Archive for July, 2010

If any are interested in building a “get away” cabin on similar lines to my domes, you can go to Google  SEARCH and type in:


This is a HUB….by GHOST32.

Scroll down (past his CABIN Picture).  SOME pictures of mine (#1) are there. Then begin reading the Comments.  MANY ADVICES ARE THERE.

“Ghost” and I have become good friends.  The interaction is very extensive.  He has nearly completed his own cabin MADE OF SAND BAGS.  FAR bigger then the 3 I’m doing.  Has taken him a full year…ALONE!        QUITE INTERESTING!   Building it where illegals cross his land.  Well within site of the Mexican Border in AZ.  It’s like a FORT!  AND extremely cool in their heat.

If you’d like to see more on mine, then go to:

RED ELK SPEAKS (The Tellings of a Medicine Man)

(aka previous posts on this blog.  Check tags ‘dome’, ‘dome home’, ‘tribal living’, ‘Skydome’ and categories ‘dome home’, ‘Hobbit Hut’, and ‘Gnome Home’. – WS)

This has a lot of pictures of #1 and #2.   #3 (SkyDome) pics may be up by the time you look.  Taken…just waiting to be put on by the taker. (past MY abilities!).   This is by far the largest.  More a “home” than a semi-to-temporary (as are #1 and #2). Still, a SMALL “cabin”.

#1 cost me $350.00 TO THE PENNY.  #2…TEN CENTS!  #3 will be UNDER $200.00.

These prices do not include “fancying up” inside (furnishing / etc.).

Each almost all from Found / Given / Collected material (the reason I could build so cheaply).

It’s just a matter of keeping your eyes open and thinking differently (“Out Side The Box”).

BUILDING MATERIALS are “Out There” for all, with these 2 things in mind.

I call these (others planned) because, as man progresses on the path they are on….YOU MAY BE LIVING IN ABODES LIKE THESE (Or your children).

I call this “The village of YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW”

YOU may never do as this, but YOU WILL KNOW IT CAN BE DONE.

Please take advantage of this knowledge.  SHARE IT.  PASS IT ON to friends / needy / homeless.

I “do” in the Old time-honored way of the ancient N.A. Elders ….. ALWAYS OTHERS FIRST

“Money have I none, but that that I DO have, I GIVE UNTO YOU”

I DO SO, FOR YOU!  Aho?    red elk


As I drive back and forth to the 2 towns we are in-between, my eyes are always looking…my mind always “rolling”.  LOOKING FOR FREE BUILDING MATERIAL.

I see differently then most.  See a field full of stone and “see” a Small Abode’s Foundation…or Landscaping…even the Abode, ITSELF.

I watch tree trimming being done…”useless” trees being cut….even big thick branches either being placed in a pile to burn or cut into firewood.


This is not Only at this…I see our State’s Fish and Game management poisoning BIG ponds…to kill “trash fish”.  EDIBLE “trash” fish…hauled off to rot.  FOOD FOR THE ELDERLY….or recycled into FERTILIZER for someone’s small garden.

Waste    Waste    WASTE!

Friends, THINK “Outside The BOX”!  Take ADVANTAGE of these things.

Prices are ALWAYS rising.  Just to EAT is expensive.  But KNOWLEDGE is FREE!  Learn to supplement your foods with what’s in your back yard…EDIBLE “useless” “weeds” / Etc.

Here our trailer house is not conducive to overnight guests….but now my DOMES EASILY handle them.  A DIME for ONE…$350.00 for another…and yet a 3RD now close to covering / use….for UNDER $200.00!

We no longer need to be apologetic over our home clutter…simply send visitors to experience a private dome.  THEY LOVE THE OPPORTUNITY!  (Primitive as this ‘way’ is).

YOU CAN’T BUILD AN EXTENDED House Room at even the COMBINED “3 dome” PRICE!  And MINE are ALL Code free…ALL no extra TAXES.  AND MOSTLY from FREE Materials!

I do this by keeping my eyes open and THINKING “OUTSIDE THE BOX”!  re


In response to this post, a brother said:

That makes a lot of sense, Nature sense. Thanks, you know GOD had the twelve tribes circle around the pillar of fire and smoke with their openings to their tents facing the Pillar. GOD bless

Red Elk replied:

Forgot that.  Thank YOU!

If I recall (?) wasn’t JERICHO Circled a number of times before the Hebrews blew their horns?  I don’t recall HOW MANY CIRCLES (if they did).  Do you recall?  Interested (reason WHY too)!  (Hummm, gotta study this).


What is the SON Symbolic of?  ETERNAL LIFE!   GB    re

A sister replied to Red Elk:

They marched around the city once a day for 6 days, with seven priests carrying 7 rams’ horns in front of the Ark, and on the 7th day they marched around 7 times, blew the horns, and then the whole of Israel shouted and the walls fell.

Kind of funny that most people wouldn’t consider circles for themselves but don’t think anything of putting plants in them.

Red Elk replied:

Thanks.  Been a long time since I’ve read THOSE passages.

