How to Still Have a ‘Pot to Piss In’
Filed Under : Alternative Living,Humor,Medicine Man,Short Stories,survival skills,Tellings by Whale Sister
Life can be hard. Even for us here. But, I’ve learned to LAUGH AT IT!
Being a Heyoka (clown), well, just for fun, I’m now keeping my eyes open for a 4-legger WALKER…..Got the rest needed : Small bike wheels, an Umbrella , and a Porta Pot.
Wanna build a WHEELED “walkerâ€, WITH Toilet ….that way, If I lose EVERYTHING, at least I’ll have a Moveable Porta Pot to set on / and to “do my “Duty” “. I may end up homeless, but I’ll STILL HAVE A POT TO PISS IN!  ( :  re
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