Category : Tellings

A brother sent this email:

Hi Red Elk

I don’t understand how or why Divine Intervention is possible.  I know its happens your proof of that but I just don’t get it.  The Creator allows all things to happen.  All the choices we make happen somewhere and those choices create parallel universes or time lines.   I think you have talked about meeting one of your doubles in a other time line that was not a medicine man at a gas station. So If all these infinite time lines and parallel universes are in the mind of God and God allows all things to happen somewhere there would be no need for intervention because all occurs somewhere.  I just don’t get it.  You are called the bridge please help me understand.

When HE made ANY Parallel  time,  He  made a “Stage” to go with each.  You call this : EARTH and STARS and NATURE / etc.  ALL “Parallel” Times have these.

Now, IF WE / YOU want to CHANGE the SCENE(ery) on the STAGE we are in / on…KNOW THIS:  HE has given us a STARTING Place…the “Settings,” on this (His) stage.  He ALSO gave YOU / US the RIGHT AND THE ABILITY to CHANGE ANYTHING ON / IN IT!

WE are the WRITER.  WE are the one who brings in the BIT ACTORS.  WE are the ones who CAN CHANGE the GENERAL Script to ANY WAY WE CHOOSE!


ALL you see HERE is JUST A GENERAL “PLAY” script.  Don’t like the way its going?  YOU CAN CHANGE IT!

Most are unaware of this…OR their abilities.

I have PERSONALLY met a Mayan Medicine Man who DIED in his OTHER “Script”…yet was HERE, Alive, in THIS one.  He KNEW his plane had crashed.  KNEW he was killed.  And “HERE I AM, re.  WHAT HAPPENED!???”

Reminded him of HIS Medicine Student Days learning….About PARALLEL TIMES.

“You had SWITCHED, Brother…at the VERY LAST SECOND!


He then recalled.  “NOW I understand!  Yes, I DID!  THANKS re!”

What he did, so TOO can YOU…or, in “like mind”…US!

A Mass EXODUS from HERE to a BETTER one.


IS there a NEW Parallel Time that you / I / WE can go too?  IF YOU UNDERSTAND…if NOT, it Will be INSTANTLY MADE!  A BRAND NEW “Parallel” TIME!  Made by WANTING and CHANGING to OUR WILL!  “HE” has THAT ABILITY.  To INSTANTLY Switch you / us TO OUR WILL…and again: INSTANTLY!  (FASTER THEN YOU can BLINK!).

As “far fetched” as this seems, I’ve PROVEN to a number of others EACH HAS CONTROL OF THE “DIRECTION” OF OUR / THEIR LIFE!

I tell you true:  you GET what you EXPECT!

HEAR ME on this last line.

You / We are GETTING what we EXPECT.  Our WILL!

Don’t like it?  CHANGE IT!

Hope this helps.  re


A brother sent:

Good morning Red Elk
We too have had a great two days. Saturday We shared with several close friends & family about the path Dad  has put me on. Was able to help one deal with the up coming loss of a loved one in her life. She is mostly concerned about her 3 year old child & how she will handle not having grandpa around any longer. As the mom had a traumatic experience w/her uncles passing @ age 12 & feels her daughter is too young to understand. I explained to her that as we get older & loss our child like mind, we @ the same time loss touch with our spiritual self. & it is us adults who do not understand. The little  3 year old is more in touch with her spiritual side & the Spirit is giving her  peace that she will someday see her grandpa again. The mother, my friend, had a long pause & in her way said, “shutup”! You see teacher, we are all in touch with our Spirit, it just needs to be revived. & once We awaken the Spirit in others We must move quickly in order to keep riding the wave as it can pass us by.
Brother, just as you are honest & true with me, I want to be the same for you. With that said, I hope you take no offence to my words as I mean no disrespect. The Awakening is up on our people Now. I understand you must make it to & from your home & other places to do you meetings but to ask for more then needed to spread the word is greed or appears greedy to many. Now you have given me much advice on my issues as they appear immortal to you & many. Well my brother, I guess this is my stand with charging for teachings that Papa so willing gave you to share with others. Sure I understand that pride has its hold & the people are receiving teachings of a wise man that has great knowledge & this is worth something to them but did Papa tell you to charge money? & why, to support your organizction? Sure you are turning the moneys over to help teach & show how to build cheap shelters but what good are these structures if they can’t get out of town? Have you truly taught All that Papa has sent you? With love

Red Elk responded:

Have you ever held a job?
Of course you have.  Have you ever did that work 10 to 18 hours a day and often 7 days a week, all at your own expense (food / electric bills / garbage / gas / buying or maintaining your transportation / etc.?  Ever feed your wife and children on that withOUT a paycheck?  Over 10 full years now I’ve done alot of this with next to no $$.  I’ve put out hundreds of dollars answering mail alone.  A few THOUSAND of OUR IRS Tax return(s) on trips that where to be “paid”. We’ve lent well over $3,000.00 on loans that were / are not paid back.

