Category : Tellings

I’m CONSTANTLY surprised at how MANY…..ADULTS!….will NOT listen / act on the EXPERIENCE(s) of those who HAVE “Done”….and LEARNED the HARD WAY from NOT LISTENING THEMSELVES!

Dang, I’m stupid.

Age brings WISDOM….. IF wise enough to LISTEN!   Re


Getting DAYS of dishes done…then C was called to a SKY Meeting at school (he’s failing)…then to home and dome clearing.

Sky is NOT “failing,” to ME…..has ALL the SCHOOL KNOWLEDGE he needs.  PASSING THE SPIRITUAL THO!!!

I HATE School “teaching”.  Quit when I was 15  (he’ll be that next month).  Can ALWAYS improve via GED, as I…WHEN HE’S READY (as I did).

I’m quite aware my spelling is SUPER BAD…BIG DEAL!  You can READ it…that’s ALL that matters. (Alot is caused by SHAKES and No Going Back Over what I type.  NO TIME!  TOO many to answer DAILY).

WS doing a SUPER Job of repairing before my writings go on the Blog / Etc..  a VOLUNTEER!!! I’m am so THANKFUL FOR WHAT SHE DOES!  HO!

Takes a GIANT load off Heather’s work (book) and YOUR’S.

I want to Home School Sky…his mom and Meachelle (my wife) won’t allow it.  C (daughter) was…and did FANTASTIC!  (Got her GED too).

In today’s world, it WILL BE RARE to GET a JOB!  Even “Fast Foods”.  Still, I understand “proper” schooling.  Why I want to continue on…in HOME Schooling.  Aho?

No, what people NEED to know is HOW TO “CONNECT” / How to LIVE withIN Nature.  THAT will FEED YOU!  Otherwise : WELFARE…and THAT will go “down the tube” too….in time.

Sky know how to build his own abode….fish….some snaring….go “without”.  Things MANY DON’T.  He’s far better ‘prepared’ then ALOT of the ‘Sheeple’ of most of “civilized” man.

How many KIDS do YOU Know who can cook?  Sew?  Etc. ???  LIFE stuff!  WHO THEN IS THE “SMART” ONE”?   re

(WS – who’s kinda blushing right now! 😀 )

This concerns Constipation.

Often Laxatives and Suppositories are used.  Both quite helpful.  Still, MAYBE NOT DOING A COMPLETE JOB.

Don’t cringe at what I tell here….it WORKS, and FULLY!   Females OR Males:   ENEMA!

Not once but 3 Times.  One right after the other.  FULLY ‘flush out’.

This piece of knowledge came hard to me.  At the expense of a severe Belt beating.

I was just 10 and in Mississippi visiting.  The couple there, aged.  Outhouse only.

Early one morning I saw the Old Gentleman, carrying a Douche Bag heading to the same destination.

When I entered, the seat area was very wet.  When I was accused, I told true.  This to the horror of their eldest son.  “HE DOSN’T DO THAT!….and off came the belt.

The old ones lived “for-ever”.  Keeping their bowels clean helped tremendously.  Aho?   re


We lived in Rose Valley, Wa.  A suburb of Longview and Kelso, Wa.  WELL within the range of Mt. St. Helens when she blew.

Here was I, knowing much of the plant life (and thus: uses) of all that area.  Within hours, only the trees were (more or less) free from ash.  I COULD FIND NOTHING!  Years of learning….gone.

It was heart breaking to me.

But the ASH!  So DEEP…so VERY HEAVY!  Unbelievable!

Car’s Air Filters filled in just a few short hours (often sooner).  People (wisely) putting on Women’s Nylon Stocking over their filters…AND removing / shaking clear, VERY often.

Driving conditions were TERRIFICALLY Terrible.  Ash acting like Snot….SLUG snot!  You didn’t DARE go fast!

(Talk about SLICK!)

Our eyes, hand shielded, were still invaded by this FINE “GLASS” ash.  For MANY days after.  Faces covered at nose / mouth, just to BREATH!  Days of this!

We lost friends in this…and I know of over 30 illegal Mexicans still buried up there.  Unreported by the big Company that were using them.  Their fate unknown by their families even to today.

THIS WILL TAKE PLACE AGAIN!   Both at Mt. St. Helens and others.  SOME NOT EVEN KNOWN (or reported?) by the “heads” who keep much “hidden”.

NOT WANTING PANIC and MASS EXODUS of these areas.  “Shooting Down “THE ECONOMY”!

I tell you true :  MOST OF Wa. State’s COASTLINE would LEAVE….To, WELL, inland.

Just about ALL our FULL WEST COASTS…even into Canada!


Might be years away…or in the next few months.

All I know, is WE (family) HERE…right HERE, where I type this…….. Are NOT going to be immune.

