Category : dome home

In response to this post, a brother said:

That makes a lot of sense, Nature sense. Thanks, you know GOD had the twelve tribes circle around the pillar of fire and smoke with their openings to their tents facing the Pillar. GOD bless

Red Elk replied:

Forgot that.  Thank YOU!

If I recall (?) wasn’t JERICHO Circled a number of times before the Hebrews blew their horns?  I don’t recall HOW MANY CIRCLES (if they did).  Do you recall?  Interested (reason WHY too)!  (Hummm, gotta study this).


What is the SON Symbolic of?  ETERNAL LIFE!   GB    re

A sister replied to Red Elk:

They marched around the city once a day for 6 days, with seven priests carrying 7 rams’ horns in front of the Ark, and on the 7th day they marched around 7 times, blew the horns, and then the whole of Israel shouted and the walls fell.

Kind of funny that most people wouldn’t consider circles for themselves but don’t think anything of putting plants in them.

Red Elk replied:

Thanks.  Been a long time since I’ve read THOSE passages.

Yes, is odd, isn’t it.   Re


My comment on the use of a Circle for sleep / meditation has caused 3 returns.  All 3 wanting to try it but an impossibility in their bedrooms.  This IS a problem.

Ever consider WHY so many NA make a “circled” abode (others, world wide, too)?


Our Great Turtle (Mother Earth) and all planets CIRCLE the sun.

It STARTS there.

Many Nature Beings build on that ‘line’.  Birds / Squirrels / Beavers….even schools of many fish swim in vast circling ways.  Many Herds stand against their enemies in a  circle.

We NA observed this and paid attention.

You are not aware that the Pyramids were CIRCLE Set.  Their 4 corners TOUCHED the EDGE of A CIRCLE!

TiPis / Domes / Hogans are Circle “based”.

Why has the “civilized” world gone Square?!


Circles allow Earth’s wind flows to be less disrupted.  Not so SQUARES!  Squares FIGHT the wind. “STAND AGAINST them….and get KNOCKED DOWN!”  NATURE FIGHTS BACK, in a sense.

To me, square buildings are an offense…AND an ARROGANCE, toward the Creator.  “He” set the circle way up…and MAN STANDS AGAINST “Him”!

If you will note,  The NA Nations that “lived Square” were often the more WAR-LIKE.

Lots to consider, that most never EVEN THINK OF.

Some NA built along the line of a COCKROACH body shape.  Rather low…Round ends, Sloped Walls.

Science says the cockroach has not changed its shape in “ages”…AND say THEY will be the Survivors of nuclear holocausts, as well.

Yes, LOTS to consider.

OK, Can’t “circle” your bed?   THEN CIRCLE YOUR HOUSE!  Even if a COCKROACH “Circle”.  Use PLANTS to “draw your circle”.  Re-design your LANDSCAPE to protect / energize the WHOLE HOUSE!

Then, your Square is IN a CIRCLE!

Just as are the pyramids.       re


We’ve “busted” our old piping under our kitchen sink.  $$ lack = IMPROVISing is needed ‘til………….

I have an oval shaped plastic tool carrier.  2 compartments. One per side….carrying handle between.

Washed it, filled one side with dish soap water…the other side used to rinse.  WORKS LIKE A CHARM!  Even pots and pans and frying pans.

Bio-degradable soap and NATURAL Soap Weed isn’t in our area.


Was intending to use this in the domes.  Thought it would “do”.  Now have Proof of it!  PTL!

I “trash” the water in the septic Leech Field.  Can’t afford Bio-Degradable soap and NATURAL ‘Soap Weed’ isn’t available in our area.

Didn’t know such was even ‘THERE’?   LOTS we don’t know (myself included).  My own “Indian Awareness” is forefront in my life, so I STUDY….and LOTS of study, at that.  Wanna learn?  Can you READ?  Well, START READING, then Get OUT THERE and TEST!

You’ll both save $$ and Enjoy being OUTDOORS at the same time! Helps make LIFE less Stressful.  THERAPEUTIC to your Inner Being.

While looking into NA “dish washing” ways of the Ancestors…look about our POT SCRUBBERS, too.  HORSE TAIL “weeds”!

READ  HUNT  TEST.  “Dad” has ALWAYS provided.  WHY DO YOU RELY ON EXPENSIVE Man-Done things?!!  GB    re



If any are considering building a small “Hobbit Hut”….keep this ALWAYS IN MIND:    There are NO MISTAKES!  “Mistakes” just = CHARACTER,  in one of these.  Work WITH ‘EM.
With this in mind, let your imagination ROLL.  So SIMPLE building one of these…once THAT’S understood.  So MUCH SO, you are an “Instant” BUILDING CONTRACTOR!  Aho?   ( :


BEAUTIFUL DAY.  A “DO” day.  Cut Sky’s Bed Ledge front.  Leaving a narrow storage “shelf” beside the bed.  On now level main floor will go his 2 seat/table with back to ledge wall.  (There are 2 of these)…the other will be across from this set.