Now:  these domes are here for people to SEE.  Aren’t in our small woods area, Hidden, UNABLE to be seen.  Unable to be Learned from.  EXPOSED…to TEACH.
Give HOPE.  A “place” nearly any can build…. for next to nothing.
Not only seen HERE but on a number of internet sights as well.  SEEN BY WORLD WIDE PEOPLE.
Not DRAWN pictures, but SEEABLE FACTS.
Its one thing to talk a good talk…quite another to WALK it as well. Christ’s way.  Aho?

You say “no disrespect”…but this SHOWS disrespect.  Not so much to Me…but to GOD’S WORD and His SON’S Teachings.

As I told you (and EVERYONE), what you learn / are told by me IS free.  LEARN FROM HIS WORD.  Doesn’t cost you a cent.

And, as told, “you pay me to DO your HOMEWORK.”

People are either too lazy or too much in a hurry or too dang POWER seeking.

I don’t know if you went to college, but you DID go to School.  The teachers they’re PAYED by taxes TO TEACH such as You.  Without them you’d still be struggling to add / subtract / read / etc.  CAN, for FREE if you’re good enough I suppose.  THANK GOD THO the PAID Government Leaders made SCHOOLING a “MUST” Law…..and THOSE officials PAID too.


NOW is the time of LEARNING this “Walk Way”…and ONLY a FEW will comprehend.  HE IS CALLING OUT    HIS    PEOPLE…right NOW!

And ONLY those who can COMPREHEND this / these for HIGHER Heaven Level….will BE HIS!  He is WEEDING OUT the CHAFF!   Right NOW!

You are new in all this.  So it’s understandable what you’ve written.   TOO NEW,    TO “Teach The Teacher”!

As you learn (by MUCH MORE Bible Reading) you’ll SEE :  “Do NOT Muzzle The Oxen”….and other things about HELPING THE TEACHERS ALONG THE “WAY”.

AFTER you read His Word…THEN let’s share things you think I’m doing wrong on. ‘TIL then, SHAME ON YOU, And:

“GET THEE BEHIND ME, Satan!”   Aho?   GB   re

PS- the writer of this Email came “back” 3 times.  He’s now “on his own ’til he grows.  Tho Scripture says “turn the other cheek…and 7 X 70….THAT is NOT THE BIBLE (on last) BUT THE CHURCH’S (Man’s) DOING!  TO CONTROL THEIR “subjects”.  GOD’S WAY says 3 TIMES…then, if no attention to the telling…HAVE NO MORE TO DO WITH ‘EM!  I gave him his 3.  Now between him and Dad.
The Emailer WILL grow up / wise! “L” FEARS HIM and is trying to impede his growth. THIS should help!  ( :    re


I’d like to share with you the JOY one can derive from doing for others.  As you scroll down and get into the SKYDOME pictures, KNOW the PLEASURE I’M FEELING doing this (and the other 2).  Built to SHOW.  Built to be SEEN.  Built to (hopefully) INSPIRE….and ALL built VERY CHEAPLY.

ALL because our Creator has set me on the path to HELP OTHERS.

These 3 (more yet to be added…I THINK) are “The Village Of YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW”.  Sky(s)Dome is made on the lines of a European “Gypsy BENDER”.  VERY BIG.  Seats 7…+ !  Sleeps 3 if needed.  One Piece…including Bathroom and “Attic”.  Very little here that I had to buy (thank you donators – I set aside a small amount of each donation to help pay for things needed on these).  Almost ALL of WILLOWS (on all 3).  FREE “Weed Trees” from local farmers wanting more pasture room.  The Giant HAY TARPS are seconds and throwaways.  ALL, FREE.  Various things…FREE things…”blow offs” found on roadsides, Etc..  I bought little.

My “Hobbit Hut / Gnome Home” (my first), built by digging into a FREE county dump truck of Ditch clean-out.  THAT LOAD MADE A PLACE FOR 4! (2 adults, a baby and one small child). Built on an OJIBWA design.

#2…Adam’s Dome is of an APACHE Wickiup design.  Sleeps 3 (in emergency).

I get GREAT PLEASURE at seeing my IMAGINATION turn to INVISIONING and from THAT, into REALITY.  ALL because I’ve learned to FOLLOW Big Brother, Jesus, the Christ.

