Great Vision DVD

It gives me no pleasure to tell/remind you that over the years the “Great Vision” I was given in the very early ’70s, I am watching take form more and more on a monthly basis.  Any who have seen that DVD and have doubts, I ask you to take the time to replay it and compare yourself.  Please do.

KNOW this DVD does NOT cover all I was shown….so I am seeing fully, whereas you only a large amount.

I urge any who have the chance to see “AFTER ARMAGGEDON” to watch it.  Science/etc. are BACKING THE GREAT VISION UP!

Its not “pretty”….but Will help you.  Aho?

I wish our Earth’s People would “return”….but it just seems to go ‘on-n-on’….unslowed.


Please, if you own one of these DVDs…dust it off and SHARE it.

I have very few left.  No longer selling openly.  Aho?


Note from WS – The videos/DVDs mentioned are available on YouTube.
First part of the Great Vision
First part of “After Armageddon”
(view below)


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