WAS going to dig a storage spot for the portable fire pit but instead have a better place below his Tri-Pod “pots/pans/etc.” area.  Easier to get to when wanted.  Pull it out to middle of floor for “campfire”.  LOTS of inner floor space for this.

Added an upright in a gap.  Will take and move 2 or 3 from circle.  This is going to make that side FAR more WIND RESISTANT.  (The Worse direction to wind).

One upright sprung out of its hole.  MY FAULT.  FORGOT to set THAT ONE Deep!  Easy to fix…slip a PVC “sleeve” on it…dig the deeper hole…put sleeve in and press that into hole.  PTL!

Meachelle came out to see.  LIKES the CHANGES.

Don’t know about Sky tho.  He stays inside and plays his %!##@ games.

That’s ok…taken His Plan and expanded it for better use.  Like it or not…that’s the way it WILL be!  Aho?

He doesn’t know about the added on Toilet area.  WON’T like it!  WILL tho when winter comes!  Either THERE or a COLD WALK to the Other Outhouse.  ( :

Will go add more willow horizontals in a bit.  LOTS of them!  Then will use what wire I have left…do the Top and both Windward sides.  Willows will have to do the rest.  Aho?

Still trying to keep the price down.  Aho?

Used all but 2 PVC pipes.  CLEANING UP THE “TRASH” LOOK of our “yard”.

M, in looking about…”sees” yet ANOTHER dome…darn near filling up the area.  A True “VILLAGE”!

Can, but can ALSO make THAT as a SWEAT LODGE!  (or do both).

Have enough salvage to do this AND 2 OR 3 OTHER Places….AND the room FOR ‘em…withOUT “crowding”.


Creator knows, “as is”, right NOW, I’ve plenty of “Guest(S)” Room!   ( :  ( :

Skydome sleeps one (on the ledge) n 2 to 3 ON THE FLOOR (if wanted / needed). Add THOSE and STILL SPACE TO MOVE ABOUT…this is THAT BIG!!!

Using 4 inch foam rubber as the “mattresses”.  ON HAND (freebys) ones.   ( :

Just more “trash” around this place.  Aho?

Turning Trash into Treasure….USEABLE treasure.  PTL!

So that’s “it” for now.  GB    re


PS on Dome / Tipi


So far has done an EXCELLENT JOB.  IF doesn’t, yet an INSIDE trench is being thought.  This on INSIDE of my Wall.

ALL trenching MUST be SLOPED to LOWEST PART OF LAND the dome is at.  Leading the trench BEYOND the Entryway.  Aho?

We’ve had some HEAVY rains.  So far, not a problem.

I DO DITTO TO MY Tipis!   Aho?     re


In response to this post, a reader writes:

Dear RE,

I have been following,w/great interest,your dome building

projects. How do they hold up in high winds and rain…we

are having some very strong storms in the area where I am


Yrs ago,I made a Tipi (from scratch)…sewed in on my sewing

machine…made it 2/3’s scale of avg TIPI. While camping in

it…a tornado came thru….all the store tents,campers,etc were

blown over…the leaning cone/TIPI survived nicely and I was

able to walk out of it,w/a cup of steaming coffee, to the

astonishment of other campers in the primitive camp area…

who had made such fun of the tipi when we arrived at our camp

site…they even thought we brought our own fire wood; the lodge

poles on top of the van we had to use to transport the poles…

we did have firewood inside of the van!  A great experience

for my son…who learned to, “chop wood and carry water”, as

the saying goes.

Do the domes hold up as well in high winds and pounding


We too,had curious people who wanted to see the TIPI…both

inside and out….we made it more beautiful by attaching wide and long ribbons,the colors of the rainbow,to the tips of the lodge poles…it was a fun project…many fond memories of it’s con-

struction and use. Camped in it….all seasons…including cold

and snow….could heat water inside and take sponge baths.

My nephew(a twin & an artist) is moving to Seatle,WA…next

week…leaving Kansas City,MO.


Red Elk replies:

I too have Fond Memories of my 5 Tipis.  Had 6 but last SO BIG (28 ft.) I couldn’t “lock” the poles before wind (“REGULAR” WIND HERE) Knocked ‘em down and broke most.  Sold it last summer.  I LOVE ‘EM!  BUT hauling those POLES are a BIG HASSLE!  And to LUG ‘EM IN to a secluded spot….FORGET IT!

