The Wise Brother From Down Under
From our Aussie Brother. HE MAKES SENSE. I can LEARN from HIM!  Re
Personally I’m VERY ASHAMED of my white heritage.  re
somethin belong u then bro…but i dont think u should be…all tribes havehuman beings that have messed up in Fathers eyes…i forgive the dills long ago…just love em now…along with everyone else…i feel more related to my dogs than whitefellas:)…reckon we all gotta take responsiblity for what ‘we’ do…NOW….history is history…cant change it…but can try not to repeat it…what whitefellas do doesnt surprise me anymore…or blackfellas for that matter…(one stabbed his wife27 times in a drunken rage up in theNorthern Territory & then killed himself in shame…wife survived)…i think i’ve explained how ithink on this before…i dont see myself as a whitefella…just stuck in awhitefella body….dont feel any shame or responsibility for mistakes ‘other’ HUMANS have made in thepast or will in the future…black red or brindle….feel ‘SORRY’ for all the ones hurt…& all the injustices though….not ashamed…only ashamed of mistakes i’ve made…but grateful for all the hard testings & oportunities to grow from them…thankful & grateful it wasnt me doin more terrible things….thankful & grateful foreverything….even the ‘bad’ examples shown….cant feel asshamed ofwhatothers have done…they have to feel that themselves…& answer to Father forit….can only love em bro….(hope this makes sense to ya) GB
Does…certainly. I see more then you tho. NA SUPRESSION STILL GOING ON! Canada / USA / S. America. What eggs me on is FEW SEEM TO CARE. SOME do…but in general, rather not know about it. Alot like the Germans around the “killing camps”. Aho?  re
ok….i see that too…although not livin in aby community so only ‘bits’ here & there…like racism in laundrymat from white woman to aby woman….’resentment’ ignorance i saw…heard ‘myth’ story that abys get extra $ for each of their dogs…sounds like complete crap to me…but good racism resentment story to ‘justify’ hatred/racism….i also see racism from abys too….to me all family feud/tribal fightin…..guilty on both sides…innocents on both sides…cant feel shame for any…just compassion…allhave to feel own shame…otherwise i’d be a shamed out mess for all the mistakemakers…sorry for them…for their mess up…because they gunnahave topay for theirmistakes…(like we all do)…feel sorry for innocents too…hurt ones of mistakes….shame apersonalthing…compassion universal….big family feud tribal fight bro….nothin much has changed….iguess ucould feel ashamed of ur family in general…but that should include ALL human being relatives…not just one tribe…thats racism…otherwise we’d become the same as the racists…should be no sides……all in this together…onefamily….just compassion for themembers who mess up….& pray we’re not next….pray for them too…no help toget mad…useless as tits on abull….this leads to war bro…payback….let Father payback…He’ll do it right….GB
thought ofthis too….victims plight short lived…mistakemakers could be stuffin up their eternity…who deserves more compassion/prayer?…..also this repression would be very clear to the repressed but maynot be to others far away….& done indiscreet way…not advertised or admitted…not inpapers etc….hiddenfrom most….no doubt some break through this repression & shine like stars in world full of injustice…others trapped by it…see no wayout….here inVictoria unever see abys…up in territory/desert…heaps…one town was spot the whitefella…Tennet Creek….u’dhave to live there to get a good feel for the racism & resentment…but upthere has the potental to be another south africa….i saw high fences & mesh on windows…& drinkin seems to be the abys main pastime….white fellas out numbered 100 to 1….seems also tobe an ‘unnatural’ friendliness between whitefellas upthere…(glad to see another whiteface in a seaof black)…experienced this up in New Guinea too…..i see through itall bro…see the mess the abys are in with grog & ‘infighting’ too….soon things willchange…the abys will do muchbetter after theflip….& the whitefellas willbe ‘out ofplace’….GB