Archive for December, 2010

This concerns Constipation.

Often Laxatives and Suppositories are used.  Both quite helpful.  Still, MAYBE NOT DOING A COMPLETE JOB.

Don’t cringe at what I tell here….it WORKS, and FULLY!   Females OR Males:   ENEMA!

Not once but 3 Times.  One right after the other.  FULLY ‘flush out’.

This piece of knowledge came hard to me.  At the expense of a severe Belt beating.

I was just 10 and in Mississippi visiting.  The couple there, aged.  Outhouse only.

Early one morning I saw the Old Gentleman, carrying a Douche Bag heading to the same destination.

When I entered, the seat area was very wet.  When I was accused, I told true.  This to the horror of their eldest son.  “HE DOSN’T DO THAT!….and off came the belt.

The old ones lived “for-ever”.  Keeping their bowels clean helped tremendously.  Aho?   re


Snowman Funnies!

‘Cause we could use a laugh!

Calvin’s Snow Art (Hobbes helps!)

38 Snowman Nightmares based on Calvin’s art


There is no more pleasurable feeling, than when GIVING.

red elk

(As I was posting this, the Christmas song ‘The Gift’, about the poor orphan girl who found an injured bird and took care of it then gave it as a gift to Jesus, came on the radio.  Thank you Dad, I needed that cry. – WS)

Not many can do this, yet there ARE some WITH THE FULL FAITH NEEDED.

This is presented to all…Full Faith or not.

When a “need” is presented:  FIRST ASK “HIM” IF YOU ARE TO “DO”.


CHECK, 3 Times on what you receive.

ACT ON THAT if Check-Out “ok”



IF “ok” :



Check Check CHECK!


Work DONE     Give THANKS


YOU were / are “HIS” Physical Body.  “HE”, not YOU….”did it.




We have NO IDEA what happened to the site yesterday. Or why it’s suddenly back today.

I wasn’t able to do anything outside of make noise on the WordPress forums and email WP because the site MAY have been hacked or there was some sort of server error, and because Heather has all the hosting information.  She or WP may have fixed it and not notified me or Red Elk yet.  But in case it was hacked, EVERYONE WHO’S COMMENTED OR LOGGED INTO THE SITE NEEDS TO IMMEDIATELY CHANGE THEIR PASSWORD!!!

And take a moment to Thank the Lord it’s back! 🙂 🙂 🙂


We lived in Rose Valley, Wa.  A suburb of Longview and Kelso, Wa.  WELL within the range of Mt. St. Helens when she blew.

Here was I, knowing much of the plant life (and thus: uses) of all that area.  Within hours, only the trees were (more or less) free from ash.  I COULD FIND NOTHING!  Years of learning….gone.

It was heart breaking to me.

But the ASH!  So DEEP…so VERY HEAVY!  Unbelievable!

Car’s Air Filters filled in just a few short hours (often sooner).  People (wisely) putting on Women’s Nylon Stocking over their filters…AND removing / shaking clear, VERY often.

Driving conditions were TERRIFICALLY Terrible.  Ash acting like Snot….SLUG snot!  You didn’t DARE go fast!

(Talk about SLICK!)

Our eyes, hand shielded, were still invaded by this FINE “GLASS” ash.  For MANY days after.  Faces covered at nose / mouth, just to BREATH!  Days of this!

We lost friends in this…and I know of over 30 illegal Mexicans still buried up there.  Unreported by the big Company that were using them.  Their fate unknown by their families even to today.

THIS WILL TAKE PLACE AGAIN!   Both at Mt. St. Helens and others.  SOME NOT EVEN KNOWN (or reported?) by the “heads” who keep much “hidden”.

NOT WANTING PANIC and MASS EXODUS of these areas.  “Shooting Down “THE ECONOMY”!

I tell you true :  MOST OF Wa. State’s COASTLINE would LEAVE….To, WELL, inland.

Just about ALL our FULL WEST COASTS…even into Canada!


Might be years away…or in the next few months.

All I know, is WE (family) HERE…right HERE, where I type this…….. Are NOT going to be immune.

(93 miles inland from Seattle).

