Say ‘Hi’ to the Little People

“Ghost” (‘Shoestring Cabin’ page and Ghost32’s Hub) and I have been telling each other of “things”. Things we’ve both have had experiences of / with.
It’s a ‘kick’ to know we Medicine People aren’t the only ones with “things” we are aware of.
Ghost, too (non-medicine and white), are ‘chatting’ on our times with “Li’l People” right now. Gnomes / Fairies / Pixies / Etc.
Nope, we Med. People are not the only ones………………….
These people aren’t all over. Just certain spots “here-n-there”. You just never know where, or when, they’ll show themselves. The very fact they do is always a surprise.
Up in Canada the Crees know the places they are. When traveling near, they stop and leave silver (coins / etc.) at their “openings”. I do the same. I’ve no idea why they like silver, but they take GLEE in receiving.
Occasionally 10 will come, unexpectedly, here into the house. We set (me on couch, they in semi-circle before me on the floor) and just ‘shoot the breeze’. I’m not a drinker…but occasionally my daughter will have a beer in the fridge (she’s not a drinker either). I have 10 tiny ‘mugs’ (bought for them to hold easily) and will fill ‘em up for ‘em. They LOVE beer.  So, if YOU have “a feeling” on a place….leave some silver…and an open beer.
There’s a place on the edge of Woodland, WA that a lady owner has. She knows there’s such a spot on her place…and has honored it by fixing it up with flowers / etc. She uses it to meditate in. “Peaceful”.
Another up between Colville and Kettle Falls, WA. The cabin there almost on TOP of a ‘clan’ of Li’l Ones. Cabin foundation darn near piercing their underground Dome-Shaped abode below.
In the Kootenays of Canada….”HOMES” GALORE! All OVER up there. Fascinating.
In NM a CITY! Yup…CITY! I had no Idea they had such. ALL the “types” live / go there.
No cars / etc. (they walk or fly) but a real…and BIG…City. Cobblestone streets. “High Rises” buildings / etc. A BUSY place.
You’ll find no sadness or “down” there. ALL are FRIENDS.
Sure would be nice to have such here, wouldn’t it…………………………………..  re