Clothes Washing Plunger

As of the 20th of this month I will no longer Add to the blog ‘Read Elk Speaks’. Nor reply to any comments.
Tho whats done will remain on, there will be no more then that.
The books will be continued on selling….they are my only source of income (beyond Social Security).
Please pass the word.
I’ve done all possible for as many as have had interest. I wish you all the best.
Please pass this on.
It is done.
God Bless you all!
Got it fully packed and headed for a One (+) mile.
Dirt and Gravel….WOODS and Hills…Slopes and UPs UPs UPS…then DOWN DOWN DOWN!
IT did great…I though, another matter. ( :
Took it to friends off in the boonies.
Three Rest Stops UP…One DOWN.
Learned quite a bit too.
Wearing Water Socks and TOTALLY worn out. Slicker than “S….”.
Now SUPER THIN. Like wearing Snow Skis when going down. “Spin Out” going UP!
Yup…need light weight Lugged Footwear when using THIS!
#2: Forgot that bottles of Pop “Fizzle” with the jogger’s “rock-n-roll”.
(Gotta remember that!).
#3: Front brake caliper needs adjustment.
#4: Would be wise to buy/take extra Brake Pads.
#5: A slight “zig zag” going, helpful…Up OR Down.
#6: I’m REALLY Out Of Shape!
(3 rest breaks UP…one DOWN).
# 7: Handlebar height JUST RIGHT for my 5 ft. 5 1/2 inch “frame.”
#8: It WORKS….and LIKE A CHARM!!!
# 9: Despite the high(ish) loading….No problem Tipping…even on some “bad” roadside slopes.
#10: OTHERS are SO IMPRESSED…THEY want to “try it”.
(Great news for ME) ( :
#11: STEALTHY! (“I didn’t hear you DRIVE up!”) ( :
#12: CAN BE MADE LIGHTER (gear).
#13: A “Swivel Wheel†front wheel NOT NEEDED. EASY enough to maneuver in ANY terrain. SWIVEL would be more a HINDERENCE then a help…UNLESS ON GOOD ROADs ONLY.
#14: A “Double” is WIDE…stopping serious camping in Off-Road use.
Now to a Camp-Out trial on our property. This after I better consider my “tent”.
I have my big Wiggy’s Sleeping bag on this…will go to its inner lining only (‘til it starts to get too cold).
I will also go to a smaller Back Pack.
These alone will save Weight and Space.
But folks, it rolls like a CHARM…it WORKS as HOPED. PTL!
I now have three Contemplating Suicide. God Believers too.
I’m so glad I have spent a number of years with we in EXTREME Poverty. Due to His Wisdom, I can identify with these…and hopefully, help.
Yes, I’m still “on the edge”. Bills and needs like all…still, this is RICH compared to what we’ve had. By Far.
Life is like a Carnival…lots of thrills, Semi-danger, Fears, “Ups and Downs”. A real RIDE! And all, for FREE! ( :
Look at life like that.
Sure, some rides scare the bejeevers out of you. Maybe wish you hadn’t jumped on. SCARY!
But you WALK AWAY.
I’ve a few who are in worse Physical problems than I. More money problems than I.
Many I guess are in deep trouble. Homes gone. No TRANSPORTATION to go ANYWHERE. One like that can BARLEY WALK.
Lost their “grip” and these three wanting “out of it”.
This is WORLD WIDE. Not just in the USA.
You think YOU’VE got it rough? Want to trade with some of the others E Mailing me?
LIFE is an ADVENTURE! Raise your hands and “scream to Heaven” as the roller coaster take the ‘nosedives’.
YOU might not have Liked it…but you now KNOW you could DO IT AGAIN! “DAD” HAS SHOWN YOU: “YOU can MAKE IT!”
These are Life SHARING lessons. So YOU can help OTHERS!
“Hang in there” kids. TRUST HIM. He wont give you a ‘ride’ YOU CANT MANAGE. NEVER!
Only you must “go” on TRUSTING HE HAS ARRANGED THIS…just for YOU!
Now, are you going to ‘raise your hands’? Or NOT BELIEVETRUST (one word).
At the end of the ride…HELP OTHERS UP and to WALK in The SON!
Don’t give up friends. LEARN! And (after) ENJOY THE MEMORIES of a “Ride of a Lifetime”.
It’s for YOU!
I’ve searched and searched. Can’t locate ANY who really goes CAMPING at my age. Seems old “campers” go to campgrounds…in RVs….Trailers.
What are we AFRAID of?
I’ve gone to are local Center for the Elderly. People younger then me siting around “remembering”, but why just REMEMBER?