Yes, is odd, isn’t it.   Re


My comment on the use of a Circle for sleep / meditation has caused 3 returns.  All 3 wanting to try it but an impossibility in their bedrooms.  This IS a problem.

Ever consider WHY so many NA make a “circled” abode (others, world wide, too)?


Our Great Turtle (Mother Earth) and all planets CIRCLE the sun.

It STARTS there.

Many Nature Beings build on that ‘line’.  Birds / Squirrels / Beavers….even schools of many fish swim in vast circling ways.  Many Herds stand against their enemies in a  circle.

We NA observed this and paid attention.

You are not aware that the Pyramids were CIRCLE Set.  Their 4 corners TOUCHED the EDGE of A CIRCLE!

TiPis / Domes / Hogans are Circle “based”.

Why has the “civilized” world gone Square?!


Circles allow Earth’s wind flows to be less disrupted.  Not so SQUARES!  Squares FIGHT the wind. “STAND AGAINST them….and get KNOCKED DOWN!”  NATURE FIGHTS BACK, in a sense.

To me, square buildings are an offense…AND an ARROGANCE, toward the Creator.  “He” set the circle way up…and MAN STANDS AGAINST “Him”!

If you will note,  The NA Nations that “lived Square” were often the more WAR-LIKE.

Lots to consider, that most never EVEN THINK OF.

Some NA built along the line of a COCKROACH body shape.  Rather low…Round ends, Sloped Walls.

Science says the cockroach has not changed its shape in “ages”…AND say THEY will be the Survivors of nuclear holocausts, as well.

Yes, LOTS to consider.

OK, Can’t “circle” your bed?   THEN CIRCLE YOUR HOUSE!  Even if a COCKROACH “Circle”.  Use PLANTS to “draw your circle”.  Re-design your LANDSCAPE to protect / energize the WHOLE HOUSE!

Then, your Square is IN a CIRCLE!

Just as are the pyramids.       re


Bible vs Cellphone

This will definitely make one think!

disconnected because Jesus already paid the  bill.

Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?

What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we flipped through it several times a day?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it like we couldn’t live without it?

What if we gave it to Kids as gifts?

What if we used it when we traveled?

What if we used it in case of emergency?

This is something to make you go….hmm…where is my Bible?

Oh, and one more thing.

Unlike our cell phone, we don’t have to worry about our Bible being

Makes you stop and think ‘where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!

When Jesus died on the cross, he was thinking of you!

(yep, another meme with a message we should think about – WS)

I don’t know why this works, but have seen the results on both myself and several others:


By that, I mean the DIRECTION you sleep.

SEEMS to be something to do with our Inner “Compass”.  ???

I had an elderly gentleman, very bad off.  Given but short weeks to live.  I had his caretaker change his position.  Tried more then one (‘til he “hit” his “sweet spot”.  He lived just over 2 more years.

SEEMS to work on “Restless legs” too.  (Night leg cramping / jerks).

Yet another:  sleep in a CIRCLE.  Place your’ bed in a circle (drawn or ?) around it.  It has to be FULLY circled.

WARNING tho:  this can ACTIVATE as Well as Negate the energies.  Either to a GREAT SLEEP or to an EXTREMELY ACTIVE Brain Activity.

I use the circle for the latter…SUPER FOR MEDITATION!    re

Listen to the event that Red Elk speaks of: The One Event

Get involved!


This is just too good.  A real lesson for all of us.  Have a Blessed Day.

The light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection.

The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration, as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup.

As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up.

He took her to the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell.

After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.

He said, ”I’m very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the ‘What Would Jesus Do’bumper sticker, the ‘Choose Life’ license plate holder, the ‘Follow Me to Sunday-School’ bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk, so naturally…I assumed you had stolen the car.”


(A meme, but one with a good message that Red Elk wants you to read. WS)

I received this email from a “sister”.  A GROWER. Deserved an answer…and a Fair One.  This is #1 of 2.  HARD DECISIONS WILL HAVE TO BE MADE.

Will NOT be easy., as each must “DO” as THEY SEEM FIT.     Aho?    re

Quiet day here. Honey napping and me pondering, doing some Bible Study.  Thinking about life.  Wanted your input on something…
When you think of living on your property up here, do you see yourself having lots of people come (good and bad?) and how you’re going to handle it?

As you know we’ve had a lot of people in and outta here over the years, mainly past five, and at first we thought we only had lessons to learn like being more loving, or more patient, or more whatever. And, we did, that’s great.  But now wondering…

So many times our desire to “help”, or “bless”, or have a mutually beneficial working relationship with some of these has been just us giving until it hurt.  Tools and other property was either lost, left out in weather, “borrowed” (never returned), stolen, or damaged.  House never cared for with love and gratitude, trash thrown about.  Disrespect, don’t want to work, or, maybe desire to just help us for free, because of how we’ve given (example).

Now wondering about these lessons.  What will you do when people like that come to your property and are “users”, “takers”, “borrower/thieves”???

