Archive for August, 2012

A Problem

I have a problem:  WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH ALL THE “RUN GEAR” I’ve put together????? !
So MUCH there’s just NO WAY to take them all.
I’ve got to quit “nickel and diming” what little money I have…WHEN I have IT!
I’m “set for life”…only Really NEED One Run Kit.  And that for myself, alone.
Got several…all the way up to the FAMILY…Who I DOUBT WILL “run”.
Maybe Sky…MAYBE.  The others?  Hard to tell.
I gave Sky a BlastMatch tonight.  At least he’ll be able to start a fire, easily.
Both boys now “set” on that. And knives. About all they’ll need, to “go” rather easily.
Both too have decent “survival” skills.  Been teaching them most of their Walking life. Off and On…but consistently.
I’ve known since age 10 what lies ahead. That’s 60 years of preparing.
Our granddaughter shows no interest.  Ditto my wife and daughter.  To them, “no tomorrow”. 
Lets face it, ‘no tomorrow’ faces all of us….but still, I consider it just MIGHT be…for me / them.  Thus prepare as physically as I can.
With ‘connection’ being first and foremost. 
I guess I’ve done all I can, now.  You? 

The Army P 38 Can Opener

All: I’ll add the P38 Army Can Opener to my WEAR kit…knowing though that the chance of HAVING a heavy can of food TO OPEN is extremely remote.
You’ll have to do or not do, at YOUR discretion.
The weight is next to zero…..its Flatness not intrusive.
Its larger size (over the original) is faster and easier too hold.  (Easier TOO to find if dropped).
Now, pray and do as YOU feel you should. 

Making a Pants Pack

The Making of a PANTS PACK

Using a pair of your own Jeans / Etc., this not only loads what one needs but also allows you to have a spare set pants.
Tradable with what you are wearing.
Using Paracord or strong line rope you tie off the cuffs.  huting then to hold your supplies.
The waist is TOO held closed by yet more cordage….through the belt loops.  This cordage can be doubled or tripled in length…giving a long line for ???
Heavy objects are placed at / towards the bottom legs.
The waist “fanny” section holds your sleeping bag or blankets.
The SHOULDERS hold SOFT wear….Sock / Underwear / T shirts / Etc.  This helps stop chaffing at the shoulders as well as making the pack more comfortable to carry.
If the fanny section wont easily carry your sleeping bag, tie the bag from the pants belt loops and let hang outside the waist.
This too to carry a tarp cover Lean To “tent”.
Wrap this tarp around your bag to weather protect the bag.
Pack the legs / etc. with the rest of your gear needs.
I like to use cordage, leg to leg, across the Stern.  “Locking” the pack on.
This keeps leg Slip Offs from occurring.  Especially when traversing SIDEWAYS across steep slopes.
This pack is SELF CENTERING.  The legs dangling straight down, though you may be closer to an different angle of walk.
I keep “immediate need” gear in the pockets. First aid / quick nourishment / fire kit / etc.
Make SURE the pockets are “folded” to to not lose objects with-in.
The belt loops can be utilized to tie wet washrag / damp hand towel / etc., to dry as you go about.
If carrying a rifle, make SURE the pack has a “clearing” (of gear) at your shoulder to place the butt stock to fit against your shoulder.
Wear with fanny in back / legs in front.
That’s it!
I’ve used this to carry out CORDS of firewood during deep snow times…carrying cut deer sections, etc.
I Came up with this in the mid 1960s and still use this to today.

“Lessons” is now available for sale for 35$ plus shipping. Please be aware that this book is not the lengthy book of Tellings as in “Short Stories” for the same price. This book is approximately 45 pages of Red Elk’s wisdom on “How To”. Red Elk teaches lessons on health, invisibility, levitation and teleportation and telepathy.

Red Elk had these out for sale in a printed pamphlet for 22$ per lesson.  We want to make sure you understand this is a shorter book, with actual “How to do” lessons.

Red Elk had decided to put this out, at the very reduced price, because time is too short to fiddle around. Red Elk requests

“That you do not complain about the shortness of this booklet, or the price, just be thankful it is no longer $22 per lesson as before. Now get out there and learn!”


Click Here to purchase Lessons.

“Wear” Run Kit Bracelet

The Snap on my bracelet broke. Shake to much to take apart the Parra-Cord and re-do.

Reason for all…right? After trying various ways, I wasn’t happy with the results. ALL Too BULKY…and looked bad as well.

Well, not NOW! I simply left it open, dangling straight down, then added four SNAP RINGS in line and NOW HAVE A KIT SECTION that’s ALSO my Pick-Up KEY CHAIN!
Hooking wanted things onto the rings as well.

I’ve it hooked to a belt loop on my jeans but CAN hang it around my neck (leather strap) and tuck it behind my shirt if I want.

Anyway, like it better this way then as a bracelet.

(For those wanting similar…look for them that are now being made as DOG/CAT COLLARS!