(93 miles inland from Seattle).

Mt. RAINIER will be “doing its thing”,  EVERY DAY is ONE MORE Ticking Time Bomb un”-ringing”.  All I can say is I’M FEELING “ANTSY”.

STAY TUNED….not with ME, but with “HIM”!

I do not know WHY I’m telling this.    re


As I’ve told, we here are no strangers to being financially poor.  That does NOT mean, tho, we ARE “poor”.

Knowledge and Creator are the key to this family’s RICHNESS!

For instance, our (then 9 yr old) daughter was badly kicked by a horse.  We were without means to take her to a doctor…nor were we on welfare.  What to do?  PRAY!  ASK !

I did so.  “Saw” here fractured lower right leg.

OK…time for the OLD WAYS KNOWLEDGE…..knowledge almost no NA seems to have any more.

No $$ even for ASPIRIN (to help in her pain and swelling).  INNER WILLOW BARK CHEWING!  The REAL Aspirin whiteman has learned to ALMOST duplicate  (CAN’T put the plant’s “Spirit” into their’s).

So did so and had her chew and swallow the spit.

Next : Setting the bone.

Tore my only T-shirt into strips and started “binding” there.  Being on the Thick Side, it could “breathe” next to the skin.  We had a Stretchable “band-aid” and finished with that.

Have no supply of blood to coat all (dries HARD), we had to let it go “as that”.

More bark chewing as her temperature would rise.

Cold water on all now and then.

And plenty of “down” time.


Called in The “Doc” Angels for a FAST HEALING.  They did so.  HO!

After a few days, time to be “up and about”….no money for crutches….but : KNOWLEDGE.  Aho?

Went out and cut a small green tree…with under-arm “branch”.  Cut just shorter then under-arm height.  Pressed AGAINST the arm pit pinches a vital blood vein…..causing EXTREME Danger to the BRAIN.

JUST “RIGHT” and worked like a charm.

She was able to go back to school “dressed” in this manner.

After only about 3 + wks, was able to stand / walk without her NATURE Crutch.

She was a “living” testimony to ALL at school AND THE SMALL COMMUNITY.

Finally healed completely.  PTL!

ALL our ancestors once know these “How-Tos”….yes, even those Not N.A.

Time to learn, friends.       MAY save MANY, in time.   Aho?  GB   re


A brother sent:

:)….hey u’ll love this little girl…. checkout the look on the UN faces….GB


“And a CHILD shall LEAD”.   re

Note from WS: According to the YouTube site, this video originally came from here: The Girl Who Silenced the World at the UN on the KarmaTube website (even tho it uses the YouTube video) – which is ALSO well worth the time.  If you cannot watch videos, go here, or google ‘Severn Suzuki transcript’ and you’ll find several sites that host the transcript of the speech.

Well, Adam’s back up from his quest.  Smoke POURING outta his dome smokestack.  He’s sleepy, ‘SHOT’ and VERY  V E R Y   C   O   L   D  !

Did he have a vision?  “No.  I learned nothing, re.”

Told him “Oh yes you DID!  You learned what its like to be  a ‘runner’…..alone, lonely, cold….nothing to do but pray and SURVIVE!.  You also learned you weren’t prepared, Adam.”

“You’re right! re… will be HELL.  I was thinking ‘running’ would be running with others. ….it IS Lonely!”

Came out a day ahead of his intended goal.

(I had told Meachelle “he’ll be out tomorrow (today).”)

Only his determination got him through this far.

A GOOD “vision”.  Just not what he was expecting.

A GOOD “Testing”….and LEARNING Time, for him.

Now, let His experience be a LESSEN TO  Y O U!   Things WONT be EASY!  Are YOU Ready?  Or will you ‘FOLD’

Think about it, friends.

Aho?   re


A brother emailed:

I was asking about how the silver cord/astral projection works versus
‘spirit travel’. I also asked how to get to the inner earth but I
wasn’t sure if you would tell me that or not.

Sorry.  Lost I guess.  DO recall!  That was a HUGE amount of money to / for us.  Will answer here so I KNOW you get, aho?

Astral Travel via Cord is a SELF-Willed travel.  ANYTHING of / in SELF is SELF…NOT “God”.

Spirit Travel is done either unknowingly (you’re asleep and Creator “takes over”) or ON GOD ORDER.  This way is thus PERFECT.  Self is NOT involved.  Aho?

In this last there IS NO CORD.  You are FULLY Invisible to those you see.  NO ONE CAN FOLLOW OR ATTACK YOU.

You’d be amazed at how many CORD doers are “out there”.  SOME WITH VERY EVIL INTENT!

