Anthony Texts Messages

July 28, 2014
OK so today it seemed like it was going to be an uneventful day of just chores but at night time we had a very deep talk. It started as the story about him waiting an angel hand a story thats in the book. And then to the soulless guy from his story thats also in the big book lol but then I told him about a few of my experiences and I found out that lucifer has tried to take me out before because he knew I would grow closer to God and then he gave me a speech I wish we could have recorded cause I believe everybody should have heard it. It was about the many trials of those who seek God and Purity and the many trials ahead of me and all the real dangers I will be in which lead to how important your personal closeness with God is and to not let it be shaken through your trials.
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And don’t forget to Shut Up and Listen ALL the time! 😀
Red Elk
Larry Taylor ask me to ask you what does it mean for a road runner to follow you all the way home and stick around . this happened to him a few weeks ago
He sent you a letter with $ but never got an answer …..
Red Elk has been in a wheel chair for over a year now, and unable to write letters anymore, and has a very old and slow computer, but his health conditions are hindering him from communication more than anything. I will call him and find out what this means. I know he said he has received mail that he can not answer and is very grateful for the donation, please let Larry know that. I’ll work on an answer and post it here and get back to you – Heather
It really depends on how far back, was it walking, chasing you or what? If it was chasing you it might be worried about its young if you were in the area. If it was behind you somewhat and sort of strolling along as you strolled along slowly it could very likely be a sign. Something natural, yet unusual will soon be taking place. I don’t see any danger in any one of them.