Now these tiny structures can be duplicated because they ARE…not something one just READS ABOUT.  VISUAL FACTS.

These are made to show what our ANCESTORS used….Long Ago…and what will be used, AGAIN, in our not to distant future.  Made from what can be SCROUNGED.

A teaching lesson for all.

Yes, it IS Good…to be a part of HIM.  Aho?    re


A seeker sent this:

Here’s an article you might want to forward on to those on the mailing list who will listen. I remember a while back you wrote about how food/energy prices are going to go up we’ll here’s proof that food prices are going up and will only keep doing so. I can’t think of a better time to stock up on food so when you don’t have the money to buy food at least you have a months worth in reserve to hold you and your family over.

This is Starting to Get Very Real: Agricultural Commodity Prices Have Exploded and Now the Price of Food is Beginning to Rise Substantially in the United States and All Over the World

By Michael Snyder – BLN Contributing Writer

Do you believe that you will always be able to run out to Wal-Mart or to the local supermarket and buy massive amounts of inexpensive food?  If so, you might want to think again.  During 2010, agricultural commodity prices have absolutely exploded.  Nearly every single important agricultural commodity has seen a double digit percentage price increase.  In fact, the S&P GSCI Agriculture Index recently surged to a fresh two year high.  Now food producers and retailers are starting to pass those commodity price increases on to consumers.  Today when I went to the supermarket I was absolutely startled by some of the price increases that I witnessed.  On some of the items that I most commonly purchase, prices were up 20 or 30 percent.  So just what in the world is going on here?  Well, it turns out that there was a lot of bad weather around the world this year, so many harvests were worse than projected.  In addition, the growing population of the world has an increasingly voracious appetite for food.  When supply gets tighter as demand continues to go up that means that prices are going to increase.    On a recent article on our sister site entitled “Rampant Inflation In 2011? The Monetary Base Is Exploding, Commodity Prices Are Skyrocketing And The Fed Wants To Print Lots More Money” a reader named Erica left a comment describing the food prices that she is seeing in her area….
Food inflation is real, and it is here. Just yesterday I compared my receipt from a grocery run to prices I have from the same exact store from September 15, 2009. Bacon? Up 52% to $13.69 from $8.99 for 4 lbs. Butter? Up 73% to $9.99 from $5.79 for 4 lbs. Pure vanilla extract up 14% to $6.79 from $5.95. Chopped dried onions up a mere 2% but minced garlic (wet) was up 32%.
These price increases are not a coincidence.  This is happening all over the United States.
Food inflation is here and it is not going away any time soon.
In fact, food inflation is hitting consumers hard all over the globe this fall….
*According to the United Nations, international wheat prices have soared 60 to 80 percent since July.
*Since the beginning of 2010, the price of bread has gone up 17 percent and the price of meat has gone up 15 percent in European Union countries.
*The inflation rate in Russia rose to 7 percent in September primarily because of rising food costs.
*Turkey’s inflation rate accelerated to 9.2 percent in September, and authorities there are primarily blaming rising food prices for the increase.
*Food riots have already erupted in the poverty-stricken country of Mozambique and the government there is desperately trying to maintain order.
*Food prices have doubled in Afghanistan and authorities are warning that there could be an outbreak of famine unless the nation quickly receives more humanitarian aid.
So is there hope that things are going to get better in the years ahead?
No, not really.
In fact, global demand for food is only going to increase in the years to come.
Global demand for meat and poultry is forecasted to increase 25 percent by 2015.
Overall, it is being projected that global demand for food will more than double over the next 50 years.
So where in the world will all of that extra food come from?
That is a very good question.
Meanwhile, rising food prices threaten to send a new wave of inflation sweeping across the globe.
Mark O’Byrne, the executive director of GoldCore in Dublin, was recently quoted in Bloomberg as saying that the Federal Reserve “continues to be worried about low inflation, but the rising prices seen in agricultural commodities such as wheat would suggest that they may be looking in the rear-view mirror and should be more concerned about inflation, especially in the medium and long term.”
As mentioned earlier, wheat prices have soared 60 to 80 percent this year, but wheat is not the only agricultural commodity that is going up big time.
In a recent article entitled “An Inflationary Cocktail In The Making“, Richard Benson listed many of the other agricultural commodities that have spiked in price in 2010….
*Coffee: 45%
*Barley: 32%
*Oranges: 35%
*Beef: 23%
*Pork: 68%
*Salmon: 30%
*Sugar: 24%
So are American families seeing large increases in pay to keep up with all of this food inflation?
No, actually incomes are going down.
Median household income in the United States fell from $51,726 in 2008 to $50,221 in 2009.
In fact, of the 52 largest metro areas in the nation, only the city of San Antonio did not see a decline in median household income in 2009.
American families are being squeezed like never before, and the last thing that they need is for the price of food to start moving up substantially.
But it isn’t just the price of food that is going up.
Health insurance companies across the United States are announcing that health insurance premiums are going to go up substantially this year because of the new health care law.
American consumers can only be stretched so far.
Eventually something has got to give.
In fact, we are already seeing more Americans beginning to fall into poverty than ever before.  Today, one out of every six Americans is now enrolled in at least one anti-poverty program run by the federal government.
Unfortunately, there is every indication that the Federal Reserve wants to make inflation every worse.
It seems like almost every single day now a different official from the Federal Reserve makes public comments about how another round of quantitative easing is going to be necessary in order to stimulate the U.S. economy.
But if the Federal Reserve pumps even more paper money into the financial system isn’t that going to put inflationary pressure on the economy?
Of course.
It is time to wake up.
Your dollars are never going to stretch farther than they do today.
The price of food is going to continue to go up.