WHY not ‘tent’ in the backyard and listen to the crickets again?
A small group of 3 to 5, all ‘like minded’ and aware of each others limits, and keeping pace with the worse, can STILL have fun.
Least that’s MY thoughts.
I’ve looked to the internet…to a few churches….local and nearby. ZILCH!
Shoot, we’re OLD…not DEAD!
Awoke a few minutes ago from a WONDERFUL DREAM!
A young man and his mother (?) brought the grandfather here…to prepare him for his funereal. (He was dead). As I did so I could see their pain. Sure loved the old guy.
So a SONG began forming in my head. One of Pure JOY! I began singing it, quickly at first. Then increased the “volume”….till the 2 came in and started singing with me. Skip Jumping around the old ones casket as I continued. JOY REPLACED SADNESS! We were CELEBRATING HIS LIFE…his Jokes / his Wisdom…his LOVE.
No bad memories. NONE! Just all the HAPPY TIMES each had with him.
This was continued at the actual funeral….MANY ENCIRCLING HIS GRAVE. DANCING. SINGING THE “JOY DEATH Song”. DANCING Native American Style Left to Right in a circle as the ‘shovelers’ would HOP as they coverd his “past”.
Each shovel tossed “on Q” as THEY had THEIR Feet “going’.
The song is still with me as I type.
Well, went to our Safe Land / Dome. Shared expenses with Adam.
I wanted and DIDN’T want to go. Seemed OK but somehow not quite right.
Warned Adam about HUGE amount of deer and to go slow. He dropped to 39 mph. Slow to him but 30 would have been better. Hit a big doe. His Pick Up fixable. Deer limped off to die (broken leg dangling). Sigh.
His trailer brakes acted up…he adjusted them OK though…My neck “went out” during the night and HIS tailbone…Ate chili with what I’m allergic to, right lip and hand still swollen…couldn’t locate my allergy pills (forgot to add to my small “Walk-Away” kit)…So weak I fell 3 times and then ALMOST twice into the camp-fire…Adam stopped a fourth fall while I was water dowsing for a friend.
And I’m gonna RUN!????
Adam feels the same way about himself…
Shoot, I couldn’t even run to take a Pee! Yup, WET MY PANTS before I could stand from a sit-down position.! EVERY DROP!
Nothing I could do about it…no spare clothing…
I slid to the bottom of my sleeping bag and rolled off its side onto Adam.
“WHY?” asked a sleepy Adam.
Well Adam, you took the only FLAT spot! (True, too).
First night I layed on a good size stone. Adam said “I cleared the area…there’s no stones”.
He was right…it was a petrified pine cone.
Must of been 400 ft round! Damn…
After hiring a Back Ho and a Crane it was finally dug out and removed. By then I was dead tired and placed my bag over the hole. Immediately folded and slipped into a fetal position. Slept like a baby….till I had to pee again.
Was like climbing out of a GRAVE!
Did “my thing” and headed back. The bag was GONE! Deep below all the dirt that caved in on my climb up.
Laid on top…till the red ants found me. Then crawled over to the big pine-cone. Slept there…bent kinda funny. (Sleep on my back).
Yup, we was CAMPING…and Having FUN!
The dome now needs some major repair. Can Do though. IF I can stay on a ladder and IF I can LIFT a ladder!
Well, despite all Adam and I met and shared with a fellow “hillbilly”.
That alone was worth the WHOLE TRIP.
On the way home (a day earlier than intended) Adam top off his fuel tank. “We’ll make it to AM/PM in Thorp on this, and fill up there”.
I told him he should stop before and get 5 more gallons first.
“Nope, well make it”.
Pride goes before a fall.
Three towns from his targeted station we ran outta gas. LESS THEN A FOURTH OF A MILE FROM A STATION!
He had a gas can, full, so pulled that out. Then I heard some mumbling. Then some more searching. He came up with a gas transfer hand pup.
“I’m ALWAYS PREPARED!” he said.
“Wheres the nozzle to your can?”
Adam said, “I forgot it…”
Then the hand pump broke. Brand New too! But pumped enough to get us to the station. PTL!
Adam wants to learn, but not wanting to Hear. ALWAYS learns the Hard Way….and a deers life was a strong lesson to him (I HOPE).
So…we talked about a “Run Kit” for the elderly during this adventure: DUAL SURVIVAL FOR THE ELDERLY
A card with phone #s for UROLOGIST, SURGEON, 911, Lawyer, Next of kin, Boy Scouts of America, Heart Specialist, “Catheters R Us”, Cell Phone Service, etc., and A match. ( :