Will You Now?

You will “sleep” in your Own “bed”.

I’ve a number who read and agree and then ‘tra-la-la’ off. DOING NOTHING.
It’s gonna catch up with you!




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One Response to “Will You Now?”

  1. Yaj7 says:

    Hehehe…. test, test, Test! your words! Your truth! will be tested!
    Remember that. ( :

    I am so glad you and your family are safe (For now… lol).

    Hey Red Elk i will be moving to “Alaska” in a few days with my family yhea!
    Leaving mostly All our things behind going “Bare” lol We have always wanted to lived in a place like Alaska! (At lest i did! lol) Thank you Creator! Thank you everybody and everything!
    It is going to be(Very) Hard! I know it.
    Brave your truth! Are You Strong!….?

    Can you give me some tips on how to keep yourself warm when it Really cold out? or i could just look at the blog for tips on things like this lol.
    (You don’t need to answer). hahaha!