Category : Creator

Those things (tellings on aliens, spirit world, etc. – DW) were only meant to show the TRUE Reality of the Creators Vast domain. That THAT is filled with mysteries and “unseeable” things.
Frankly, it was / is to help lead people back to thinking on Him.
Hopefully leading them back to connection once again.
Sadly, almost to a “man” its contents HAVE “opened” …. their FEARS!
HUNDREDS of “Where should I go (move to), to be SAFE” letters have come
to me. ALL MISSING THE POINT of their “Awakening”: GO TO GOD! That it
is Only in His “wings” one is “safe”. ASK HIM…not ME, I reply. A few
have listened. UNDER 50! Of those, perhaps 14 are LEARNING, as well.
A minute amount considering I’ve reached out to over 26,000,000 ! “Dad”
making that possible. 5 times I’ve told to that amount at one time.
Each replayed as well. Then too, other interviews via TV / AM
Radio / DVD / Internet radio / Magazines, as well as personal teaching to groups.
I / we have lost “friends” but gained TRUE Friends in all this. Sure
trimmed off the excess “fat”.
Through it we to have seen mankind at its worse…and BEST. By far,
worse. But, OH! The BEST! WOW! True revolving hi-resolution SPOT
LIGHTS cutting threw this Dark, Sinful, world. Yes indeed : WOW!












Be a good example for our children!


Creator’s on EVERYONE’S Side. Loves ALL. Just doesn’t like what His kids DO.

Aho? re

Heather’s Journey

Dear Red Elk,
Thank you for giving me the time to come see you Feb 9.  I told you I had some
questions for you.  The questions come from a period in my life where I had
contact.  I am giving you a copy of the letter I wrote Art Bell last year.
This should give you an idea of what I am searching for.  An answer?  An
affirmation?  I don’t really know.  I just know that I need your wisdom.
Thanks for being there,
P.S.  Did you get the second scarf yet?
Sometimes, when I’ve had a cocktail, I want to call
you on the air and tell you this.  I admidt I have
tried, but I always get a busy signal.  I am relieved
the next day I didn’t get through.
I want to take you back to my experiences with UFO’s.
I never claimed to see Aliens.  So I want you to
understand that first.
I was traveling by night to go see my grandfather with
my best friend at the time in 1993.  I was taking 8
east through San Diego, somewhat along the boarder of
Mexico through to Tucson.
There are a lot of closed down air force areas there
and scattered nuclear sites.
As we were driving along a big white light appeared
behind us.  We were not looking for anything at all.
We were going on vacation.
This big white light appeared with some yellow ones on
it’s side.  It came up fast behind us, I was driving
my friend looked behind us and freak-ed…it’s huge
she said, it is so big, like three football fields.  I
didn’t look back.  I didn’t ever speed up.  Just drove
We journeyed along and it would appear and disappear
as we came close to cities and then reappear as we
left them.  The ships would hide in the formation of
the stars above. They would play with us.  IT’s the
only way to describe it.
We started taking many trips to the desert just to
play with them.  There were times when as many as 50
would appear in a field, doing amazing tricks, just
appearing was amazing.
We would get out of the car and we would chase after
them, and sometimes they would turn around and chase
after us…we would run back to the car screaming,
like little kids.
A shaman once told me we acted like children and
that’s why they were in contact with us.
They seemed to follow along the route of the train
tracks and sometimes it seemed like information was
being thrust-ed into our heads so fast it was like our
synapses were snapping and we were geniuses.  I
remember once the thought came into my head that they
were digging underground and dropping the dirt on the
train (going a certain speed it wouldn’t notice the
weight) and then taking it off and dumping it
somewhere else.
One night, the moon wasn’t there.  Then it was there
bright as could be.  Then it turned into a cone and
then a cheese shape.  It was like a hologram.  It was
like a port-hole.  I wasn’t sure if it was a test
conducted by the military of holograms in the air or
We were made a promise once (in our heads) that they
would not take us on the ship but show us them in the
daylight.  We were on our way back in rush hour
traffic about to hit the 10 freeway into downtown LA.
Keri (my friend) was all pissed off because we hadn’t
been on board yet.  I said, “Don’t you remember, they
aren’t taking us on board, they are showing us them
during the day.”  She said, “Yeah, well they didn’t do
that either.”
All of a sudden behind us in rush hour traffic a
silver ship appeared () like that but horizontal.  It
had many little strands of silver that made it up.  I
said, LOOK!  She looked and said “I missed it!”  I
looked to her driving at the time and there it was on
the side of her I said “There!” and she looked….as
it left us it disapated from the bottom up, now
looking like () this but slightly angled.
We kept saying, “This has to be on the radio! Everyone
had to have seen it!”  As we approached Hollywood
boulevard or Melrose Blvd., I can’t remember, we saw
the disc circling above us.  We heard screams and
yells on the streets and we said, “Finally people see
it! They really see it!”
When we got there, it was a gay pride parade.
It later circled around our golf course (this is when
I lived in Hancock park) up in the air.  We saw light
forms in the trees and huge spiders we have never seen
came down in 3’s as if to warn us.
Anytime we talked against them they would disappear on
our travels.  One time when I was looking at this huge
craft with a little one attached I was scared they
were going to abduct us.  I wrote a note saying if we
disappeared it was them.  Keri got so mad at me
because they disappeared after I wrote the note.  She
made me throw it away and then they came back.  That
was on a trip to Idaho…we went through Vegas….They
were overhead as huge as can be over Vegas!
One night we went out in the field and these little
lights, I call them probes danced all around our car
and hands.  If anything was making the crop circles, I
always believed it was them.  Some sort of
communication, data retriever, non touchable but solid
light of many red, orange, yellow colors.
Later, our experiences started to darken.  There were
little mechanical things working on what appeared to
be digging and they had lights on them, as if they
used the lights to not bump into each other.  One
night we went off of Side Winder road.  There was a
pyramid of probes and we were going towards it.  We
found ourself to a flat land over a military type
base.  There was these strange plane/ufo’s triangle
type machines that filled up with huge gas pumps that
were glowing liquid inside.  They had three lights,
two went on each side of them and one down the middle.
That was during a time of med-fly spray warnings.  Med
fly my ass! A police officer appeared out of nowhere
and cornered us in.  He talked about these two girls
who were there the week before who disappeared …we
had been there the week before.  Our lives were
basically threatened covertly that we would disappear
and die,(by the hands of Mexicans crossing the
boarder, as he put it).
I went back to the desert two years ago, and nothing.
Just one big white light once.  Bummer.
So we have the technology, I can tell the difference
between a military UFO and a real one.  The military
flies in formation, the real one dances with us.


