Red Elk’s 2nd book Lessons is available soon!

I just completed submitting Red Elk’s second book “Lessons” to Createspace for final approval of sale. The book should be available this week.
Sneak peak at the back cover:
Just completed Red Elk’s second book: Lessons. The back of the book: Within this booklet you will find the teachings of Red Elk. A Med Man / Wakian member of the Inner Heyoka’ Socity.
These 12 members follow PURITY…the “ways of Christ”.
These Inner Heyoka’ Society are the last of this Society. As they pass away, they will no longer exist.
This Society was the BEGINING of what today is known as TRADITIONAL Medicine People. Aho?
IF the reader is CONSISTENTLY trying to learn the lessons within…WITH a CHILD-LIKE MIND…..They WILL succeed.
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I cannot wait! But will… 🙂