Coast to Coast

During my time seeing The Great Vision, I was told “You will go Coast to Coast, Border to Border”. This has been proven true…in more ways then one. I HAVE gone from the Mexican border (a town extremely close to it) AND to the Canadian border. I HAVE put my hands in the Pacific Ocean AND in the Atlantic Ocean. I have traveled Canada in a zig-zag drive to short miles from the Yukon, back to our border…back and forth to mere miles (24, I think) to Nova Scotia. A full 3 months doing this. BUT, that “in more ways then One” statement: The Coast To Coast night program.
2 years before THAT came about I KNEW I would be on that program. I had no idea how. Nor a way to “Check, Check, Check” All I could do was WAIT (and see). Then Glenn Kimball couldn’t make a program and told Art Bell of me. I received a call from his program coordinator Lisa Lyon…and “BAM”, I was on…and ON MY WAY to “Going Public”.
Ordered to tell WHAT I was (Medicine man / Wakiyan)…I did so.  Raising the hackles of most of our Native American people. (This is against Native American “Rules”). Our Society (Inner Heyoka) are not “controlled” by Tradition. Not Tradition “Rules and Regulations”. We have no series of leaders. We ARE DIFFERENT. OUR Leader is but one…THE LIVING CREATOR! Thus rules and regulations were broken. MAN Made “rules” were swept aside by obeying OUR Leader.
It still “raises Hackles”.
Add to that, my Color. WHITE!
Suddenly here I was (and AM)…”ANOTHER ‘PLASTIC’ “shaman” “! A “New Ager”. One “Demon Possessed”…and on and on.
To add to THAT…seen by the “Christian World” as Demon possessed…SATAN…Liar…and on and on.
I’ve been labeled it “all”. STILL, I OBEY OUR Inners’ LEADER.
I will continue to, TOO!
I guess I’m like a thorn in the side, to Many.
It’s been, at times, Very difficult….BUT….I’M STILL HERE!  Carrying out my Orders.
During the time of The Great Vision, I was also told: “You will have 3 “enemies” : PASTORS , LAWYERS and DOCTORS”.
This too, is becoming ‘fulfilled’.
Not “bad” Yet…but I’m sure it will escalate as I go on.
I was also told “I WILL GIVE YOU A NATION”.  He Has…the CREES OF CANADA. “My” People!
MANY YEARS AGO….after much of a day in the forest having “Oneness with the Creator”….I came home, got on my knees before “Him” and said a “Heart Prayer” (one FULLY MEANT)….”Lord, give me Death if I do NOT Teach, OR Preach, Your Word CORRECTLY. EVEN IF IT MEANS   DEATH     IF I DO!”
I’m Not a “preacher” (despise their misleading teachings)…though I APPEAR to be.  No, I’m just what I’ve always been, a Medicine Man and Wakiyan….of the INNER HEYOKA SOCIETY.
“Like it” or “Not”….I’M STILL OUT HERE!  “Grandfather” …. the “THORN”!
