Archive for November, 2010

Life Is an Adventure

You may think me crazy, but I’m kinda excited over the events to date….as WELL as what I’ve seen in our near future (+ !!!).

To me, an adventure.  I’ve spent much of my life Learning.  THAT included TESTING.

LIVING the TODAY’S Time YEARS ago.  Learned THEN to be able to “DO” today…AND HELP ADVISE YOU.

Are we (this family) poor?  Well, if no $$ means ‘poor’….sure are.  But THIS ‘poor’ no WAY as poor as we’ve LIVED.  Shoot!  We are RICH (compared).  REAL RICH!

Learned THEN, and applying NOW, from that.

LOOK AT ALL THIS AS AN ADVENTURE IN LEARNING….and eventually you TOO can be “comfortable”.

You’re only beat when you STOP SEEING IT AS THIS.

Those that DO see it right….will GRIP AND  W  I  N  !   Aho?   re


Watching a TV show called DOWNSIZED.    Folks trying to keep from eviction.  This a family of 6.  4 teens.  Dad bought a device that cuts off shower water in 5 minutes.  WOW !  The FIT the GIRLS are having !  Used to 20 + min. showers.  “CAN’T WASH / RINSE (hair / etc.) in 5 MINUTES!”

Guess they never heard of Navy Showers.  Even the gals know how.

This family HAD a 1 Million $ a year salary.  Now trying to pay RENT.  MANSION living…on a “DIME!”

On food stamps and ALL using it!   THOUGHT they had $50.00…..ONLY HAD $2.10!  Had to take all but a Pack of Gravy back to the shelves. TEEN GIRL was “SO EMBARRASSED”!!!

Dad falling apart. CAN’T MAKE THE RENT.  To be evicted.

The MOTHER is the STRONG ONE!  (I could “work” with HER!)

This is more and more common.  When the $$ stops, “Life” stops!

The boys “Dumpster Diving” and LAUGHING ABOUT IT!  “Cool”   DAD HAVING A FIT!  (“we’ve come to THAT?!!!”).  Just “DOWN”.  Aho?

Oldest girl just given a car (grandparents) for her 16th B.Day.  NO GAS $$…NO INSURANCE $$.

She’s just PI–ed OFF gaLORE!

A question:  how are YOU doing?  HAVE YOU PREPARED!   ???   HAVE YOU PAID ATTENTION!??

!’m willing to bet…MOST WILL FALL APART (like these on show).

dang…………………..   re


We ALL here enjoy This “winter treat”.  A number of recipes on internet.

Stay clear of brown or yellow snow tho.  (  :

Never use the FIRST snow.  Too much “stuff” in it.  “Skim” the top when you collect.  Aho?

We mix in different jams for different tastes.  Including CHOCOLATE Mix and even Peanut Butter.

Mize well TEST this… ALL will enjoy!     MERRY XMAS!   re


I LOVE ‘EM!  Especially the older Metal large coffee cans.  I’ve made Great HOBO Stoves with ‘em…..”Bug” Lamps (keep 2 here in the house)….all KINDA things.

The regular smaller cans you get soup / etc. in I’ve made as Eskimo Lamps…Bait holders….even punched holes on the sides to place a candle under (can upside-down) and made ‘cool n’ pretty’ “lamps” (Nice designs lighting up for “moods”).

I’ve cut the sides open as a tiny fire wind break and heat reflector.  GREAT for LITTLE pieces of dead sticks / etc to warm the hands at.

Even stacked for a small upright chimney.  Mud held together with grass “glue-er” in the mud.  SOLID!

Seen ‘em used as HUT Roof SHINGLES.

Made a number of fishing “reels”.

Made a Slingshot “Bow and Arrow” reel.

Used ‘em in earth (open end at surface of dug hole) to catch insects / mice / etc. for bait / FOOD(You get hungry and ANYTHING Looks GOOD)!

Made and SOLD Unique MOUSE TRAPS with ‘em.  So “different” I had no trouble selling at $2.00 each.  Took only a rubber band and can to do.  What? A Penny?