Few realize what it takes to feed the masses.  In this case, I will use commercial fishermen as an example:   YOU may see (Basically) a BOAT.  Then the CREW.

It takes FAR FAR MORE THEN THAT to catch a FISH!

It takes the Nuts and Bolts, the TRANSPORTATION to GET those nuts / bolts to the boat MAKER.  Roads for those trucks to travel.  Laborers to build THOSE.  FACTORIES Built to MAKE the parts.  Laborers….even to the “lowest” SWEEPER….just to help BUILD THE BOAT.

THOUSANDS, World Wide….Miners to Paper Workers….WORLD WIDE….just to BUILD THE BOAT!

Then the NETS / Etc.  ON and ON….the WORLD’S WORKERS “provide”.  Aho?

Then, once fueled and tested, and crew assembled…the boat goes to sea.  Out to cast its net.

The oceans are VAST.  But they prevail.  Some days are good…some not.

One never knows…but go on, trying.  Aho?

I, Red Elk, am a crew member.  One who “casts the net.”  But that’s ALL I am.  Without HUNDREDS behind me….the boat wouldn’t BE there…OR be able to go out.

To those who back me AND THE BOAT….the boat CAN go forth to fish.

The Creator is the Fleet Owner.  HE OWNS and see to ALL Needed to “get His Fleet” on the waters.

WITHOUT YOUR HELP….WITHOUT YOUR BEING A PART….this could not be…OR go on.  We ALL “Have a part”.  NEED each other.

I just cast a net.  YOU SUPPORT that DOING.

Either by donations OR BY PRAYER.

Donations brings the fuel needed.  PRAYER MAKES THE JOURNEY SAFE.


Thank You ALL, for being a PART of THIS JOURNEY.

I LOVE to Fish!




GB   re.


A brother seeker sent this email:
I’m home now from vancouver island. Would love to come for a visit but i understand that you are very busy. An ideal situation would be that i could help in some way. Maybe a carpool somewhere or if you needed some help with building, ect… Probably would be able to make time for that until i have to leave for the island again towards the end of the month. Otherwise we’ll leave my visit for a time when things have settled down for you. (Would be selfish otherwise)
I have to thank you for opening my eyes to the adventure that life is at any given moment. I’ve been testing making a connection with animals with great results. The concept of love as a tangible force WORKS! It makes a strong connection and then it also washes negativity from us.(Like predatory instinct.) A raven flew by as i was walking in the country. I loved every aspect and detail of the bird. Saw the feathers and the detail within them. The way the wind moved them. I could almost see/imagine through the birds eyes. When I called to it to my surprise it spun around and flew straight for me. It was flying purposefully to the south so it was wierd that it would all of a sudden fly for me. In my surprise I thought what if it lands on me. Of course with that thought the connection was interupted and the bird flew straight above my head and turned as I looked up. It then flew purposefully the original direction it was going in. Incredible (Funny, as if a large raven would land on me. If i could of kept the connection maybe it would of landed in front of me or on a tree close by.) Since meeting with you I’ve gotten within feet of a badger, a crow, family of sparrows, and a mink. As well as seeing of in the distance a variety of wildlife big and small with open eyes. It seems animals are a lot like people with there thoughts. Sometimes they don’t want to come, they have things to do. Sometimes they just don’t care, ect.. But some of them are curious and want to be friends.
Thank you for this universal way of being and the power in LOVE, it’s working for everything.

I ‘deal’ with a LOT of people.  A large number who call themselves Christians.  Doesn’t seem to matter WHAT “Way” each holds…they ALL have a tendency to COMPLAIN ABOUT THEIR GOVERNMENT!

