try to make contact. It will only be a 3 day run so it will take a lot of luck. We’re crossing our fingers.

I worry about my Bigfoot brothers and sisters…I am concerned for their existence…
There are two different types of Bigfoot in North and South America. Some are bad (mean), most are not. All rather interestingly talk to each other in their own tongue. Hoots, hollers and scary noises are there to frighten you away. They are just noises. A Bigfoot can run you down in 3 steps if they really wanted to. They are not trying to hurt anyone. Please excuse my language but they are simply saying “Get the Hell out of here! You are intruding on my property!”
We of the so called civilized world have boundaries such as a house is a boundary. They aren’t trying to hurt you, they just want you to get away. They are no different than you or me fighting for their rights as you or I fight for our own.

Friends before closing off this section on Bigfoot, I’d like to share a few of my own experiences with Bigfoot. It was Christmas time and a young couple wanted to go hunt for Christmas trees. I took them out into the woods, a 180 acres of fir trees, etc…Before I brought them out I went to have a look out on my own. In so doing I followed a well trodden game trail, and paid a lot of attention to everything around me. I did find a tree. The next morning they came up. It had rained a little bit through that night. As we were heading to the back of the land, low and behold where I had walked before was a big Sasquatch footprint. It was 20″ long maybe 22″ , and very wide maybe 5 -7″ wide across the toe area. On the left and right was a steep hillside making the path like a muddy bridge. On the steep hillside to the left his foot slipped in the path. He then planted his foot solidly in the path, crossed his legs over and continued down the other hillside. That’s the closest that I’ve personally been to them that I am aware of. It made the hair on our arms stand up! It was big! We did get the tree and made it back home safe and sound. On a number of occasions I’ve heard knocking approx 2:30am to 3am in the morning. That and the footprint are the only encounters that I’ve had with Bigfoot.

My brother in law was working in the woods. He arrived on site to the logging site before everyone else one morning. It was foggy, on the cold side. That kind of fog. Both were looking off to the right out over a large open area. Looking at the stumps, their eyes went to this one unusual stump and then the stump stood up and walked away on two legs. It was enormous. They thought they were looking at a tree stump but it was a Sasquatch looking at them and it was fairly close. They immediately drove back down the logging road, met their boss coming up the road to go to work and they quit.

In my experience there are definitely 2 types of Bigfoot. One is the main one I’ve been talking about. The one most people look for. Number 2 is beyond a doubt and definitely alien. The difference between the two is the alien one is more flexible in its arms, neck, and shoulders. It is also thinner. It can turn its head on its shoulders like you or I can. The standard one needs to turn its torso to move its head. There is a possibility of yet a third type. I am not that sure of this one but the possibility is certainly there. More alien like than our standard. Even taller and bigger. This one possibility is definitely if it exists demonic. That’s it folks.. I’ll write no more on the subject. I leave it up to you. Remember though the first two can most definitely speak a language. And it’s possible that the third if it exists has a language as well. That’s the end of my knowledge. I’d hate to see ours die or get killed. Do what you want with the alien or demonic ones. Please good luck, do not shoot. It’s like going next door and killing the family that lives there. The ones that live next door.

P.S. The bait we will be using is apples, oranges, and eggs hung very high in the tree. We will be using music, drums, and native flutes as well as tree knocking.

Red Elk

April 23, 2015 – Red Elk Shares

At the moment I am in rough shape. Know this though, I am improving guaranteed. I am doing exactly what I tell others to do. Telling myself I am healed, I healed, I am healed. Note: I say “I am healed” not I will be. And it is starting to become truth in my thoughts. Just last week, a dear friend of ours was rushed to the hospital. She did not know it, but she was right at deaths door. I took time off from me and switched my prayers to her. She went home the very next day.  They are watching her carefully, but was surprised she was able to get out of bed let alone go home. I believe totally that she would get over the problem. It was close, believe me. So when I say believe, I mean it totally. Tonight, I am going into her husbands things that run into the heart. He has a problem now. I will see what I can do or advice. Whatever, he should be ok soon too. Remember, believe, believe, believe. Any connotation of doubt negates the healing, etc. Good luck and pray to God Bless.