Made and OFTEN USED as Blackberry “getters”….Serrated open end top…nailed on a stick.  “Raking In” the berries instead of Hand Picking  (lots of thorns on ‘em).  Can fill a can in a HURRY!

For fun….AND a FUN XMAS “gift” for your kids, look up TIN CAN USES / Etc. on internet.  Let THEM “do” (OR YOU)….and see what can be done.

Xmas is nearly here.  Money is harder and harder to get “good things” with…..WHAT’S BETTER THEN KNOWLEDGE?!

Make Copies of How To Do things and include as “Stocking Stuffers ” etc.  For guys AND gals….Even ADULTS.

Maybe you can invent NEW uses.  ???

What Good is an Empty Tin Can?   HOURS OF FASCINATION…and LEARNING to ‘DO’ WITHOUT $$$!    MERRY CHRISMAS!


A sister emailed:

Red Elk, I had a vivid dream Monday night also–the day after praying for your trip…
In my dream there was a woman working & the powers that be/her bosses at her job PRETENDED that she was going to get a promotion and a raise –so I saw her moving to the left & another woman moving in to her old position on her right–etc– but she wasn’t getting paid more and discovered she wasn’t really in a higher position… She left and the woman to the right of her was PRETENDED upon too– she really thought she’d get paid more & a promotion too so she thought she ought to loyally keep working for this company–she moved to the left one position (like a wheel turning) and some new girl arrived BUT–this second woman SAW–her EYES became open– she saw she wasn’t really getting promoted or paid more–she said to herself:  “I’m not working within this deceptive system anymore” –and she walked OUT/LEFT & as she got outside, a guy from her factory left too–he was working in the back & the first woman drove up in her car & they were all going to join together…in TRUTH….

They stopped serving those who kept promising “empty gains” temporary things that MEANT NOTHING –and never even materialized– she recognized she was being used because of her loyalty & also her belief in THEM –they were exploiting all of that….

I was really disturbed by that dream all day & just felt inside that God had something he really really wanted to show me through it!??!!! (even though it’s pretty straight forward)….

I know it’s not muddy waters turning clean, but it was soon after your work and I hardly ever get vivid dreams…

God Bless!!

Just re-read.  LEFT and Right….or GODRIGHT.
ONE Sees and LEAVES….Another (in BACK ROOM. ….a MANIPULATER)….”SEES” TOO and decides to DESERT.  Then the 3rd HAS SEEN and JOINS the other 2.
To me : PEOPLE ARE STARTING to SEE the TRUTH of CONTROLLERS and JOINING UP as FREED ONES.  “Outside” the SHEEPLE who have FAITH in USELESS ‘lies’….Air (talk).

To me : THE BREAKING AWAY to the GodRIGHT (one word).

Seems, to Me that “THE DAM HAS BEGUN TO CRACK.  Little pieces of Cement falling away from the MASSIVE Man Made DAM(ned) of “L”.

No longer will the DIRTY (black) Muddy Waters collected behind the dam be continuously collected.  CLEAN / FRESH and TRUE (G(o)OD WATERS WILL NOW BEGIN TO BE!         Aho?    re

To any following the reports of the recent Fight Back of the healing ‘trip’ many joined in, I’d like you to KNOW mankind is at war.  Have been since “day one” (Adam / Eve / Serpent).

Few are Fully Aware at how SUBTLE “L” is.

You / I / ALL…are CONSTANTLY BEING Attacked.

Our Daily Lives are filled with stresses / fears / sadness / etc.  ALL … ATTACKS!

PLANNED attacks, to keep you / us Distracted and Away from our Maker….and His LOVE.

To keep US from LEARNING and SHARING to others in this ‘minefield’ called Life.

All ‘paths’ are filled with ‘Pot Holes’ ….. even Collapsed ‘Bridges’.

“hE comes as a ROARING LION”.

Those contemplating Suicide….another Drink….Drug “His”….to ‘escape’ the daily pains of Life….please :   RECONSIDER!