There is a book that was written in the late 60’s, and publicly published by two publishers that discusses the reality of earth shifts  (its the crust that shifts, not the entire planet.  Its just as bad.)…before the CIA classified it and shut it away as much as they could.  Then a few years ago the CIA ‘sanitized’ (another term for redacted, but less messy-looking and obvious) and released 57 of the 232 pages, and you can download those pages on their website among all the other declassified documents there.  Its called ‘The Story of Adam and Eve: A History of Cataclysms’, and the pages released are the story of the last two cataclysms – Adam and Eve’s expulsion from Eden, and Noah.  And the proof of such that the author Chan Thomas gathered from varied sciences, histories, indigenous tales, pretty much everything they could get their hands on for 20 years.  Including shocking revelations about Genesis being FAR more accurate than people believe.  And how the ‘ice age’ didn’t happen like is currently thought.  Its frightening and really interesting in equal measure.

And its just ONE FOURTH of the information in that book.

If anyone out there happened to buy a copy before the CIA got a hold of it…its up to you what you do with it, but the world does need to know this story.


(if anyone is wondering what happened to me with regards to this blog…it wasn’t my path to continue, tho I seem to keep being un-removed from the blog’s admin list.  Red Elk left it to Heather to continue distributing his teachings.)


WS / H , a goof on my part….right off the bat.  PLEASE INSERT   B4   The “then the Coming Down of the Saints.”…..make that THEN the LIVING will rise (“assention”)   (THEN:  the   saints  part).  Thank you.     re



“And the Dead Shall Rise First”

(2 Meanings?)


This morning held more then one thing to contemplate on.  One being the title of this sharing.

Have you ever given great thought to this passage?

If, as most, it means to you that those laying in their “sleep” will rise and go “up”.  “First”?  Yes.  THEN the LIVING will rise (“ascension”), THEN a DESCENDING of the masses of Godly AFTER that.  Correct?

Yes…correct…….BUT:  This morning brought on even MORE thought on this.


You’ll need to understand what the DNA is all about.  It is THE SOUL of ALL YOUR ANCESTORS…..passed down into YOU.  YOUR “Genes”.  Your CHILDREN have ALL the ancestors ….now INCLUDING YOURS !

The DNA is MEMORIES of ALL these ancestors.  “Soul” passed on to each newborn.  DNA is the “TREAD LINE” of mankind from the First Two to US.  ALL THOSE MEMORIES ARE WITHIN EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US now living.

Now, with this in mind:  YOUR “Soul Line Thread” ” is NOW BEING ACTIVATED!  The DEAD ARE   “Rising” WITH-IN YOU!


Bringing on your STIRRING that ALL are NOW having!

Some run from this.  “Partying” / Sex / Booze / Drugs / Etc.


WE ARE BEING “Stirred”… Chili Beans boiling in a pot!

