Before you go spending money on doctors and pills…..try this:
Turn with head in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION.
Say you sleep with head to the East….Put OPPOSITE.
All man is originated from EARTH MATTER…thus we TOO have “Poles”. N / E / S / W.
OFTEN, if you are having Sleep Problems, YOU ARE in a NEGATIVE Pole sleeping position.
Give a test….Try VARIOUS “POLES”. Aho?
Remember too our Earth is slowly shifting deep inside. If one “pole” works, for AWHILE….it has moved, deep within. RE-LOCATE YOUR POLE. Aho?
Have a GOOD Sleep…forget the docs / pills…and EXPENSE.
I wish you well.  GB   re
WS asked, ’cause she has this problem:
What do you suggest for people with arthritic hips, who as a result have one side they cannot sleep on…which also happens to be the side they sleep best on?
Red Elk answered:
Drinking STINGING NETTLE tea and placing the hot HOT leaves on the spot…3 times a day. This and others on this line are in my upcoming book : Short Stories.   re
(Before anybody asks, you can get it dried in the bulk herb section of any organic grocery or co-op, online, or directly from Starwest Botanicals. – WS)
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