As you know by now, I'm "blown away" with mankind's ways of living; cooking / cleaning / farming / name it. I got on early white American life / early England / viking name it. Things done then that today's modern time makes the cost of monthly bills and constant paying work to live "easy" really, a form of slavery if you think of it. Always worried about your job / a pay. Not that back then things were "easy", no, they too required sun up to sun down labor. Not easy at all...yet FAR MORE REWARDING. What YOU did, was YOURS. Not put out to some big corporation. Aho? Oh how I wish I were healed and do things of then today. Not...but CAN advise...or wet your interest??? ONE ACRE of land...what a TREASURE to have. ONE ACRE. We've 19 1/2....a 10 and a 9 1/2 section(s). Just a wk ago we found to 'elder' age...our land taxes can be greatly reduced. Did you know this? My domes cost near zero. Small...easy to heat and can be made larger if wanted. Aussy Dave has turned us onto building with pressed earth bricks. FREE but for the labor. We once had an oxen....used to bring in firewood logs. Ate it eventually. Try THAT with a TRACTOR! Raised chickens / geese / rabbits and ducks. Killed to eat during winter. Started again in spring. Sold a few for cash needed. Never spent a PENNY on feed. Grazed food. We use rain from our roof or most of our water labor at a neighbor if 'dry'. Cleaning her small barn and used the house dropping in our garden. Awhile back I stopped using our electric pump and now totally hose spinning for our house needs. NO MORE FROZEN PUMP SINCE. THIS HAS MADE US MORE WATER CONSERVATIVE AS WELL. As well as lower electric bills. Due to my wife's long commute job...we have a car. Also a truck. The truck used barely...about twice, or heavy loads only. Less fuel now. By FAR. THERE ARE EASILY A HUNDRED WAYS TO CONSERVE...EVEN MORE IF IN A Do it Yourself mode. DON'T DEPEND ON A FINANCIAL COMEBACK! AT NOT A long one at least. If and when you can, get some LAND. ONE ACRE and knowledge can feed and house you. YES IT CAN! Up to you, friend. good luck and God Bless re
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