Downsized – Will You Fall Apart, Too?

Watching a TV show called DOWNSIZED.   Folks trying to keep from eviction. This a family of 6. 4 teens. Dad bought a device that cuts off shower water in 5 minutes. WOW ! The FIT the GIRLS are having ! Used to 20 + min. showers. “CAN’T WASH / RINSE (hair / etc.) in 5 MINUTES!”
Guess they never heard of Navy Showers. Even the gals know how.
This family HAD a 1 Million $ a year salary. Now trying to pay RENT. MANSION living…on a “DIME!”
On food stamps and ALL using it!  THOUGHT they had $50.00…..ONLY HAD $2.10! Had to take all but a Pack of Gravy back to the shelves. TEEN GIRL was “SO EMBARRASSED”!!!
Dad falling apart. CAN’T MAKE THE RENT. To be evicted.
The MOTHER is the STRONG ONE! (I could “work” with HER!)
This is more and more common. When the $$ stops, “Life” stops!
The boys “Dumpster Diving” and LAUGHING ABOUT IT! “Cool”  DAD HAVING A FIT! (“we’ve come to THAT?!!!”). Just “DOWN”. Aho?
Oldest girl just given a car (grandparents) for her 16th B.Day. NO GAS $$…NO INSURANCE $$.
She’s just PI–ed OFF gaLORE!
A question: how are YOU doing? HAVE YOU PREPARED!  ???  HAVE YOU PAID ATTENTION!??
!’m willing to bet…MOST WILL FALL APART (like these on show).
dang…………………..  re