The Dome Report: Many Mighty Minis

If you have the time and will: Please type in BUILD A SURVIVAL CABIN ON A SHOESTRING BUDGET in your Seach Mode (aka Google – WS). I’ve shared (Heavy on my “spelling”) there. A LOT that may interest you. This is a Hub Site that belongs to “Ghost32” (in the link list on the right – WS). What HE has is quite interesting. What I share….???
As for your Container “Home”…OTHERS HAVE BEEN DOING (and showing) as well..on various sites. Most are not IN-GROUND but a few are. Look up (search) TINY HOMES/CABINS…..BUDGET HOUSES….SMALL DIGS…and similar wordings. Aho?
I have JUST talked to a good friend. A gal. She’s an artist (and exceptionally GOOD). Quite recently lost her job but NOT HER LIVING Bills!  Wanting to go FULL Time with her artwork. Make This her ‘living.’ Presently on Unemployment and our area hard hit “work wise.” Soon will be “hurting” and knows it.
Her parents (also very good friends of us) are tiny land “ranchers” and live less then a mile from where she is renting.
She has been to my Mini Dome and absolutely LOVES it. “Would make a WONDERFUL Studio for me to work in.”
In our chat I presented a $$ saving (rent/living expenses/etc.) possibility…SEE IF SHE CAN DO A SIMILAR Low Cost “Dome” on her parents property!
She has long ago learned to live on “bare essentials.” Her small rental has more room than more “STUFF”. SHE CAN EASILY LIVE IN THIS SMALL DOME WAY!
She IS INTERESTED. “Can’t build till after winter tho.” (CAN, but not without misery.)
Suggested a Storage “dome” with the Living Dome. “Get what you need from this, use it and PUT IT BACK INTO THE STORGE “SHED.” She immediately said “I can RENT a storage unit.” I agreed BUT said, “WHY PAY A MONTHLY FEE when you can BUILD a space for “I OWN IT AND NO MORE $$ OUTLAY AFTER BUILDING.”
Her eyes “clouded” in deep thought.
“You’re RIGHT.”
So left her contemplating. Aho?
She’s a “doer” AND THINKER. Now let’s see what she comes up with. Aho?
Anyway, look into the various sites mentioned. Also consider NO “In-Ground” building, BUT instead WELL EARTH-BERMED. At least as I’ve done my Mini…1/3 !n-Ground and THEN BERMED. Your container has the strength needed to top it with Earth…so, “Completely” “In-Ground”. Building as I, the Free Dirt is set ON the ground but dug ONLY to just above the land’s slope. THEN bermed. NO SLOPE. Hole filling AND ITS COST. Aho?
GBÂ Â Â re