Red Elk Speaks April 12, 2015

Folks a lot of people haven’t heard from me for good reason. I’ve been pretty ill for the last two and a half years now. Almost impossible to email anyone or even write a letter. It came to my wife has letters but literally I have stacks of letters here to answer, but I couldn’t even read my own writing.  But I love my people, everyone that sends that has a need or donates, I owe so much to donators, but just having the strength to answer, I’m shocked and tired.  Through the glory and the goodness of God our Creator.  I do what I can while I can.  I apologize to not getting back to all these letters I just can’t do it anymore.  I just haven’t got the strength friends.  I am very grateful.  All the money know goes to medicines to keep me going.  The aspirin keeps my blood running.  Medicine is important to me and I can only do so much.  But God loves me and he loves you and I love you and I care about you.  Please understand please forgive me.  I am what I am and I do what I can when I can’t .  Certain people will come to my mind that have hurts the whole works and when they come to my mind I know that right then I need to pray for that person and I do an in depth prayer for that person, envisioning goodness for that person and they too must make it through just as I do.  But most people my strength friends is my love for you and my love for god, our creator.  So again please forgive me and know I love you all.  Even those who think I’m an enemy.  I’m not.  You’re your own enemy.  I send you love. God is spoken through different names, cultural name differences.  So stupid to fight over it.  If they want only name, call him Love.  That will stop a lot of killings.  God is love for all people.



How we communicate with you

I (Heather) just got off the phone with Red Elk and was responding to some of the comments on the blog for him. I read him your comments and then he responds.

Red Elk said his wife and daughter have been getting in worse shape than him trying to lift him around and always take care of him, so the donations he is receiving is great to help him with their medical costs. Thank you for that.

I wanted to share 2 of the responses he just made in some comment sections….they are standing alone out of context, but I think they are so interesting…he’s still got it.

Comment response #1: I am reading Red Elk your comment and he says the first thing you have to do is Praise God in All Things. And then this is not a joke, he’s dead serious, if you want to get well you start right there.

Comment response #2: I read this to Red Elk, and find it very poetic. Red Elk says you will be far better off not trying to conquer the insects, etc., but companionship with them. They will show you their beauty and their thoughts. They too are like you and I – i.e. people – the centipede people, grasshopper people, they think they are people and deal with them as if they really were, because they really are.



Happy New Year from Red Elk

Hello everyone,

Red Elk called me (Heather) before Christmas and asked me to get a Merry Christmas wish and Happy New Year out to all of you. I’m so sorry I have been busy. I have seen some comments and need for Red Elk to support you. I will pass them along shortly. He is no longer able to use a computer nor is he interested in having a new computer. He wouldn’t mind some company though.

He has been making special walking sticks and that is helping him, but the process is slow.

I am working on getting his children’s coloring book out that he drew and wrote himself before he started shaking. I have someone helping me fix it now and hope to get it out soon for him to see.

So from me and especially from Red Elk, thank you for your donations, prayers, thoughts, and love.

God Bless, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

Heather and on behalf of Red Elk

Red Elk Calls with Information


I’m certainly not dead. I am trying to earn money to pay for my medical bills and medicines. One of which is making talking sticks/dancing sticks and walking staffs. These are all of diamond willow from way up in the Yukon. They are absolutely beautiful in color and I’ve already got 5 orders. But each order takes me a week or better to do in my shape. Anyway, I want to thank the people that donate financial money for me. I use that money for medicines and the tools that I need for these sticks. I’m not writing this for donations, I’m writing this to let you know that I’m still alive and kicking and praying for people and doing work that I can do within the medicine way. I want to thank you all who are sticking with me and may God creator bless you.

PS: I’m still having trouble with this dang computer. You people take care and if you have a need let me know. Do not expect a letter in return, it’s almost impossible for me to type or write. You can leave a message on the blog and Heather will tell me.

In this I close and again I thank all. May God bless each one of you.

Red Elk