Rebuilding The Site

The servers we rented went down and we lost all of the posts, we have recovered only 1/8 of them. I will be rebuilding the site. Thanks to WS, she kept everything on a backup. Please be patient. I am getting them up as fast as I can.

Missing work is being replaced back into the time and day it was posted. Recent work will be at least 5 posts down from the main messages.



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3 Responses to “Rebuilding The Site”

  1. Anne says:

    I was getting a bit concerned for a few days when the site was down. The internet can be a slippery slope especially these days. Bless all of you for helping him out and for all you do.

  2. Anne says:

    Would the wayback archive be of any use?

  3. Living Documents says:

    If I needed it, I’m sure it would be. So far I have more material saved from WS and others than I can get to!