Dear Friends

Dear Friends,
You’ll know Dr.’s interview with me is audible and runs a number of hours. Another one will be coming shortly covering almost all of what she does BUT two things are added that I’ve never shared except personally with others. This is: #1 How to bring a person who is very close to dying, hours or days short of being dead, returning them back to health and wanting to live. #2 How to take one who is dead, has not been bled out and is not in terrific physical condition back to living again. This is NOT, I repeat NOT calling up the dead….which is a No No!
What people do not understand is that each of us choose to die. Some do die, but they are not in bad physical shape (like ran over by a train, etc.). We have 3 days to talk to that dead person’s spirit and soul. 3 days and once you talk them to returning to breathing again. The next set of audibles that will be coming on the blog, tell of this, the Why of this, and the How of this.
I myself have no proof that I am to die 3 more times. All I can do is wait and see. Test Test Test. But, I do not want to find out that when I pass away I won’t be back. I have too much yet to share with the world, including these last two lessons.
There are still much I won’t share. I tell you true, if there is something you must know or need to know, go to your knees, ask the creator and expect an answer. Test that answer at least 3 times. If it seems to waiver, or stop, it is not of our God. It is of the deceiver lucifer. I will go on teaching as much as I can, as I can. I’m tired, I’m very weak, I’m sore, I shake, but I will continue for the sake of my brothers and sisters of Earth.
As usual, I wish you well, I thank you for your prayers and for the donations that have been given.
God Bless,
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