A Message From Red Elk about another Shaman Medicine Woman

I (Heather) just got off the phone with Red Elk. In 2003 Red Elk took me on an adventure and I on it I met Fawn Journey Hawk. Red Elk has agreed to help me assist in getting Fawn's message out. He also wanted me to tell you all he is having computer problems again, and hoping someone will be arriving in the near future who can help him get back on line. A Personal Message From The Journeyhawk Medicine Camp, Twenty-first century Medicine Workers will be facing many new challenges with high levels of radioactive pollution and horrible mutated bacteria and viruses, all creeping slowly into our lives. A serious upgrade of traditional medicine ceremonies is in order. As a High Medicine Shaman who works as a team with the Higher Powers of Healing in the Spirit realm I was summoned by the Ancestors to do just that. Almost nightly for four years in dreamtime I studied under their direction to understand the powers of the future threats to humankind and how to control them. With radioactive fallout reaching the West Coast, via the jet stream and ocean currents, added to the chem trails we can look forward to a massive rise in thyroid cancer and deformed fetuses. These are the first signs of the effects of accumulating radiation. The media fails to inform us of the inescapable toxic soup spreading across the planet from the nuclear disaster in Japan that continues to contaminate. As a result most people are unaware of the poisons they are encountering daily. Independent research shows 90% of the nation’s nuclear power plants are degrading and beginning to contaminate their area. These poisons, like irradiated cesium and plutonium, are microscopic and can’t be detected by the human senses, placing us in the same predicament as the frog in the pot of water- unaware that he’s about to cook. The invisible poisons we eat, drink and are surrounded by daily aren’t removed from the body through the natural elimination process. They slowly accumulate until the cells can no longer function properly and begin to break down, resulting in cancer or other malfunctions. Radioactive cesium has already been detected in mother’s milk in the Eugen Oregon area. Badly deformed fetuses are being aborted in the first trimester in S.W. Oregon. Thyroid disorders are also beginning to surface. Doctors are treating the symptoms but fail to seek the source of the disorders. After four years of updated Medicine training a camp is being built to deal with the future. We’re in the process of transforming an old shed into a laboratory. Radiation and heavy metal poisoning is far too serious for guesswork. High tech equipment has been donated that will allow us to test for the level of contamination in the body before and after the Transference Ceremony to be certain the expected results have been reached. Physics majors, Carly and Dave, have taken a break from college to join me and help me understand the devices and how to use them. We’re constructing a Camp Kitchen and a large gathering/ceremonial lodge from the local timber. We’re off the grid, in semi-primitive conditions with fresh spring water. We have a Medicine Tipi and on the mountainside we have a questing shelter facing east that overlooks the valley. What we don’t have are extra hands to build the ceremonial lodges. There is never a charge for my Medicine Work but we sure could use help putting the sanctuary together along with a large dose of enthusiasm. I would like to add that while I was in hospice care because of heart failure, I had given up on being part of a Medicine Camp. It was the Ancestors that placed me on the Medicine Path once again. I’ll continue to serve the Medicine as long as I’m on the earth walk. Our camp is open to all who come with respect and a good heart. A healing can take one to four days, depending on the nature of your disorder. We have camping sites for tents, tipis or trailers, and fresh water should you wish to join us for a time. Warms Regards, Fawn & Carly Journeyhawk Journeyhawk@inbox.com
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How is the email link supposed to work? When I click on it, it asks me for a Webmail ID & password, which I don’t have.
You can’t click on it as a link, sorry I didn’t set it up correctly. Just highlight it and copy it into your composed email message and it will get to her. I ran a test and it worked!
I did that, and it appears to have been sent, but have no idea if it was even received. :/
Carly will respond. She just needs to do a lot to get internet service and respond. It isn’t an instant world there, they are still building the camp and need support too, so they are carrying the load, but respond she will!
4 months prior to the fukashima disaster i had a dream that i went up to this huge tank that was ready to burst.patched and rusty, i could see movement of the plates
that held it together..i ended up on a phone and said,we really need to do something here..its going to go critical..but all i got was yelled at…big time..
again i insisted that something be done and this man yelled at me even louder..i said what i meant to and hung up.then as i began stepping back i saw jeeps roll up with MP..japanese military police..the dream ended..
Is Carly still using the mentioned email address?
Hello brothers and sisters.
This is on regard to the radiation pollution.
There is a gentleman by the name of John Hutchinson, he claims to have found a technological/ scientifical way to get rid of the radioactive pollution via this technology, by the use of certain frequencis.
He also claims and has proven to use similar technology to cause any type of matter to levitate and to even change the form of metallic (matter) he also seem to have proven free energy devices that require nothing but a electromagnetic forces of the planet and a few simingly ordinary rocks or stones.
He has a youtube channel and he post weird videos were he dress as characters and act them out, but he does shows a great deal of simingly wholesome scientific technologies.
I am merely suggesting his work for the sake of authentication and better understanding. Not to put him on a pedestal or glorify him.
All the Glory be to the Creator.
Please I beg of you to check, check, check.
I want to understand from the side of purity if there is any good in this man work.
All – as for the check check check, this is correct….do so. As for me I personally will never accept anyone using a channel – there is no need to check it is false. But it is up to you to find out for yourself, good luck, Red Elk.
my feet are sore, especially right foot. feels like crystals in them. sore hips and legs. what shall i do elk woman?
There’s no ‘Elk Woman’ here, and Mother Journeyhawk doesn’t answer the blog. Who are you trying to get a hold of?