Discarding those “beans” that are “bad”.  Seeking only the GOOD to feast on.

MANY have an NA in their DNA blood line….(yet, in truth, ALL have…for we ALL starting from The FIRST two).

Those with an ancestor of recent Native American (blood) have a “jump”, though, than others who have only the thoughts of “white”.

Again, those with “recent” NA, have a “jump”.  As they have the STILL Strongly held CLOSER memories .  Aho?

OK, I see, through my knowledge ;  The DEAD  (who shall rise FIRST)    A  R  E    RISING……..RIGHT   N  O  W  !!!

It is TIME.

Accept or reject, I just share.



New Agers and their Guides

Friends, I seem to ‘draw’ many “New Agers”.  Get their tellings WEEKLY.  So far (years) they’ve been wrong.  WHY DO THEY CONTINUE FOLLOWING “GUIDES” Etc. ?
Today the whole west coast was to see a MASSIVE Earth Quake….well, its still here.  Others go to meet the “Star Brothers”…they’re still here as well.
WHEN will they Learn to connect with their Creator and pay attention to HIM?   It CAN be DONE.   sigh   re




I now have three Contemplating Suicide. God Believers too.

I’m so glad I have spent a number of years with we in EXTREME Poverty. Due to His Wisdom, I can identify with these…and hopefully, help.

Yes, I’m still “on the edge”. Bills and needs like all…still, this is RICH compared to what we’ve had. By Far.

Life is like a Carnival…lots of thrills, Semi-danger, Fears, “Ups and Downs”. A real RIDE! And all, for FREE! ( :


Look at life like that.

Sure, some rides scare the bejeevers out of you. Maybe wish you hadn’t jumped on. SCARY!

But you WALK AWAY.

I’ve a few who are in worse Physical problems than I. More money problems than I.

Many I guess are in deep trouble. Homes gone. No TRANSPORTATION to go ANYWHERE. One like that can BARLEY WALK.

Lost their “grip” and these three wanting “out of it”.

This is WORLD WIDE. Not just in the USA.

You think YOU’VE got it rough? Want to trade with some of the others E Mailing me?

LIFE is an ADVENTURE! Raise your hands and “scream to Heaven” as the roller coaster take the ‘nosedives’.

YOU might not have Liked it…but you now KNOW you could DO IT AGAIN! “DAD” HAS SHOWN YOU: “YOU can MAKE IT!”

These are Life SHARING lessons. So YOU can help OTHERS!

“Hang in there” kids. TRUST HIM. He wont give you a ‘ride’ YOU CANT MANAGE. NEVER!

Only you must “go” on TRUSTING HE HAS ARRANGED THIS…just for YOU!

Now, are you going to ‘raise your hands’? Or NOT BELIEVETRUST (one word).

At the end of the ride…HELP OTHERS UP and to WALK in The SON!

Don’t give up friends. LEARN! And (after) ENJOY THE MEMORIES of a “Ride of a Lifetime”.

It’s for YOU!



Happy Death Song

Awoke a few minutes ago from a WONDERFUL DREAM!

A young man and his mother (?) brought the grandfather here…to prepare him for his funereal. (He was dead). As I did so I could see their pain. Sure loved the old guy.

So a SONG began forming in my head. One of Pure JOY! I began singing it, quickly at first. Then increased the “volume”….till the 2 came in and started singing with me. Skip Jumping around the old ones casket as I continued. JOY REPLACED SADNESS! We were CELEBRATING HIS LIFE…his Jokes / his Wisdom…his LOVE.

No bad memories. NONE! Just all the HAPPY TIMES each had with him.

This was continued at the actual funeral….MANY ENCIRCLING HIS GRAVE. DANCING. SINGING THE “JOY DEATH Song”. DANCING Native American Style Left to Right in a circle as the ‘shovelers’ would HOP as they coverd his “past”.

Each shovel tossed “on Q” as THEY had THEIR Feet “going’.


The song is still with me as I type.



Your birth area has your best healing medicine(s).

I cant explain this, I just find it to be true.

Plants, etc., of where you were born PROVIDES the BEST plants / etc., to heal / help.

Even more so if born and RAISED there. Baby to Young Age.

ALL plants are helpers…but not KNOWING which does what…Time to pick…How to prepare….Amount to help…ALL of these factor in.

The Traditional Medicine Person spends YEARS learning by ROTE! Teacher to student . MANY trips to find / check / prepare / use….in the RIGHT AMOUNT.

Again, done by ROTE teaching.

The Inner Heyoka’ are NOT Traditionalists. OUR learning was / is centered on CREATOR CONNECTION.

Via that, we ask “how”…He then TELLS and SHOWS how.

If in tradition…HE KNOWS ALL THESE WAYS. Tells US. Then shows us the TRADITIONAL “Way”.

Ways we were Never taught.