I HAVE NO ENEMIES….I Hate NO One!                Aho?      Â
Why am I telling all this? TO MAKE YOU AWARE THAT “THE GREAT VISION”   IS !    BEING  FULFILLED!                                                                                                                                                                          Â
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Red Elk on Coast to Coast
Red Elk is an Inter-Tribal Medicine Man. He is a self-described half-breed Native American / white, of both the BlackFeet and Shoshoni Nations, as well as part Irish and French. He is a member of the Heyoka (hi – OH – kah) Society, a Contrarian group of Native Americans who do not follow the normal path of mankind. Red Elk is one of twelve Inner Heyoka members. He is one of the nine members of the Red Web Society who are working to bring understanding of many hidden sacred teachings to the people of Earth. He is also an honorary member of the Cherokee Nations Twisted Hair Society.Â
In 1973 Red Elk went on a 69 day fast, taking water, juices, and vitamins. On or about the 49th day Red Elk began to experience a vision about the future. For a little more than an hour each day for 3 days Red Elk saw and experienced a future that he didn’t want to see. The East and West coasts of America subside, a huge meteor strikes the Atlantic, unimaginably great earthquakes rip apart the earth as massive volcanic eruptions darken the skies and blacken the land. But these tribulations pale in comparison to what soon follows as the earth’s axis flips and ensuing floods and 300 mile per hour winds savagely destroy buildings, people, ecosystems and entire nations.Â
Red Elk believes that there is Hope and that we have time to change and prepare… But the first thing we must change is ourselves.Â
Past Shows:
Earth Changes, Prophecy & Bigfoot
Thursday September 18, 2008
Inter-Tribal Medicine Man Red Elk touched on such topics as Bigfoot, Thunderbirds, earth changes, Mel’s Hole, and Hopi prophecy. He said he saw Thunderbirds during a time travel experience, and there are several different types, resembling larger versions of eagles. The Three Mountains area in Saskatchewan is their breeding ground said Red Elk, who’d planned to go there to call the birds back. Regarding earth changes, people’s negative energies contribute to the unprecedented storms, he explained. He’s had a vision of Mount Rainier erupting, as well as a huge tsunami sliding Seattle into Puget Sound. The destructive visions of Hopi prophecy will come to pass unless 84%-87% of the world’s population “get right with the creator,” Red Elk declared. He spoke of his visit to Mel’s Hole across the Yakima River, many years ago. Taken there by his father, he described the hole as around 9 ft. around and somewhere between 24–28 miles deep. It’s a blowhole for Mount Rainier, he added. … More
Host: George Noory
Thunderbirds, Lizard People and Earth Changes
Tuesday February 27, 2007
Inter-tribal Medicine Man, Red Elk shared his visions of earth changes, and also touched on such topics as thunderbirds, Lizard People, Lucifer, Mel’s Hole, time travel, and phantom pain. … More
Host: George Noory
Saturday September 10, 2005
One of the last twelve remaining Inner Heyoka, Red Elk shared his dark vision for our future and how we can stop it from happening. According to Red Elk, we must ask the Creator to forgive us and start living right with him and each other. If we do not, Red Elk warned, the catastrophes he has foreseen will come to pass.Red Elk expects several volcanic eruptions to occur in the Pacific Northwest, including Mt. Si, Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Rainier, which he thinks could blow this year. He said Huricane Katrina was the beginning of “The Madness,” a time of great confusion among the people. Red Elk believes another major catastrophe will hit the US by the end of this month, causing economic collapse throughout the country.Red Elk also talked about Adam and Eve, Lucifer, and underground civilizations, detailing several races who are currently dwelling beneath our feet. … More
Host: Ian Punnett
Sunday May 25, 2003
Red Elk ( is a member of the Red Web Society, which is working to bring understanding to Earth.He shared his Native American lore and wisdom with guest host Steve Mason on Sunday night. … More
Monday October 28, 2002
In the last three hours of this 5-hr program, George Noory chats with Red Elk, an Inter-Tribal medicine man and one of the last nine members of the Red Web Society who are working to bring understanding to Earth. The first two hours are Open Lines. … More
Host: George Noory
Wednesday April 17, 2002
Red Elk is a self-described half-breed Native American from both the BlackFeetand Shoshoni Nations as well as part Irish and French. He is a member ofHeyoka (hi – OH – kah) a Contrarian group of Native American lost boyswhich he is one of the twelve inner Heyoka. Red Elk is one of the last ninemembers of the Red Web Society who are working to bring understanding toEarth. First hour guest: Dr. Steven M. Greer M.D., an emergency physician and Founder/Director of The Disclosure Project is widely regarded as the world’s foremost authority on UFO’s and Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The disclosure Project has over 450 government, military, intelligence community and defense contractor witnesses testifying to their direct, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology and the illegal coverup keeping this issue secret. … More
Host: Art BellÂ