Yes, mans “reality” IS A SELF INDUCED False “thought”. DREAMS are the REAL Reality to the common man. That’s about the closest they come to the TRUR Reality. Almost no one realizes it tho. I walk “split”…Knowing both. HAVE to live in theirs as I was born into theirs. But I have STRETCHED OUT what I was Born With. EXPANDED into the “World Of Spirit”…the FULL / COMPLETE and TRUE Reality. Walking both worlds despite being “trapped” in that of Mans. It is THIS “Split” I think that is “worrying” me. Here our world goes…into a MATRIX CHANGE SHIFT! A collapse of the BILLIONS’ “Reality” into something NEW. I’m at the wave top…SCREAMING MY HEAD OFF seeing the UPCOMING SHORE…and being on top means FORESEEING THE CRASH Of The WAVE on its rocky shores. See the wave as a solid mass, of PEOPLE, the Crest, formed (the few who see ahead). We, the SEERS…Eyes SEEING the “ahead”, KNOWING WE  A L L  ARE HEADING FOR A BONE JARING TREMENDOUS CRASH, in seeing, SCREAMING FEAR! “Go BACK! Go BACK! CALM DOWN! FLOW, Don’t RISE INMASS….FLOW for gosh sake, SLOW DOWN and FLOW! We have NO NEED to be TORN APART! We can GENTLY enter the CHANGE!”
Mankind is about to change, like it or not. We will do so in HEART RIPPING, FEARFUL, SMASH….or do so EVENLY with LESS “PAIN”. But The CHANGE is RIGHT BEFORE US! NOW!!! UGH  re

Now it time to SERIOUSLY get “to it”….GROW IN HIM!

The “shaking of the sleeping child” is over.

They are either now up….or will miss the “School Bus”, completely.

I “foresee” a mass Rush for clothing and School Needs about to be. A dashing out to “catch the bus”.

Wrinkled clothing, no morning breakfast, near panic SCRAMBLING….just to catch that Now Leaving “bus”.

Well, better NEAR Late then late. I have done my job.
Now just to hold the door open, yelling “HURRY! HURRY!” as the children
pound down the stairs yelling “WAIT! WAIT! to the bus. Many wont make
it. They will be left standing at the curb. Missing the millenniums “Finals”.
It is sad, BUT true. ugh!
Aho? HO! Red Elk

Those things (tellings on aliens, spirit world, etc. – DW) were only meant to show the TRUE Reality of the Creators Vast domain. That THAT is filled with mysteries and “unseeable” things.
Frankly, it was / is to help lead people back to thinking on Him.
Hopefully leading them back to connection once again.
Sadly, almost to a “man” its contents HAVE “opened” …. their FEARS!
HUNDREDS of “Where should I go (move to), to be SAFE” letters have come
to me. ALL MISSING THE POINT of their “Awakening”: GO TO GOD! That it
is Only in His “wings” one is “safe”. ASK HIM…not ME, I reply. A few
have listened. UNDER 50! Of those, perhaps 14 are LEARNING, as well.
A minute amount considering I’ve reached out to over 26,000,000 ! “Dad”
making that possible. 5 times I’ve told to that amount at one time.
Each replayed as well. Then too, other interviews via TV / AM
Radio / DVD / Internet radio / Magazines, as well as personal teaching to groups.
I / we have lost “friends” but gained TRUE Friends in all this. Sure
trimmed off the excess “fat”.
Through it we to have seen mankind at its worse…and BEST. By far,
worse. But, OH! The BEST! WOW! True revolving hi-resolution SPOT
LIGHTS cutting threw this Dark, Sinful, world. Yes indeed : WOW!












Be a good example for our children!


Creator’s on EVERYONE’S Side. Loves ALL. Just doesn’t like what His kids DO.

Aho? re

Why Do Hackers Hack?