I’d never go LESS then a 16′ or BIGGER then 22′.  16’ easiest and can easily handle 3 people.  18′ kinda “Super” but you’re getting into pole hassles…(I LIKE VERY LONG POLES).

In my 16’ we once had 22 people, doing a Sing Sing.  Firepit going AND ALL OUR (6) One Week’s gear. HAD a BALL!

The other problem (as you know) is it’s a PEOPLE “DRAWER”.  Aho?

Certainly NOT “stealth”.

Then too…the skin SLOPE!  STEALS from Walk-About room.

A Tipi’s “room” is WHEN YOU SIT (next to “skin”).   Aho?

Many Tipi owners do NOT know how to set them up Properly.  YOU MUST NOT have the skin TOUCH THE GROUND.  Up the poles about 2 to 5 inches.  Many TOO do NOT use an INNER LINER (“wall”).  Thus their Tipis are COLD.  Even WITH “tacked” TIGHT to the ground.  That INNER LINER has 3 functions :  Outside wind / air hits its Backside…then the Fire’s HEAT “catches” it…creating a CHIMNEY EFFECT.  Clears the smoke at Fire-Start time VERY FAST.  Any NOT HAVING A LINER is just darn STUPID!

It STOPS Inner Shadows against the skin.  Better PRIVACY as well as Harder to find a human TARGET when shooting INTO the Tipi.


I stuffed mine with Boughs and Dead Weeds and Straw, in winter.  Adding to the INSULATION.  SMELLED GREAT in was “comfy” inside in HIGHER Low teens.  AFTER the cold gets LOWER…I used ANOTHER, TALLER, “Liner” put on / around OUTSIDE the Tipi “proper”.

This 3 to 4 feet from Tipi skin and TOO “Packed” with insulating material.

In this set-up I spent 2 full HARD WINTERS.  Got to 42 degrees BELOW 0 in second.

I’d let the fire go out…but have QUICK FIRE MATERIAL next to it for morning starting.  Then crawled into LOTS of BLANKETS and CALL MY MALAMUTE!  He HATED the bed’s HEAT, so would end sleeping next to me on TOP of the blankets.

I LOVE “MUTES!”  BIG (110 + lbs.).  GREAT COMPANIONS…almost NEVER Howl / Bark (don’t draw attention)…Size SCARES “enemies”…eat VERY LITTLE (a Cocker Spaniel easily out-eats ‘em)…can PULL and can PACK….PLUS are GREAT “Bed Warmers”!

I do NOT TRUST ANY WITH “light” “blue” EYE(s).  TOO UNTRUSTWORTHY (in general) around kids / people / other dogs I’ve found.

I do NOT care for the SMALLER Malamutes.  TOO MUCH LIKE A HUSKY.  High “WIRED”!  No, give me the milder BIG ONES.

I “FIX” ALL MINE.  Less “wandering” (males) and DONT DRAW WOLVES / COYOTES (females), or cause Fights.

Learned to carry a Heavy CHAIN to “LAY” (not SLAP) on dogs backs when fights occurred.  They RARELY Fight, but when they DO…it’s for MORE then “BLOOD”…its for MURDER!  They LIVE for a “GOOD SCAP”.  Don’t LOOK for it but if it comes : “HOT DAMN! FIGHT! FIGHT!”  Aho.

A BIG mistake to “wade in”.  YOU TAKE YOUR CHANCES.  In that mode, they are WILD WOLVES!

Still, having had MANY MANY Breeds of dogs over my years, LARGE MALAMUTES are WAY ABOVE the TOP OF MY LIST as CAMP and HOME Dogs.

Now…back to Tipis :  I too have  built a number (to sell).  I do NOT at ALL, care for the TIPS OF THE SMOKE FLAPS that “cup” the flap(s) up.  THEY WEAR THROUGH!  Next thing you know, that VERY IMPORTANT FEATURE (flap)  starts SLIDEING DOWN THE POLE!

UGLY and making the flap(s) near useless.  No, I GO FOR A STRONG LOOP UP THERE!  A “cross” piece of wood on the Flap Pole(s) stops THAT!  NEVER HAVE HAD A PROBLEM WITH THIS WAY……LOTS with the “cup”.  Aho?

DOOR should be TWO.  A WIDER one INSIDE and draped (like the other)…OUTSIDE at base.  I USE BOTH IN WINTER Snows!  (I’ve had 3 times a SINGLE has PUSHED IN AT BASE with snow.  Had to DIG OUT!

