In this morning’s TV News, they are talking of people having to turn “in” their family pets…due to “can’t afford to keep ‘em” (oil spill States).
I warned about this in my book. Not foreseeing it happening NOW, but as a FUTURE event.
My wife has gone “nuts” over Chihuahuas. Started with one. Now 7 !  PLUS her Shelty.
Cute dogs…darn smart…entertaining. But basically a useless (in FUTURE) animal breed.
Can SHE “let ‘em go”? Doubt it. Would tear her apart. (ME TOO, darnit).
“You’re forgetting, re, they are GOOD PROTECTION! WARN!” (Etc.).
Well, they Can WARN….AND GIVE YOU AWAY by their noise!
To “make it” you’ll NEED to Turn ‘Em Lose (Can YOU DO THAT?!)….Kill ‘em (can you do THAT?)….Eat ‘em to feed your KIDS (can you DO THAT?)…or, suffer, yourself.
If things go on “as is”….you had BETTER think about it!
Worse yet…new human BABIES!   “Woe the woman who suckles”. IE: In THOSE (these?) DAYS….The Creator “HIMSELF” WARNS AGAINST PREGNANCIES and NEWBORNS!
PETS are NOTHING compared to your BABY!
To me, this TV News Show is a PRE-WARNING FOR US!
(PS; there ARE animals that can “handle themselves”….CATS / GOATS. Might be others as well. PEOPLE Need COMPANIONSHIP….but you must be WISE! Aho?   re
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Who were the ancient people of egyt and the first to descover North America
What can i do to be closer to the lord.
what does the futhur say about earth know.
NO ONE discovered it! The NA came WITH the AmericaS when it broke off from the one continent. Drifted to here. The NA “floated in on the log” sorta thing. All this occurred during the time of ALL started building the “Tower Of Babel”. Earth flipped then. re
#1 Read the Bible. Understand it as a ‘love letter’ from Dad to you, and let it ‘speak’ to you. Use a concordance to get to the original writings and their meanings (make sure its for the same Bible you’re reading, tho!)
#2 Pray. Get on your knees and talk to God.
#4 Give thanks for everything.
Pay attention to what I’ve written…and HUNGER! re
The 4 HORSEMEN are all now here. You’re seeing the results of what “He” tells. READ HIS WORD!
Evidently the masses are NOT repenting (over-all). CAN BE STOPPED if 84 to 87 % of the earths masses TURN AWAY FROM THEIR UNGodly Ways. re
If the Apocalypse come what can i do to help stop it, and if it happens i will always be on god side no matter what happens to me.
were do i go because i live in SouthCarlina
ive always watch your youtube videos and try to do what you say but cant do all the floating and stuff what can i do.
ASK “DAD” on ALL of this. I’m not Him, friend…so can’t comment for you. SEEK KNOCK FIND. If REALLY on “God Side”, you’ll be able to hear. Aho? re
Your ‘can’ts’ are what is holding you back. You’re positive you ‘can’t’ do it, so you make that true. Stop using that word.
is the government going to reveal ufo soon
I just found out that i have a little charokee indian in me i want to know how long back it was
and what type of people they were
Red Elk is a medicine man, not a geneologist. Your family members are the ones you need to talk to, and research.
Google ‘cherokee’. There’s plenty of information on them online.
You’ve got ALL the info I’m giving. NO MORE! My book to be out soon. You can buy that. Good luck (and ASK DAD!). re
thankyou for answering all my questions
when does it come out so i can buy it
You’ll know when the rest of us do, because it will be announced on the blog.
will it have all the enformation i need
Kid, I’m not even going to relay this comment to him because you are just being lazy now and he has no patience for lazy people. You are also CLEARLY NOT LISTENING. HE HAS TOLD YOU WHERE TO GET THE INFORMATION YOU’RE ASKING FOR!!! Stop looking for someone else to do the work for you!!!
man i shouldnt buy the book with you being so mean
but i am because i like redelk
One day i saw my aunt floating with red eyes do you know what is wrong with her
So then why don’t you listen and apply the wisdom he has ALREADY given you? Every comment from ‘Living Documents’ that is not signed by me or Heather is from Red Elk and he has answered you repeatedly in this thread alone.
You know how to get ALL your answers. GB re