                          Why do Hackers Hack?
These are ALL very insecure people.  Done by lack of Self Esteem.  They will go on and on, because they are getting no “credit” for their deeds.
How CAN they “get over it”?  BY SIMPLY LETTING THE PUBLIC KNOW WHO THEY ARE.  Their REAL Name / Etc..
They know this will land them in trouble…so don’t DARE.
Thus an on-going ‘doing’.  NEVER “CURED”.
Hate / Ego / “Superiority” / No self esteem…and on and on.
They know NO Living / LOVING “God”.
Are unaware ‘He’s REAL and LOVES  THEM. 
His Son died for ALL.  NEVER “Picked and chose / chooses”.
To you who may be a hacker….”HE” LOVES YOU!
To those who understand what I mean:  PRAY FOR THEM!
They are simply “Calling OUT” for INNER PEACE. 
LOVE THEM As Does “He”.  Aho?  
                                                   GB    re



As you know, Russia has invaded Ukraine, and Red Elk’s prophecies are coming to the forefront of your thoughts, or else you wouldn’t be here. One of Red Elk’s favorite people…David W has been instrumental in keeping me on track to post Red Elk’s messages and he agreed to help me get his work back up on this blog. We will let Red Elk Speak for himself, in his own words, and the posts will be coming soon.

Thank you for showing up.




I searched my personal emails with Red Elk – on death – this is what came up – I am not going to fix his spelling….h

you KNOW

The hardest thing I can EVER TELL YOU…is this :   YOU KNOW

This told to me by a brother Med. Man  (Elk Chief…Rod Skinindore….ie  Elk Chief).

Im my case i was given an “impossible” thing to do.

I asked HOW DO I DO IT?

his reply;  you KNOW

Stoped me Cold.  “Quarreled” with him.  His constant reply ;  you Know.

It took me a # of years to UNDERSTAND…and he Was RIGHT.  i DID KNOW!

I will forever be thankful for his telling.

How can you KNOW something with out KNOWING “it”?

You, reader, will understand in time, that   ALL      K N O W S  All!

“Growers ” will be as frustrated as was I.  GUARANTEED.

VERY VERY FEW Of The GROWERS will FULLY Comprehend it, though….to the DEPTH of it.  Its FULLNESS.  VERY few.

Perhaps This will help ;

ALL are BORN WITH the ability to DO the THINGS of GOD.    The FULL KNOWING.

YOU STILL HAVE THAT…locked DEEP INSIDE YOUR “Pre” Emergece from your mother womb.  IT WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU.  EVER!

Even Death won’t “erase it.”  Death will only OPEN the GIVEN KNOWLEDGE…”freely”….for you.  After MOMENTS, you WILL ONCE AGAIN HAVE that BORN WITH KNOWING  Fully to your’ THEN New (Soul) Body.  THEN u’ll understand.  TOTOL!

It is a shame so few will have the stamina to re-learn NOW.  In THIS Life.

Some WILL tho.  Yes, some WILL.  Ho


Our “Up-Stairs” knowledge.

Hidden (by Disobedience to GodCreator) when YOU began to go into the sinful Mans’ Way.

Again, VERY FEWW WILL FULLY UNDERSTAND….now, yet it IS a “Goal” to “Swim For”…HERE…NOW….to EXAMPLE for All (that’s left).  Thus these “Full Connectors) WILL BE HERE ON EARTH…to HELP Other ‘survivors’ along on (n toward” a NEW Life of GODLINESS LIVING!


“Big Bother WILL Reign…IN MAN!  TOTOLY!

To all: be aware to understand my twll here.

Yes, you DO KNOW.

We ALL are BORN Knowing..


We KNOW  and too, THEY KNOW.

We (of this planet) are NOT the Only SOUL BEARERS in existence.  If you DON’T BELIEVE THIS….till U fully understand…you never Will KNOW.

Till YOUR Time to “depart.

remember You KNOW.

Now , “work” on THIS “Telling”.

               GB   re

To prep or not to prep – that is the question! I have prepped, and then I have to throw out food due to a power outage that I didn’t realize took out my freezer. Then I start all over again. I was in the Northridge Earthquake, and had to stand in line for water, to not just drink, but to flush our toilets. That made a huge impact on me. I saved my water bottles and when I visited Red Elk and his family I brought the water. They used it because at the time they didn’t have a well. Since he has passed, Meachelle has put a well in. Prepping, sharing and being conscious of rotating your food supply. Once you think it isn’t necessary …. you realize you need it or should have prepared.