I ‘speak’ to the CHRISTIAN “community” here:



I see no LOVE here.  I see no OBEDIENCE here.  I SEE NO TRUE CHRISTIANS here.


Put UP! And SHUT up!    re

At the end of the Great Vision, I asked the Creator why He showed me these things.  “His” reply (audibly) was :

The people are NOT READY for the Up-Coming times.  To BE ready, they MUST do THESE 3 THINGS:     Read my Word (bible)…………………. DAILY

BELIEVE ALL they read IN IT…………DAILY   (Using the Concordance.  re)

PRAY, ON their KNEES…………………DAILY

Tell ALL what you have seen.  ALL you have heard.  THEN, they WILL BE READY!



( Remember, folks, the Great Vision was given several years ago now.  I have shared WORLD WIDE since.  INCLUDING this Last. “He” has made ALL this possible. From the first Coast-to-Coast show in Dec. 1999 to now.  Radio ,  TV,  PC and Personal letters and Talks.  HE arranged ALL…NOT I !  Interviews / All, CAME to ME.)


For those of you who have ‘followed’ my tellings and Know them, you have been witnesses that the Vision (3 days) have held true.  To Date : 100 %!!!

He warned, I told….and He has backed His telling.


“Stand By” folks, not ALL has yet occurred !   THERE IS “MORE TO COME”.

Believe (me) or not…IT IS NOT STOPPED!

And the way we are going, it WILL NOT!

It WILL end, as told.


The student sat across the Picnic table from me.  A “Hungry One”…and (PTL) one who TESTS.

During her days with me she kept returning to this same phrase:  “I WISH I COULD LEARN THE SACRED SILENCE.”

MANY times.


Finally, here she was, doing so once again.


I looked at her and said : ” SHUT UP!”

(Are YOU like this?  Well, then:  SHUT UP!)   ( :    re

Good morning Red Elk
Had another great experience with a tree. In OUR front yard of the home here in Spokane, there are two giant maple trees that are over100 years old. They provide wonderful shade from the hot southern mid day sun, covering the entire house. The tree to the east is in need of trimming as the lower branches are almost touching the ground. My intentions this last spring was to climb up the tree & remove the Y witch included all the lower branches & one large trunk size branch but never got around to it. Well, last night while enjoying my tobacco, I decided to ask the tree how it wanted to be trimmed this fall. It told me, “see how I am leaning to the southeast, if  you take the large branch off my northwest side it will cause a shift of weight & make my journey here shorter & more difficult”. It also told me that if I were to trim the large branch on the southeast side of tree, it would help reduce stress on it & the tree would replace the large
hole it would create in time. Now my these are my new intentions.
I wanted you to know teacher that I would not have come to the awearness that WE could talk to trees without your wisdom. I now see with child like eyes & mind. I also see that our people have placed their faith in technology & not in Dad. Sure we walk around w/a” WWJD” attitude but don’t have the faith of even a mustered seed. So I say to our people, read Mark 4:21-32 with  the eyes of a child, & ask yourself, “where do I place my faith, where is my LIGhT?”. Do you trust in Dad w/the faith of a mustered seed?
You see teacher, I also see myself as a mustered seed to our people now, may my branches continue to grow thick & strong. & I pray that others see the faith I have in our Creator & it inspires faith of Dad in others. I also pray that others come to this awareness & that their branches too grow strong, Aho? ONE LOVE  ONE CREATOR! TG

Kinda Cool, isnt it!  ( :   The CA gal just left, but she TOO went out and experienced ON HER OWN.  Then I took her to the grass…had her walk barefoot to / on it, then lay down.  ABSORBING “Mom’s” ENERGY…AND The CHILD-LIKE MIND.  Being a KID again.  While down, I introduced her to the several tiny grass bugs.  Following their busy walkabouts.  Leading their daily lives.  Showing even so TINY ones as these think THEY are “People”.  DO as WE DO…look for food , a mate, a place to sleep, etc..  Then told her to dig BELOW the grass roots…see what lives THERE…and DEEPER.  Telling that All need EACH that we 2 Legged can eat / survive. Again, saying WE ALL NEED EACH OTHER.  Introduced her to A grass leaf.  Had her PET it!  SHE SENSED ITS PLEASURE.  Suddenly OTHERS BENT TO HER HAND (no wind) to get PETTED TOO!
ALL this NEW to her.
She SAID:  “Its like visiting DISNEYLAND in a 2 foot AREA!”
Man has forgotten the wonders of Childhood.  Too busy to pay attention.  SHE IS LEARNING!  Ho   re

See you tomorrow.  GB   re