Have we missed it????  Have we missed the point???

We just finished a 1920’s story book about a group of Buccaneers/sorta pirates and in the beginning, first captain runs a tight ship.  Discipline strong, but not torture.  Making them obey and keep a clean ship.  Forbidding drunkeness except on “day off”.  One day a week they could rest and get drunk if they wanted, do whatever.  That captain dies, and puts four in his place who take turns.  After a time, discipline gets loose, men rebel, they stay drunk, ship in disrepair and dirty….leads to their capture and imprisonment.  Many are killed.  Both of us felt a “message” to us from the book, and now thinking and praying “what do we do?”

Praying and getting so far…Not an “open door” – “open hand” policy with all, as in the past.  But wisdom and discernment and letting privileges be earned is what we’re getting.  Getting to be captain of the “ship” in our care.

Hope we don’t sound “un-Christian” to you, RE; but we have to CHANGE WHAT WE’RE DOING — DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!!

Having to currently buy more tools and horsetack lost and wishing we had this part of life lesson understood better.  Praying and listening.

What would you say to all this?  What would you advise?  Please speak to us.  Tired of this merry-go-round.

We love you Red Elk

Of COURSE I have.  Several years, actually.  MY solution is ONLY a 2 1/2 day Stay.  In that time I will tell Basic Survival / some Stealth…and OUR Lord.  Then, children with them or not: “BYE BYE”.

I’ve warned, Advised , Shared world wide for several yrs now.  Know a goodly # will be knocking at our door.  I CAN’T nor WILL “Baby Sit”…men, GALS or those with kids.  2 1/2 days and THAT’S THAT.

A good shower, a bit to eat, a decent bed…the Tellings and “SORRY…OTHERS COMING…its now up to you.  G(O)od luck”.  Aho?

With luck that’s about all I can do.   There WILL be Alot of “Strays” passing our way.  Give ALL and equal chance and HOPE Ability.

I also expect some (?) to try to “take over”.  It IS possible I may HAVE to defend my family and possessions  (food / Water / etc.).  THIS MEANS I MAY NEED TO TAKE A LIFE!

ALL have had and equal opportunity to BE PREPARED.  MOST will NOT BE.  That 2 1/2 day Limit will be their final ‘help’ from us.  I suspect JEALOUSY more then NEED WILL cause a (more?) Raid.   THANK GOD THERE IS NO DEATH!  Sooooo they WILL live “after”.

Could I kill?  Won’t know ‘til actually faced with it….but MIGHT HAVE TO.   Aho?    re

PS:  I have a number of options I’d “go for” FIRST!




That that was just Emailed (Note – this is a second email, hence the ‘PS’, added to the end of the previous. WS) was more a “MAN” answer.  (Most don’t know BUT that).

Then….#4 : MY KNOWLEGE OF “DAD’S” WORD!  The PURE knowing…NOT the one you are still quite “into”.   “Thou Shalt Not KILL”….is a MAN (“lUCIFER”) TRICK.  It is “Thou Shalt Not MURDER”.


Do a WORD STUDY in your concordance and trace ‘KILL’ (in that verse) to its CORE ROOT!  YOU’ll see what I mean.

So, I’m ALLOWED to kill IF NOTHING ELSE WORKS (my OWN “rule” view).  Aho ?     re

#1 doing #2 thanking for everyday and some practice  #3  in spirit doing but have not experienced physical transport yet
#4 agree with you totally and study all the time with concordance.  yes, knew about word “kill” versus “murder”.  Never have trusted the danged translators.

Got the message, Grandfather.  It is clear and doing.



The future decision regarding your question would be So MUCH SIMPLER to answer IF I WHERE ALONE.

I do not expect to be tho.  I HOPE at least Some of my family will be with me.

For THEM, my decision would be biased.

If me, ALONE, it would be “another ball game”.

As I’ve shared with you in the past:  I’ve 2 “spots” to “watch over”.  “Spots” that open “other places”.

At a given time, I am to ‘open’ these 2 places for the ones the Creator wants to go in….I AM NOT ONE OF THOSE.  Then, at a given time, I am to ‘shut the 2 doors’ and that can only be done from “HERE”.  If one shows up EVEN A MOMENT PAST THAT “SHUT” TIME, they will NOT be allowed in.  They, as I, MUST STAY AND “FACE THE MUSIC”.

I have no idea who will be sent during this ‘doors opening time’…OR how many.

It would be nice to see my own loved ones enter, but that would be up to “Him”.

One “door” opens to the Inner Land(s) below us….the other, to a different dimension. EITHER PLACE A PLACE OF SAFE REFUGE from what THIS “reality” holds.

All I KNOW is “Go, now, and open the doors.  Shut at My command, and walk away to the “reality” you are in when the work is completed”.

I ASSUME there are such doors, and “door keepers” (as myself), around our planet.

Sure would be nice to see my family go through one.  Preferably, the Dimension one.

“LIFE’S a “BEACH” “.     ( :    GB    re