Author Archive

Severe Storm Delays Anthony – In Boston!

He just made it to Boston at 5:00 p.m. EST.

We hope he makes it by Thursday morning!



Off To The Airport

Anthony is on his way to the airport to spend his day traveling to Red Elk!

Well this morning is really exciting. I even dreamed of meeting Anthony
last night. I found a sketch drawing of him to share with you all.

We received a donation that will allow us to purchase Red Elk some tobacco 
and Anthony some food and supplies for his living quarters in a trailer
next to Red Elk yesterday. 

We also received a donation early this morning to use as we see fit, 
so I sent it to Adam to put gas in Red Elk's pickup truck and buy another 
pack of smokes.

Anthony has a drivers license and will just need to be taught where to go
to town and do some of Red Elk's errands. They will probably have to
practice how to get Red Elk in the truck if they are to take him out and
about. I suppose Red Elk will use this opportunity to get back out to the

I know Anthony wrote he is pumped up for this. He is really excited. He is
all about his studies so this should be an amazing opportunity for him,
and a bit of rough living.

I will update you all on the progress. 

Purity to all

Hi to you...and all;

Been just over a full week of 'purity' work. Not one single ding not done
in  that realm.  Just about unbelievable. Purity seems to be catching on.
Serious 'workers' WANTing to share / grow / teach  and protect each other
from the enemy. Two sets of husbands and wives....single men.....some only
one of married to. Phone / e mails / drop ins. Canada and USA. Each
'watching' out for each other....each checking their own work as well as that
of the others,  making sure, via concordance, the tellings are God correct.  

No, I'm not in charge, I'm just one of the group and am checked on as well.  Aho?!!! ( :  I
prefer it that way.  GOD , not man, in charge.  The way it was done when the Jews
had it when they followed HIM.  HO!

AS for ME/ HEALTH; I'm still 'as is'.  This is helping others see one need not be
discouraged with ones 'life'.. that one is / can still be effective in with HIM
despite the personal 'problems'. It's working too!  ( :  Praise the Lord!

ALL in this small group, see the need of personal and WORLD need, each wanting to be
a part in actually changing it. Sharing via personal life it CAN be changed.
im praying this both works out...n Works. Aho?

Now it's a 'wait and see' time.  Aho?    

God Bless,  


Update on Red Elk’s Situation

Hi this is Heather,

For years I have been in between reading your emails, sharing them with Red Elk, running the social media and so on. I have had the privilege of getting to know some of you very well. You have been generous in your exchanges of energy for energy with Red Elk. This has changed his life to some significant degree for his family, and he has been most grateful. Because of this awesome opportunity, I was able to communicate further with many of you on emails, Facebook messages, comments, etc. This allowed me to get to know the young man Anthony who cares greatly about his studies, which includes Red Elk’s teachings. He listens to them often as to not forget. He took care of a family member until that person passed on. He is young but has depth in love and caring. He has for years had a Red Elk jar named “Grampa” that he put his change into, and when it filled up he would send $20 or so. He never had many means but he gave as often as he could. Unbelievable. Many of you are like that. We never did raise any airline miles to bring him in, so he is putting together his funds and paying for a one way ticket here. Adam will help me get him to Red Elk’s if time permits. His plane will come in at midnight in 2 weeks! I told him that is OK! We are all happy to do what it takes to make this work. If any of you feel called to help Anthony so that we can make his stay sustainable in caring for Red Elk (and learning from Red Elk), then just mention what the donation use is intended for and I will see to it that we apply it any way you wish. Adam and I are going to purchase his initial supplies he will need for his trailer. What’s really amazing is Canada John just came down with the family and cleaned it out and prepared it for someone to live. When Adam heard of Anthony and realized what he and Canada John had just accomplished the weekend prior to Anthony saying he would come, he knew it was going to happen. Adam will pick up Anthony from the airport in the middle of the night and take him to Red Elk. Show him how to drive his truck and get to all the places Red Elk needs things. As Adam puts it, “He will prepare Anthony for a soft landing.”Adam will get Anthony a tape recorder so every time they have a conversation it will be recorded for us to later get out into the world.

Tenzing and I will travel later to sort out all of the computer issues, and figure out the best way to get the teachings out to you all.

My personal goal is to get Anthony stable to stay and learn from Red Elk, in which he will be able to directly pass on Purity, and have Anthony figure out a way to record their conversations, have him type his blogs, whatever we can do to get the teachings out to the world. The rest is up to God.

Thanks for all your support through the years, and it is amazing one of you, is on his way to help!

Really unbelievable.
God Bless,

Boy…What a Day!