Mt. RAINIER will be “doing its thing”,  EVERY DAY is ONE MORE Ticking Time Bomb un”-ringing”.  All I can say is I’M FEELING “ANTSY”.

STAY TUNED….not with ME, but with “HIM”!

I do not know WHY I’m telling this.    re


As I’ve told, we here are no strangers to being financially poor.  That does NOT mean, tho, we ARE “poor”.

Knowledge and Creator are the key to this family’s RICHNESS!

For instance, our (then 9 yr old) daughter was badly kicked by a horse.  We were without means to take her to a doctor…nor were we on welfare.  What to do?  PRAY!  ASK !

I did so.  “Saw” here fractured lower right leg.

OK…time for the OLD WAYS KNOWLEDGE…..knowledge almost no NA seems to have any more.

No $$ even for ASPIRIN (to help in her pain and swelling).  INNER WILLOW BARK CHEWING!  The REAL Aspirin whiteman has learned to ALMOST duplicate  (CAN’T put the plant’s “Spirit” into their’s).

So did so and had her chew and swallow the spit.

Next : Setting the bone.

Tore my only T-shirt into strips and started “binding” there.  Being on the Thick Side, it could “breathe” next to the skin.  We had a Stretchable “band-aid” and finished with that.

Have no supply of blood to coat all (dries HARD), we had to let it go “as that”.

More bark chewing as her temperature would rise.

Cold water on all now and then.

And plenty of “down” time.


Called in The “Doc” Angels for a FAST HEALING.  They did so.  HO!

After a few days, time to be “up and about”….no money for crutches….but : KNOWLEDGE.  Aho?

Went out and cut a small green tree…with under-arm “branch”.  Cut just shorter then under-arm height.  Pressed AGAINST the arm pit pinches a vital blood vein…..causing EXTREME Danger to the BRAIN.

JUST “RIGHT” and worked like a charm.

She was able to go back to school “dressed” in this manner.

After only about 3 + wks, was able to stand / walk without her NATURE Crutch.

She was a “living” testimony to ALL at school AND THE SMALL COMMUNITY.

Finally healed completely.  PTL!

ALL our ancestors once know these “How-Tos”….yes, even those Not N.A.

Time to learn, friends.       MAY save MANY, in time.   Aho?  GB   re


A brother sent:

:)….hey u’ll love this little girl…. checkout the look on the UN faces….GB


“And a CHILD shall LEAD”.   re

Note from WS: According to the YouTube site, this video originally came from here: The Girl Who Silenced the World at the UN on the KarmaTube website (even tho it uses the YouTube video) – which is ALSO well worth the time.  If you cannot watch videos, go here, or google ‘Severn Suzuki transcript’ and you’ll find several sites that host the transcript of the speech.

Well, Adam’s back up from his quest.  Smoke POURING outta his dome smokestack.  He’s sleepy, ‘SHOT’ and VERY  V E R Y   C   O   L   D  !

Did he have a vision?  “No.  I learned nothing, re.”

Told him “Oh yes you DID!  You learned what its like to be  a ‘runner’…..alone, lonely, cold….nothing to do but pray and SURVIVE!.  You also learned you weren’t prepared, Adam.”

“You’re right! re… will be HELL.  I was thinking ‘running’ would be running with others. ….it IS Lonely!”

Came out a day ahead of his intended goal.

(I had told Meachelle “he’ll be out tomorrow (today).”)

Only his determination got him through this far.

A GOOD “vision”.  Just not what he was expecting.

A GOOD “Testing”….and LEARNING Time, for him.

Now, let His experience be a LESSEN TO  Y O U!   Things WONT be EASY!  Are YOU Ready?  Or will you ‘FOLD’

Think about it, friends.

Aho?   re


Ok, folks….in 8 months (might be a bit more), I’ve now had a bit over One Hundred Thousand “hits” on this blog.  Cut that by perhaps 2/3rds and thus 1/3 “new readers”.  Still, not bad I feel.

This shows me there is interest….hopefully for Spiritual Growth “want”.

I don’t give “junk” when I share.  Teach?  Chew Out?  You bet!  Life has alot of LIFE.  Aho?

So, to you…new or returns, I WISH YOU A GOOD LIFE and a MERRY CHRISTMAS!    re AND “mine”.
