Clothes Washing Plunger

Ordered the Clothes Washer PLUNGER last night. Should arrive by the 11th of Oct…Then, if more donations come in, I’ll get a Galvanized PAIL Sized Wash Board. Should be “set” then. Intend too to get 1 larger fiberglass “pails” at BiMart store in town. That should complete our cloths washing needs.
We can string clothesline at opposite trees. Aussy Dave has a SUPER Big ROUND Wash Hanger, NICE, and MIGHT invest in the same eventually.
My Grandmother taught my sister and myself how to dry clothes / etc. during winter freezes. Hang them on the line…let them freeze…beat the ice off…freeze again…beat again. Thick things need 3 beatings. Then drape on things indoors to finish drying.
The place looked like a tornado had hit….not a lot of room to set (4 peoples things) but the house smelled GREAT (finale ‘STEAM’ injected the homes air). Smelled so CLEAN inside.
SUNSHINE does something no machine dryer can EVER do. A pure blessing from God to wear or sleep (sheets) to have to use.
There’s a HAND WRINGER one can put on a bucket. Another to place on the outside of an RV. My wife wants one.
I was taught (grandma again) to be SURE to FOLD Buttons / etc. UNDER a shirt (etc.) them before placing through a wringer….OR FACE BROKEN AND MISSING BUTTONS.
These hand powered wringers sure beat hand WRUNG doing.
Creating less drying time.
IF no wringer…we’ve SPANISH WINCH doing (for heavy cloth (jeans / etc.) and sheets, etc..
To do this you hook one end to a stationary post / tree….tIe a stick to the other….anD TWIST the stick. “Wringing” out the water.
Its a slow process but effective. Good for heavy blankets / sleeping bags / etc..
With the Hand Plunger…..FAR LESS WATER IS NEEDED. A Plus in the water shortage we will (and in some places now) times.
Though few will do so….LOIN CLOTHS for At Home wear is a great clothing choice. EASY to wash….COMFORTABLE to wear.
Women can drape a flat piece over their breast, tie around the neck and in back.
MANY Native American used these as daily wear. TARZAN TOO! ( :
If you have a piece of “woodsy” land…consider this. Leave “regular” cloths for In-Town use. At the same time, this allows very simple / easy / fast, washing. A great TIME Saver.
I’m fully aware on River and Rock beating washing. Works, but hard on you. Still………..
If a 2 bucket (Wash / Rise) is used: Wash in one…then rinse in the other. If possible save the WASH water (if using biodegradable soaps) to water your garden with….the RINSING water then poured into the (now empty) Washing one. Use that to wash your next load. Water saving. Aho?
My mother did once a week washing when I was a child. Doing so for 5 kids / self and father. A hard task. Heated water via an open pit fire (not NEEDED…COLD water does as well) to wash…an oval galvanized container, Wash Board. A LOT of sweat n Hard work. Yes, I remember………………..
Early White American gals had a bucket placed on the back of their ROCKING Chairs. They’d set / Rock/ and HAND SPIN at the same time. The rocking motion washing the small cloths within the bucket.
Even dirty cloths in soapy buckets in tour car works (we’ve often done so) works as you drive about, works. UTILIZE! Aho?
Friends, we are entering into some really rough times. Might as well at least be aware of the SIMPLE (but Hard) ways now…for THEN.
and DON’T FORGET OUR GODCREATOR in all this coming harshness.
We CAN “make it”. Aho?
Yes, I’m still ‘about’, still trying to help. I HAVEN’T GIVEN UP ON YOU. Aho? HO!
Your brother, in HIM…..
Red Elk
A friend uses a FAR CHEAPER way to squeeze water from washed cloths:Â a MOP BUCKET MOP SQUEEZER!
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