Hello all,

What will be posted while WS, Adam and I prepare unpublished work of Red Elk – we have David W’s amazing work of reading Red Elk’s words and finding the nuggets of wisdom and making modern day memes out of them. Prepare to be inspired! I am!

Thank you so much David for your support! Red Elk is proud of you and his family is happy for the messages you are keeping alive in his original words.




Thank You Rosa

Dear Rosa,

Meachelle called me to tell me how thankful she was for your donations after you sold your home. She was shocked and grateful. She has been out of work due to a fall and then a dizzy spell. Your generosity seemed to arrive in a timely manner. Of course, it helps us all to know we are all looked after. Meachelle wanted to send you a card but since she doesn’t know where to send it, she asked me to post on the blog hoping you will see this and have a place to comment. I can keep the comment private or write you back.

I really appreciate your long term support of Meachelle and Red Elk’s family. It is amazing and we are all grateful.



There is a book that was written in the late 60’s, and publicly published by two publishers that discusses the reality of earth shifts  (its the crust that shifts, not the entire planet.  Its just as bad.)…before the CIA classified it and shut it away as much as they could.  Then a few years ago the CIA ‘sanitized’ (another term for redacted, but less messy-looking and obvious) and released 57 of the 232 pages, and you can download those pages on their website among all the other declassified documents there.  Its called ‘The Story of Adam and Eve: A History of Cataclysms’, and the pages released are the story of the last two cataclysms – Adam and Eve’s expulsion from Eden, and Noah.  And the proof of such that the author Chan Thomas gathered from varied sciences, histories, indigenous tales, pretty much everything they could get their hands on for 20 years.  Including shocking revelations about Genesis being FAR more accurate than people believe.  And how the ‘ice age’ didn’t happen like is currently thought.  Its frightening and really interesting in equal measure.

And its just ONE FOURTH of the information in that book.

If anyone out there happened to buy a copy before the CIA got a hold of it…its up to you what you do with it, but the world does need to know this story.


(if anyone is wondering what happened to me with regards to this blog…it wasn’t my path to continue, tho I seem to keep being un-removed from the blog’s admin list.  Red Elk left it to Heather to continue distributing his teachings.)

Happy Easter


It’s Heather and I wish you all a great Easter weekend. I have been thankful for the support that Red Elk’s family continues to receive in the form of donations and book purchases. Sometimes they coincide with great need: either emotionally with confirmation of his wife striving to take care of the family or actually directly in assisting with allowing them to continue to make their home modern with running water and soon a septic system.

I looked in my emails for something to do with Easter but I found this response after I discussed visiting my grandparents and receiving gifts and good times. I thought I would share.

It is good child, to listen to the past paths of the elders.  Thus you are
ingrained in their knowledge and why they have grown into their particular
personality, their “path”.  They were ready to share and in so doing ready
for their give-away. The give-away is their wanting you to have good
memories of them….not bad.  They are preparing to leave. Though consciously
they are not aware of this SUBconsciously they are. They SUBconsciously know their
“time” is short. LOVE THEM.  Ho
Ho  Red Elk

In Memoriam: Fawn Journeyhawk

Hello everyone,

I have learned of Fawn’s passing and have this link for you to read some beautiful tributes.

In Memorium


Running Water in the Home!

This is Heather – Wow I have chills! Red Elk may have passed on a few years ago but there have been so many people continuing to support his wife and family. They have lived this whole time without running water in the house. People who have been donating have done so to go towards the well. Today I just saw this post on Facebook from his daughter Christine –

OMG!! OMG!!! OMG!! ITS OFFICIAL……. For the first time in many many years we have actual real live running water in the house!!! Holy shit did it take forever for the companies to get er done. Im so out of my mind about it right now, im floating around in orbit because this moment is way better than cloud nine!!

Red Elk‘s wishes before he died was for me to carry on his work. One of the things he had hoped to see created was his coloring book he drew by hand with a children’s story about God, before he started to shake and could no longer draw. The front of the book is exactly as he requested, with his original drawings and colors. The back of the book is black and white where kids can color in the images. Adam (who trained under Red Elk) and I refocused our efforts recently – both feeling/hearing/sensing a calling to keep his work alive. Normally Red Elk says check 3 times for confirmation, but we have received confirmations of being on the right track 10 fold. Special thanks for Justene Merriman for helping clean up the only copy of this work I had, Crystal Lewis for using her new found skills in self-publishing an illustrated book, Michaela Paeth for helping us find a cover photo that we could legally use and many others who participated in getting me over the hump to get this project completed.

Let There Be Eggs


List of Recently Added New & Old Posts #1

These are posts made from his email list, which predates the blog…so they’re new to the blog as well.  If you’re wondering why the dome building posts begin when the main structure is already up, I no longer have the posts for the start of the original project, but I believe you can find posts about the beginning at Ghost32’s blog.   Terrible, cheesy titles are all me, tho! 😀

Even if you think you’ve read them already…some you haven’t, some you might have, and some are good to refresh your memory of.  I certainly picked up on things I forgot while re-editing them.

The Dome Report


The Dome Report: The Dollar Count

Amazing Freebie!

Gettin’ the Chill Out

Old Timey Hidey Holes

If All Is Your Mind Creation…Why Is Your Nagual Smacking You With It?

What Are YOUR ‘Bare Necessities?’


The Dome Report 2

The Dome Report 3

Believe Not a Word I Say…CHECK!  CHECK!  CHECK!

Let Nature Do Your Laundry

The Dome Report: Many Mighty Minis

On Paul

REALLY Looking at NATURE: The Eyes of the Ancients

Time to SHOW – Or Prove Your Unbelief

Let Nature Do Your Laundry 2

Vote Good, Vote GOD



The Difference Between GOD’S Church and MAN’S Church

Are You Sharing the ‘Gift’ of Fear?  Or the Gift of Courage?

Mitakuye Oyasin and the Tower [Part 1]  [Part 2]

The Dome Report: Another Small House Way

The Dome Report: ‘Scaping Your Land

I Dream of Boatin’

The Embrace of Trees

Kelp-ol of the Bells (yes, I couldn’t resist a bad pun!  BAD pun!)

God Gives, Man Reminds

The Rat and the Ladybug

To Know the Future, Learn the Past

Medicine Packrat

Parable of the Little Fat Chick

On Totems and Angels and ‘In Sanity’

Here There Be “Secrets!”

Here There Be More!

Comments have been disabled for 2 reasons – the length of time between their writing and now, and the fact that well, you know, we aren’t Red Elk and thus can not really answer for him.

More to come!


Blog News

I’m loading several new-to-the-blog posts in the back end here, most taken from his pre-blog mailing list in late 2009 to early 2010, and some that were previously on the blog but lost in the crashes.  Even tho they’re basically just a few months’ worth, Red Elk was PROLIFIC back then!  I’m editing them for reading comprehension before posting, but my brain still gets tired so it will still be a couple weeks.  One or two I’ll post as ‘New’ because they’re That Important; the rest will be dated according to their original dates.

I also just found out that all the links to the podcasts were *also* not restored, which means I’ll have to hunt them all down again in order to link them.  Right now just the Nov 2009 interview with Zeph Daniels has been restored.  Besides Prophecykeepers and Feet to the Fire, if anyone else knows of any interviews that are still online that we can link to, if you could comment with the link it would be much appreciated.

In other news, we are still working on what will be done with the various audio lessons.  His family does want to sell them, and it may be done through iTunes or one of the other services.


I’m Baaaaack…

–Whale Sister