Also, SWITCH in summer and use the INNER Big One as a “Porch Roof”.  Regular one as door.  Aho?

I also advocate CROSSing WILLOWS (etc) at INSIDE Liner.  No liner “puffing” and LOOKS GOOD!

That “puffing” takes away from Setting / Sleeping room.

There are Other features I had OR WILL HAVE (if I get another).

It’s not likely I Will get another tho.  Gone to “Cockroach shelled” DOMES.

Before I get into them, tho….Tipis are STILL SO TALL they DO CATCH WIND!  Shape or not…they DO.  Aho?

Now, DOMES:  I do NOT LIKE DOMES YOU CAN BUY / or get as KITS!  Not at ALL!

ALL of these SLOPE IN at base.  Like a BALL cut (halved) just below center.  TOO HIGH AT THE BASE!


Either BERM that base to “cockroach body” it, or, as I : BUILD your own.

Of my 3, 2 are ON GROUND (and TOO HIGH (as far as I’m concerned)).   One is being bermed now.  The other I intend to.

The other is built INTO the ground…AND STILL BEING BERMED!

I say “cockroach”…meaning OBLONG and LOW!

This causes winds to FLOW OVER…not SLAM OVER.

Until the edging of MY domes are WELL-LOCKED DOWN (by berming) you DO have BIG Problems with WIND.  CATCHES THE BOTTOM EDGES and off comes the cover!


As mine, you can build a STRAIGHT Wall (no room-stealing SLOPE)  ABOVE the wall the DOME “sloping” starts…yet PLENTY TALL ENOUGH to STAND FULLY IN.  Even 6′ plus tall people.

BUT…the DISADVANTAGE of a Dome over a Tipi…..your dome is THERE!  “Permanent”.  Tipis, despite the poles, ARE MOVEABLE.

So, Pros and Cons of both.  Aho?

I will say this tho…a dome (such as mine) gives FAR MORE INTERIOR LEEWAY then does a Tipi.

I will be experimenting with PERMANENT Dome FRAMES, this summer.  Put several up…A cover that can cover each.  ONE Cover… MANY hidden FRAMES.  Aho? FRAMES are PERMANENT but you CAN MOVE TO ANOTHER cause YOU have THE (only) Cover!  Aho?

So, sister, take your pick…or simply learn how to make a 4 SEASON Lean-To.   GB    re


I just was loading my truck with several bags of our garbage to go to the dump. As I did I was reminded that: “This is YOU.  As you clean the porch it not only gets rid of the trash, IT MAKES THE PORCH LOOK CLEAN AND REFRESHING AGAIN.
This trash is as You, Red Elk.  YOU collect.  You “HAVE.”  You are not liking the SIMPLICITY of OF WHAT YOUR LIFE CAN BE!  So, you gripe and moan…BECAUSE YOU “CLING” to NEEDLESS “THINGS”….And ADD TO IT!

This represents Your INNER Spiritual Life!

I AM GETTING YOU PREPARED  I N S I DE !   FREE!   “Trash Free.”  Do you understand?

You can do something about it Now…or FORCE ME to do it FOR YOU, LATER!  The choice is yours, My Son.  Either you help Me help YOU…NOW….or it won’t be only Meachelle who “won’t like it”…IT WILL be YOU, AS WELL!  AHO?

Hear Me :   TO have NOT is to have ALL -  ME!    It must be done to LEARN TO TRUST ME  F  U  L  L  Y!   YOU, Others MUST BE THE TORCH THAT OTHERS WILL COME TO!  Aho?”

I have just returned from the garbage dump.  Thinking on what was shared by “Him” and thinking “that was IT”…not so!

It continued:
“Now you know why nothing was given to contemplate on in this morning’s Prayer Time.  NOW is the ‘Contemplation.’ Aho?
Know this, son:  ‘To GET is to GIVE.’  As you realize, all these “things” are an outreach of your Inner Self (as you have already understood).  Now look deeper.  I have watched you learn.  Watched you Share.  This is GOOD.
I have ‘doled out’ my gifting to you over the years.  Always “just enough.” BARELY enough.  Yet you have reached your age despite the hardship.  I HAVE GIVEN so YOU COULD Learn AND SHARE.
You tell “look to nature” to learn.  This is True, for nature has MUCH to teach.
Now SEE THE BIRDS  (at this I was shown a nest with 3-4 young ones.  Each being fed.)
Do you see how one is Fatter then the others?  Do you see one is exceedingly weak?  WHY is it so?  LOOK!  The FAT ONE IS HOGGING OUT THE OTHERS!  “GIVE ME…GIVE  ME” is its mindset.  It doesn’t matter about its brethren, it ONLY CARES ABOUT ITSELF!  GREED!  This Greed is KILLING ONE and WEAKENING THE OTHERS!
‘Survival of the fittest’ its said.  SURVIVAL OF ITS  SELF wants.
Man is like that.
Yes, it grows fat…but IN ITS WEIGHT, when this one tries its wings, IT FALLS THE HARDEST!  Its GREED is HURTING IT!
Man is like that.


