A Ghost ‘Story’…Another One of My ‘Adventures’

I was 19 or 20…over at ‘Nam. My ship (152-157 men) ordered to teach the S. Vietnam navy (That was a “joke”).  During this tour we were at the mouth of a Big River. One between ‘Nam and Cambodia.
It was VERY foggy. I was standing besides the Officer Of The Day (guy in charge) as the bridge phoneman.
The officer was Lt. J. G. Berkowitz.
We were cruising very slowly, going to enter the river and go upstream a bit. The heavy warm fog would occasionally have lighter patches…still foggy tho.
Suddenly we hit one of the small patches. There, before us, mere 200 -400 yards ahead, appeared ANOTHER ship. She, TOO, going upstream.
It was MIND BLOWING! An OLD SAILING SHIP! VERY Old!  Not a soul seen on board. All main sails set…sails IN “RAGS”! ROTTEN!  As too WAS HER HULL.
No noise…a true DERELICT.
The Lt. froze as we stood side by side. I stood in AMAZEMENT….for we BOTH KNEW WE WERE SEEING………………………………THE FLYING DUTCHMAN !
He turned to me with a “Do You SEE THAT?!” look in his eyes. I nodded, “yes.”
As we watched, she disappeared….sailing slowly into the fog.
He nor I never spoke …. we had seen, now was Not the time to even ‘TIL….till now.
Shortly after, her “foretelling” came true. We went to war.  re