LEARN YOU ARE  S  T  R  O  N  G  E  R   than lucifer.  (oh yes you ARE!).

hE’S an ANGEL…and the Creator says WE have FULL CONTROL OVER   A  L  L    angels.

It’s easy to SAY…..and ONLY by TESTING THIS SAYING will you EVER KNOW.

Consider doing so, PLEASE!

We human’s are GIFTED BEINGS.  Gifted with STRENGTHS Far Greater than most realize.

If you have ‘followed’ this recent  ONE HEART / MIND event….SEE THE TRUTH that WE…or just YOU, can WIN!

I wish you well.



More from John:

Interesting coincidence. 3 in Europe with visions of muddy black water running from the pyramid and then finally clear on the day and time of backing. They received the call that it was done a short time after seeing the water run clear.  Another in Canada had a dream of his house being surrounded by a flood of muddy black water on that day after he backed us. Thankfully in his dream a giant tow truck pulled him, family, and WHOLE HOUSE out of trouble… they were riding on top.  Hmm, you’re really gonna let the canada jokes fly on this one the next time we meet. :)   i’ll have to let the 2 groups know how similar their visions were.  All stories really positive.   – john

All, the Comment sections are not a forum…nor a ‘pen pal’ spot.
I enjoy your observation…pro OR con.

Lets leave it at that.   Aho?   Thanks. re

One of the most difficult things to get people to see, is the Full Meaning of Scriptural Wording :  “THOUGHTS ARE REAL”.

This is meant for ALL (religions / ways / etc.)  But how many pay it a lick of attention?

“He” has it there FOR A REASON!   Best consider it.

“Dad” made ALL…you and I included, by FIRST  THINKING  on what He wanted to do.


We are PROOF of this.  ALL you SEE / SMELL / HEAR / FEEL / Etc. STEMS FROM THIS.

To help you understand:  when YOU ‘DAYDREAM’ YOU are CREATING SOMETHING VERY REAL.

So, (for instance) you are “thinking” (day dreaming) a bunch of (say) Friends out partying (etc.)….and IF GOD IS TELLING TRUE…THOSE you are DAY-DREAMING….consider YOU  “GOD”!

When you are distracted and CEASE this Day-Dream…..YOU HAVE DESTROYED THOSE IN YOUR “Dream”!    Gone.

This goes for Anything you day-dream.  (Not just ‘friends’).


If you “day-dream”, say, Killing….and Day-Dream you are doing so….in THAT FRAME OF MIND, it is  F  A  C  T !


When you DO “kill” (or ANY UnGodly thoughts) and KNOW the TRUTH of “Thoughts are Real”….and WANT TO remain in “His” ‘Right-Standing’….then APOLOGIZE TO HIM and SEEK FORGIVENESS!

ALL you produce in you mind…Good OR Bad….according to HIM…are FACTS.  Aho?   re


Adam out now from his Vision Quest.  Looked like a dirty, unshaved, “beat” HOBO emerging from the forest.  (  :

Did he get his Vision?  He thinks not.  I disagree.  He just doesn’t understand yet.

I’ll ask him to write of his time out there alone (if he’s willing).  CAME OUT “CHANGED”.

Better understanding of the Great SIMILARITIES between “white” religion and that of the NA.  Now able to BRIDGE…and “walk in 2 shoes”.

Far more understanding the “Way of Purity”.

I had food with me (he hadn’t eaten in 6 full days).  Wasn’t the “PERFECT” meal….(wife keeps buying only Low Fat meats….falls apart.  grrrrr).

Knowing it wouldn’t matter (He’d eat fried…and LOVE IT!).  (  :

Now in shower and getting shaved.

He’ll leave tomorrow.


Big Brother “went to the wilderness OFTEN”……PRIVATE Undisturbed  One-On-One with the Great Creator.

You’d be surprised how MUCH these times help you to “CENTER” yourself with HIM.

The NA KNEW THIS….the “whites” have forgotten.


Aho?    re