It is not LOVE and CARING that “WANT  WANT  WANT” provides at the end.  It is LOVE and CARING that BRINGS SURVIVAL FOR ALL!
Thus you TOO must be as a bird that SHARES…for ALL.

Now You must look into the ‘Lesson of the Birds’.

I have given and given and GIVEN.  Now your nest is LITTERED with the Leavings.  NOW You COMPLAIN: “I NEED A BIGGER NEST!”  And ask for such.  WHY?!  So  you have a BIGGER PLACE to MESS?!!
You’re big enough to FLY…Well, DO SO!

Leave the clutter.  Leave the nest.  It’s served its purpose.  You’ll ALWAYS remember it….but NOW you can have the WORLD as your “nest.”  LET GO OF “THINGS.”  FLY in the FREEDOM and JOY of BEING WHAT YOU ARE MEANT TO BE!  a FREE FLYER!
A thing of BEAUTY that the ‘landlocked’ MARVEL at, and Wish They TOO could SOAR.

It is one thing to be shown what you have…but QUITE ANOTHER to SHOW the Teaching of it.
This is but a study book. It is Not ’til you APPLY its teachings that MANIFESTATIONS BECOME!

I gave and GIVE the book.  YOU must give the AMBITION.

I leave you now.  It is up to YOU to apply, or grow FAT and get NOWHERE!  Ho.”



My Brothers and Sisters,
You are not me.  In many ways we are alike, yet each has their OWN “way.”  I’d like to share my thoughts on my way:   FREEDOM!  At least as I FEEL its meaning.
Do you KNOW what it’s like to be “unburdened?”  To have Nothing?
Right now I have so MUCH “Things.”  I’m literally Overflowing with “THINGS”…and I’m POOR?!!    Shoot, I can barely MOVE ABOUT in this house!  Can you believe FIVE TVs?!  FIVE for gosh sake!  Only 4 living here…WHY do I/We need FIVE!!!  ???
Our closets so JAM-PACKED we need to store “everyday” clothing in BOXES and LAUNDRY SACKS!

I’m stuck.   With a Collector….and my wife is just that.  SO AM I !
I can’t  NOT blame MySELF!  (Bad grammar, but true)


I LONG for “the simple life”…..the days I was in a TiPi.  That was NOT a LONG TIME AGO!  10 years?

Gosh it was nice, but it was Lonely.  Meachelle wanted nothing to do with it.   sigh

So I bent to her Will  (it’s called marriage).  HAVE and HAD to.

Do you know what it’s like to go from an Uncluttered space AND ITS CLEANLINESS, to one of WALKING Room ONLY in a BIG Space?


Well, guess what?  I’M GUILTY.

Yup, me.

Disgusting , isn’t it…………………….

Now I want “OUT.”  Up past my brown eyes in STUPIDITY.  “STUFF!”     stuff  Stuff  STUFF!

What an idiot……………………………

Well, I can do something about it.  At least to MY “stuff.”

Methinks our Living Creator will “help” M on hers.  A FORCED lesson.  She’s not gonna like it………



A MUST “way.”

Look about you.  See the clutter.   IS it WORTH IT?

Well, no.  Nice to have, but NECESSARY?   Only you can decide.  Me?  I WANNA “HIBERNATE” IN MY MINI DOME!

Thing is, tho IT’S “clean,” ALL my “STUFF” will still be within easy reach, mere yards away. Convenient.  Aho?


(I’ve got ALOT to think about.)



Been looking at local trees as I drive by….thinking “survival shelters.”  Has dawned on me that many’s out-reaching big branches could form quick and easy…and INTERESTING structures IF PLACED UPSIDE-DOWN with trunk straight up.  “Pre-Made” Wall BRACES!

A “Future Experiment?”   Anyway, something to “Brain File.”

Would be easy to plant these and cover with rush leaves/Long weed “sheathing”/tarp “wrap-around”/etc. to hold heat (SAFE fire) IN and Snow/Rain OUT.

Thought I’d pass this possibility on to you as a fun backyard possible project for a Garden “shed”/”Tent”/etc.    GB   re
