Gypsy Charcoal Lighter

Just for fun…AND SAVE MONEY: Make a GYPSY Charcoal Lighter.  Take a tin can. Punch Lots of holes in side / bottom.  2 at rim (opposites). A “V” wire to those 2 a long “twirling” wire to tip of “V”. Stuff with A (or more) Briquette (or twigs / dry weeds). Mix in the fuel with the paper (best to semi-crush the briquette(s)). Light and start twirling the can.
The rush of air catches the fuel QUICKLY.
A Great FAST Starter for your fire AND you won’t need expensive Pre-soaked briquettes OR “starter”.
Have fun!
(LOTS OF WAYS to “DO” n SAVE. STUDY!)  Aho?   re
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