TV and Characters

My wife and I are watching a TV show:TALKING TO HEAVEN, with Ted Danson as main character.
About a man who sees “dead”…since a boy. Catholic up-bringing…”of the DEVIL.”
As a Medicine Man AND a Christian One at that…I can easily identify with the whole show.
Add to this yet another TV show: Psychic Kids.
“Been there, Done that.” Since 10. Hard at first, but you get use to it.
Found many bodies and some missing (still alive). I’ve learned to help via this “doing.” Accepted it as not “of the devil,” but OF THE CREATOR!
It’s not at all unusual for me to see single to whole Villages…via Dead OR Time Travels. Some of the Time Travels NOT deliberate. Just…”there.”
I could write a BOOK on these happenings!
Gee, the things I see…AND seen. Years of these.
I keep silent when “seeing.” At least in general. Some I tell “on the spot,” but most simply would think they’re with a “maniac” (Can you blame them?).
Many are like those on this show…AND as I…(“quiet”).
Perhaps YOU are one? If so, know its a GIFT. You are NOT “nuts.” To some, it’s as natural as breathing. This makes it all the MORE…”scary.”
Folks, if YOU are one who “sees” OR KNOWS A PERSON (Family member?), who does…think on this, ARE you/they “nuts?” or…GIFTED!
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