Posts Tagged ‘Sierra’

ZZ Zip Stove

RE responds to a couple of emails about camp stoves used in his friend’s dome:

He left at 7:08 AM this morning.
Yes, we sure did.
SMALLER and MORE EFFICIENT FIRE….using the ZZStove.  I convinced him to buy one ($70.00)…a Back-Packer stove, sis. I’ve told all of this stove before. You too.  UNBELIEVABLE Stove.  Can Cook a meal with One PINE CONE (did, so know).

You oughta have SEEN his  J  O  Y  over buying this!  Just RAVES after RAVES, all nite long!   (YOU TOO should check it out)!  Please, DO SO!
2nd Email:

Think i know your stove.  Basically unfolds to 2 “legs” with a stick-up portion to hold a pot / etc. above the fire.  Super lightweight aluminum.  Right?

Had one myself.  Then realized I could do the same with 3 stones or a pressed mound of dirt (as “legs”).  So gave it to a Boy Scout.  Then eventually made a tin can “hobo” stove.  Worked darn good BUT was “tippy”.  Then, in mid ’60s bought an all brass Top O’ The Line (from Sweden) White Gas one.  WELL OVER $160.00!  In the ’60s, THAT was ALOT of $$!  I was the envy of many fellow campers, BUT it was HEAVY, Hard to FIND White Gas (almost IMPOSSIBLE today) AND you needed to lug stove AND fuel around.  Got to NOT liking it.  Gave IT away, too. Then one day I saw a SMALL write-up on the “ZZ”.  Price was right so decided to order.  LOVED IT IMMEDIATELY!  I’ve worn mine out. Not by USE but by several MOVES.  Sigh.

Told Adam of it and showed him my “old Jalopy”.  He too liked what he saw (tho no longer works) and ordered.  Mine is over 16 yrs old..they’ve Updated to EVEN BETTER!  WOW Yes, it IS “Even Better”!!!

Now to get Me one when I can.

This has a 3 way cooking “way” (so too my oldie)…9 volt battery for forced air (High Altitude cooking) and #1 no motor running.  Just as my oldie.  IDENTICAL in USE, just BETTER CONSTRUCTION…and WITHOUT Weight Gain! BETTER FRYING PAN and POT TOO!!!
I showed Adam how to get his fire FAST Started;  DRIED WEEDS!  With TINY TINY TWIGS above. VerrROOM..OFF SHE GOES! Then to “bigger” stuff.  A Pine Cone..Thick Stick…Etc.

And Does it EVER Throw out HEAT!  Enough to comfortably heat the dome (12 or 14 ft. Dia. x maybe 8 ft high, I think).

That blower TOSSES up any Smoke!  Once going, turn blower off and smoke has plenty of air below to NOT LET smoke billow…goes straight Up / Out too!

Battery lasts for HOURS and HOURS AND  H O U R S!!!  Alot easier to carry a spare in a pocket then all the Fuel these “modern” types use.  Easy to PACK OUT a tiny 9 volt then a BUNCH of LP Mini Bottles, too!

This stove is UNBELIEVABLE!
2 I’ve shared with have bought.  One a camper in Holland.  SHE LOVES LOVES LOVES it TOO!  Thanked me PROFUSELY!
I’ll try to buy another very soon.  “Depending”….aho?
ALSO, this stove is rated as USEABLE when “NO OPEN FIRES PERMITTED”!  LEGAL!
Sparks?  TINY and LOW.
The PERFECT “Run” stove (if you’re running “fancy”).  Aho?
No! Hole in top of dome NOT MADE BIGGER!   ( :