Category : Prayer

Another video of Red Elk explaining Power Prayer

Red Elk explains Power Prayer and talks about prayer requests

“We’re bringing this all on ourselves. You idiots!

I’m part of it and every one of you are part of it. You wonder where you’re going to get the money to pay for your gasoline or your car or your heat. Then you wonder where you are going to come up with all that show and tell like the new jet water ski and the new car. I tell you…you’re worried about the wrong dang things.

There’s something far more important than ‘Keeping up with the Jones’s.’ It’s keeping your heart right with the Creator.  Living the way you are supposed to live in love. The way you were born so innocent but into a sinful (disobedience to God) world.

You were never born a sinner. No man nor woman is. No child is born a sinner. But you’re born into it and accept it and just start feeding on it. Then they start throwing that food out as they grow up to other little innocents so that they follow after momma and daddy.

“Forget God go get a jet ski” geez…you’re idiots! You’re bringing it on yourself!

And there’s some of you that’ve got to pay a price that really shouldn’t pay the price because they are right but the majority rules. And because you’re bringing it down on you you’re bringing it down on everybody.”


(David W – Felt like sharing this because returning to God and to true agape love is very important and we need to make sure we stay on the straight and narrow. No matter what life throws at you or what temptations might come your way always do your best to keep your eyes on God and if you take your eyes off of Him do your best to bring them back onto Him)

Yes, mans “reality” IS A SELF INDUCED False “thought”. DREAMS are the REAL Reality to the common man. That’s about the closest they come to the TRUR Reality. Almost no one realizes it tho. I walk “split”…Knowing both. HAVE to live in theirs as I was born into theirs. But I have STRETCHED OUT what I was Born With. EXPANDED into the “World Of Spirit”…the FULL / COMPLETE and TRUE Reality. Walking both worlds despite being “trapped” in that of Mans. It is THIS “Split” I think that is “worrying” me. Here our world goes…into a MATRIX CHANGE SHIFT! A collapse of the BILLIONS’ “Reality” into something NEW. I’m at the wave top…SCREAMING MY HEAD OFF seeing the UPCOMING SHORE…and being on top means FORESEEING THE CRASH Of The WAVE on its rocky shores. See the wave as a solid mass, of PEOPLE, the Crest, formed (the few who see ahead). We, the SEERS…Eyes SEEING the “ahead”, KNOWING WE  A L L  ARE HEADING FOR A BONE JARING TREMENDOUS CRASH, in seeing, SCREAMING FEAR! “Go BACK! Go BACK! CALM DOWN! FLOW, Don’t RISE INMASS….FLOW for gosh sake, SLOW DOWN and FLOW! We have NO NEED to be TORN APART! We can GENTLY enter the CHANGE!”
Mankind is about to change, like it or not. We will do so in HEART RIPPING, FEARFUL, SMASH….or do so EVENLY with LESS “PAIN”. But The CHANGE is RIGHT BEFORE US! NOW!!! UGH  re

Why Do Hackers Hack?

                          Why do Hackers Hack?
These are ALL very insecure people.  Done by lack of Self Esteem.  They will go on and on, because they are getting no “credit” for their deeds.
How CAN they “get over it”?  BY SIMPLY LETTING THE PUBLIC KNOW WHO THEY ARE.  Their REAL Name / Etc..
They know this will land them in trouble…so don’t DARE.
Thus an on-going ‘doing’.  NEVER “CURED”.
Hate / Ego / “Superiority” / No self esteem…and on and on.
They know NO Living / LOVING “God”.
Are unaware ‘He’s REAL and LOVES  THEM. 
His Son died for ALL.  NEVER “Picked and chose / chooses”.
To you who may be a hacker….”HE” LOVES YOU!
To those who understand what I mean:  PRAY FOR THEM!
They are simply “Calling OUT” for INNER PEACE. 
LOVE THEM As Does “He”.  Aho?  
                                                   GB    re