Boy, what a day….what a week! Today nothing
but trouble…daughter to Yakima’s hospital, with possible heart attack (no) forcing a days
wages lost for M…and ditto tomorrow. Sky acting up…tantrum…acting 14…his sister
and brother sped over and took full control. All because I asked him to get me a glass
of milk. He hates int eruptions of his PC games, for 4 days leading up to this were
all spent in purity teaching…USA and Canada. LOTS seeking. L O T S !!
MY NEW WHEELCHAIR set up 4 my body correctly…so too my new walker AND new fancy
crutches. Tried all…I’m a LONG WAY from using the crutches…maybe months, but CAN
do the other two fairly well. M and I moved things in the living room to use those two,
both too wide for hallway and doorway entrances. Still, I can practice better now.
Doctor tomorrow for me…swallowing good, helpful, less choking when I swallow. Arm and
shoulder doctor next week. Hope he can help. Months of constant serious pain is
almost unbearable. I DO see improvements overall. Praise The Lord. Bad off as I am I can’t help
but think of others so MUCH worse. Believe me, these “unseen” are FULLY PRAYED FOR.
poor buggers. And yes, even the USA’s “enemies”. They too have loved ones, just as we.
I DON’T HAVE ENEMIES in my mind. Agape love to POWERFUL. To me, ALL are brothers and
sisters. Sorry if you don’t agree. “Dad” loves ALL He Creates….and dwell within
me. REALLY. Aho?

I’ve a young man from the east coast coming in 2 weeks. Coming to help me and my family
to get a break from my constant needs. It’s wearing us All out.. quarrels and anger
pop up their ugly heads the longer this goes on. Not a good example of our Love. Yeah,
we need a real break….just to BREATH again thank GOD for this opportunity…..and
this guy.

Friends, I enjoy being a medicine man…..though not one who uses their traditional ways.
But I LOVE the spiritual ADVISORY roll I’m also a part of. THAT one keeps me going.

Please remember, I’m not your BOSS. You can do exactly as you want. Toss out all I share or
pick choose or go full blown into Purity. It’s all up to YOU. “Dad” calls this
‘SELF WILL’. So do as you choose, say what you will, think what you want….and get
on with your life. All I do is Advise. Up to you.



Comments on blog are easier!

We had some strict rules for commenting on the blog and I removed them. All we have now is a moderator to approve your comments. – Heather

More on Purity

Well, more lessons...on PURITY;   L O V E.  AGAPE love.  This is loving even your
worse enemy.  Can you? BIG BROTHER DID.  "FOLLOW ME" He said, "IF YOU CAN...THIS
You'll become like HIM if you persist.

My wife and I have SEEN the reaction this LOVENESS does on some real pains in the ass. 


What can benefit in THIS?  Well, it CAN help BRING BACK THE ONENESS mankind once
HAD with animal, ie;  "HEAVEN ON EARTH" see, not ridiculous at all.  

A WONDERFUL CALLING!  Now see THIS;  there are THOUSANDS of mentally IMPAIRED.  One
to SHY  to talk with HUMANS...but quit capable of LOVE TALKING to things NON
RESPONSIVE to the 'normal human types.  Giving THEM the special PRIDE they

DO YOU SEE WHERE I'M GOING...purity = agape LOVE.  It reaches out into MANY AREAS.


Now,  start SHOWING Real LOVE. 
Don't laugh at others 'dreams'...if it hurts no one...BACK THE 'GIVER'. 

God Bless   


A Request From Heather


I found a student who would be willing to fly from NY to WA to take care of Red Elk for about a month, and if all works out well, he will stay longer. It’s a big commitment to pick up one’s city life and go to Red Elk’s place. Adam is willing to pick him up from the airport and prepare him. He can trade learning for helping Red Elk. He actually will be helping Red Elk in more than one way: giving Red Elk someone to teach Purity to (he doesn’t want it lost) and someone to keep him company, respect him, and give his family a much needed break from care-taking.

If anyone knows anyone who has enough airline miles to donate for his trip, please contact me…Heather. You can leave a comment and I’ll see your personal information and not publish it.

Thanks for your consideration.

Happy Birthday Red Elk!

Red Elk turns 72 years old! And says he feels every minute of it!

Blue Otter is going to reschedule the live interview with Red Elk for June 20, 2014…Friday, 5:00 p.m., join in for a “fireside” chat. You can LISTEN HERE then or find other programs you will enjoy.

Dear Friends

Dear Friends,
You’ll know Dr.’s interview with me is audible and runs a number of hours. Another one will be coming shortly covering almost all of what she does BUT two things are added that I’ve never shared except personally with others. This is: #1 How to bring a person who is very close to dying, hours or days short of being dead, returning them back to health and wanting to live. #2 How to take one who is dead, has not been bled out and is not in terrific physical condition back to living again. This is NOT, I repeat NOT calling up the dead….which is a No No!

What people do not understand is that each of us choose to die. Some do die, but they are not in bad physical shape (like ran over by a train, etc.). We have 3 days to talk to that dead person’s spirit and soul. 3 days and once you talk them to returning to breathing again. The next set of audibles that will be coming on the blog, tell of this, the Why of this, and the How of this.

I myself have no proof that I am to die 3 more times. All I can do is wait and see. Test Test Test. But, I do not want to find out that when I pass away I won’t be back. I have too much yet to share with the world, including these last two lessons.

There are still much I won’t share. I tell you true, if there is something you must know or need to know, go to your knees, ask the creator and expect an answer. Test that answer at least 3 times. If it seems to waiver, or stop, it is not of our God. It is of the deceiver lucifer. I will go on teaching as much as I can, as I can. I’m tired, I’m very weak, I’m sore, I shake, but I will continue for the sake of my brothers and sisters of Earth.

As usual, I wish you well, I thank you for your prayers and for the donations that have been given.

God Bless,