Message to a Sister

Hi sister ;Â tho Im unable to receive ANY Emails, i can still SEND.
Hope u had a realy good Xmas. And that uve FINILY been able to try out ur Snowshoes!
Here, pleanty of snow…somewher over 4 feet.
Snowmobils used as safe transpertation (illegely). My shoes in storage n snowed in.
We drive r 4wd rigs over the parking / driveway area n pack it down to get in / out. Works fine.
Even with rds cleard by Country trucks (in time), its still hard to see…”white Outs” at certin area. 4wd driveing only, n SUCKS gas! 4 trips to town n the PU has only enough gas to GET gas. Over $70.00 to fill each time. 2 1/2 fillings a wk. on mine n 1 1/2 fillings on Ms car. LOTS of Money just to get about. Aho? Our earning streached to the exstrame limit…n Elect. bill due any time now. Then too, Land Taxes.
The 3 doomes r looking “good” right now. ( :  one undamaged, otker 2 still quit useabel, tho bent in in places with the snow + ice.
Yesterday i had mt eldest grandson circel each dome with his snowmobile (a # of times). I can now (?) get out to them n get at least Some snow off. (Mite, today). A real tireing hassel geting to them other-wise. (Im not geting any younger). ( :
As u know, life is an Adventure! Can be FUN….or a Problem. Its all as one looks at it Ive found.
“Problems” just there to help u overcome. Usaly with a VERY Simple salution.
I live in “2 worlds”….SALUITION “worlds”. This house (and ALL it takes for its constent up-keep), and the “World” of SIMPLCITY. The last, FAR cheaper!
Admittiably, less “Comfortabel” tho. Little rm. for exspensive “add ons”. This makes “Small” rather “Cabin Feaver(ish)”. U and about 4 others) have learned to overcome alot of that by going out and gardening n “hunting”. Not as easy when one has 3 OTHERS…and so many PETS, tho. U have another advantage as well ; Shorter trips. Here a “short” trip is 8 1/2 miles (to Skys school). 10 1/2 to one town n 16 1/2 to another. ALL are on some ruff hills. WIND allways, on way back. Bikes not feasabel (ok if uve the time to do so tho). When liveing far closer to town, n i used the bike, it took me 40 minits to n hr. to get to town….and ALWAYS at about 3 HOURS to get back (wind). Never a pleasent doing. Today Im ALOT older n these hills ALONE can “kill” me.
Frankly, I prefer useing one of our Foot Scooters. Takes even longer, but FAR MORE relaxeing.
Ive a small Back Pack on the handel bars of my main one, and carry a biger one on my back. Good enough for grocery runs.
My bike has so many bags they act as “STOP Sails” when rideing home. REAL Work! (To the point Ive often wanted to camp out overnite and doing a 2 DAYER on each trip)! (Searisly).
Car is best, but gas….n UPKEEP….UGH!
Cant “car pool” easily. Most in our area ‘stock up” n make far less trips. We’ve not the rm. nore enough money to do so. Tho I call others to tell “Im headed to town. Need anything?”….none dos so with us. sigh.
These same people all will be asking US “how do u DO it?” b4 much more time.  Seems no one WANTS till its JUST TOO LATE…then, “Panic”. And wanting ME to do the work, as well!
I feel like Noah as he built his God Orderd boat! Musta MADE himself “hard hearted” to be able to hear the pleads and screems for HELP, as he floated away. Many from those he knew. FAMILYS. All pounding on his hull. ALL ; SCOFFERS and NON-HELPERS…..screaming as they cling to anything that would float.
People watching thier own children n loved ones slide away n slowly sink.
Now ALONE and clinging to servive themselves. For what?
No boat to rest in, no stocked clean water….not enough food…AND NO PLACE TO LAND.
(NA USED to “be ready”…till the “civilized” SAVAGES slowly made them dependednt on THEM).
Now again we ALL “Face the Seas”. At least you and a few others are gardening and stocking up. Naturely. NATURE(ly).
Still, u cant feed every “pleader”. U TOO witll have to become “hard Hearted” i guess. U will be NEEDED, “After”. THEN, u can HELP. (Same here). sigh.  (Least, if WE “make it”). Aho?
Yup, Im seeing THIS faimily cought between many deccissions. SIMPLE…or “As Is”.
It looks like only “Dad” will be able to show us (my family) it “AINT GONNA BE “YOUR’ ” WAY”. M and all here will be FORCED to the SIMPLE Domes…or parked, sleeping, in a car like so MANY r now needing to.
RIPED into a deccession.
At least Ive a “small boat”…n You ur own.
GBÂ Â re