A number of CORD Doers thus actually become POSSESSED by one following your cord or by simply following you as you return.  JUMPING INTO YOU BEFORE YOU FULLY RETURN.
Then, too, an evil doer can (and DO do) “cut” your cord…..YOU are then LOST “In Space”.  NEVER able to return to your fullness.  Literally NOT ALL THERE! Part of you floating around, “lost”….till Day of Judgment (soon – 2,000 years after this coming Earth Flip).

As a Medicine Man occasionally I’m ORDERED to trace a corded evil doer.  I’m SENT to the doer…then follow that one’s cord to its OTHER end…IE: the SPIRIT the doer has sent out.
The doer can NOT see me…as my spirit is in Creator’s Righteousness…but I can easily see them.  Aho?

Once located I sing a special WARRIOR / HUNTER song….this startles the Spirit of the sender and it starts to run…not knowing where the Hunter is at.  I “herd” that spirit…farther and farther from its source….STRETCHING THEIR CORD.  (The cord won’t break on its own).  Once VERY thin, I call for the “crew”.  ANGELS.  2 to 3 will show up AND CUT THE CORD of the evildoer. This has the same effect as you stretching a rubber band or Bungee Cord. LITERALLY Snapping the cut ends into two directions.  One end to the Spirit of the sender….the other to the sender.  “SNAPPING” BOTH and STUNNING Both.
In the “bad” Spirit this allows a stunned state…then the Angel Helpers take it away, PERMANENTLY.

I once asked “where are you taking it?”  The reply :  “We have a place for them.”  (Left it at that)

Now, when cut the SENDER’S End snaps back too.  STUNNING THE PERSON.  He / She wakes up STUNNED, and STAYS STUNNED.  (Part of him / her NO LONGER WITH Him / Her.  They then go through life in a very weakened SPIRITUAL state.  NEVER AGAIN to be “Strong”.  Their “abilities” never able to be again.
At best, a STRONG Sorceror is like a VERY new STUDENT of Wickedness.   A “wiccan” in limited doing.

An apprentice wiccan who can only do the common ways, and very easily handled.  Aho?

ALL “New Age” IS A DIVERSION FROM “L” to get you “High”, but “OFF THE MARK”!

Same too with drugs / etc.

CAN they get their Spirit back?  I suppose so.  Godliness CHANGE might do it…but the WICKEDNESS “Want” would no doubt be a missed “want”.  Chances are they WOULD return to the way they were.  Their former power overriding GODLINESS “change”.   EGO (self) is a hard force to overcome.

“Dad” “KNOWS THE HEART”.  The DEEP DEEP…and thus would NOT allow a Spirit Return UNLESS HE KNOWS YOU WILL NOT RETURN to the former ways.

I know of none who has been given back their Spirit, but still, IS possible. Aho?

As for your Caves Etc. question.  I’ve told you I would NOT give out these places. I meant it.
NO amount of $$ will get that info from me….EVER.

That knowledge IS ATTAINABLE to ALL…all that GET FULLY IN TUNE with “HIM”.

So, if you’re to know…ask HIM.   Aho?

Many of these places can GET YOU KILLED…or CAPTURED.

NOTHING to “play with”….so you’d have to be FULLY in HIM!  Aho?

Again, get THAT information from HIM.  I will NOT TELL.  Aho?

Ok, all herein answered.  Sorry the Snailed answer never arrived.  As told, once sent my mail/orders are completely out of my hands.  BLAME THE P.O. Machines / THIEVES.

GB    re

UFO Power Sources

Many are interested in aliens.  Thought I’d tell of 2 of their ships / power sources.

The lil grays’ ships are their OWN power.  SELF perpetuated.

The other’s (of 3 I’ve seen) power is the wildest I’ve ever seen…like a human brain…..but an ORGANIC “MACHINE”.  This controls this ship via EMOTIONS of the operator.  INTENT run.  Darndest thing.

Yet a 3rd I’ve seen, on an all CRYSTAL ship, the engine is egg shaped.  Big end out the side.  Controls on the small end (inside).  This a “3 manned” “scout” ship.  16 ft. diameter,  a BEAUTIFUL vessel.

I have no idea how it’s powered.

The grays’ ships I’ve seen are all 16 foot circles…controlled by a gray who places its hand in a hand IMPRINT and uses (transfers) directions via thought.



WE are at War, NOT with others…but with OURSELVES!

ReFUSING to heed “His” :  “Get RIGHT….GET RIGHT!!!”

Small things ‘telling’ at first…still you would not ‘hear’.

Bigger next…and mankind saw it only as ANOTHER’S “Problem”, “doesn’t affect ME”.

So Bigger and BIGGER!

“He warned…at first as a ‘whisper’…then more ‘audible’…NOW “He” SCREAMS!

NOW you start to ‘Hear” … but STILL DON’T “Get IT!”

Hang onto your hats, kids…WE’RE “IN FOR IT”!   re
