Go To God!

Those things (tellings on aliens, spirit world, etc. – DW) were only meant to show the TRUE Reality of the Creators Vast domain. That THAT is filled with mysteries and “unseeable” things.
Frankly, it was / is to help lead people back to thinking on Him.
Hopefully leading them back to connection once again.
Sadly, almost to a “man” its contents HAVE “opened” …. their FEARS!
HUNDREDS of “Where should I go (move to), to be SAFE” letters have come
to me. ALL MISSING THE POINT of their “Awakening”: GO TO GOD! That it
is Only in His “wings” one is “safe”. ASK HIM…not ME, I reply. A few
have listened. UNDER 50! Of those, perhaps 14 are LEARNING, as well.
A minute amount considering I’ve reached out to over 26,000,000 ! “Dad”
making that possible. 5 times I’ve told to that amount at one time.
Each replayed yr.ly as well. Then too, other interviews via TV / AM
Radio / DVD / Internet radio / Magazines, as well as personal teaching to groups.
I / we have lost “friends” but gained TRUE Friends in all this. Sure
trimmed off the excess “fat”.
Through it we to have seen mankind at its worse…and BEST. By far,
worse. But, OH! The BEST! WOW! True revolving hi-resolution SPOT
LIGHTS cutting threw this Dark, Sinful, world. Yes indeed : WOW!
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