It’s in there basically. I’m born, I breathe, I’ll stop, and I’ll quit. :D My life is not at all that interesting. Born on the wrong side of the tracks, alcoholic father (the town drunk), overworked mother turned party girl. Mostly raised by grandparents. Grandma Indian, grandfather Irish. Called to the medicine way of inner Heyoka at age 10. Studied over 40 years before I was invited to join the society. Hated by Indians and whites alike, loved by a few, story of my life I was born, I breathe, I’ll stop breathing and I’ll die. Nothing interesting. :D re
P.S.- I’m not a ‘geek’, I’ve got two very good computers that are dead at the moment so I can’t get online to answer these things except over the phone with WS. Too broke to fix ‘em and too tired to care.
P.P.S. – But I’m still good lookin’! 😀 😀 😀
One on one, simple as that.
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