An Adventure Some Will Be Experiencing

We lived in Rose Valley, Wa. A suburb of Longview and Kelso, Wa. WELL within the range of Mt. St. Helens when she blew.
Here was I, knowing much of the plant life (and thus: uses) of all that area. Within hours, only the trees were (more or less) free from ash. I COULD FIND NOTHING! Years of learning….gone.
It was heart breaking to me.
But the ASH! So DEEP…so VERY HEAVY! Unbelievable!
Car’s Air Filters filled in just a few short hours (often sooner). People (wisely) putting on Women’s Nylon Stocking over their filters…AND removing / shaking clear, VERY often.
Driving conditions were TERRIFICALLY Terrible. Ash acting like Snot….SLUG snot! You didn’t DARE go fast!
(Talk about SLICK!)
Our eyes, hand shielded, were still invaded by this FINE “GLASS” ash. For MANY days after. Faces covered at nose / mouth, just to BREATH! Days of this!
We lost friends in this…and I know of over 30 illegal Mexicans still buried up there. Unreported by the big Company that were using them. Their fate unknown by their families even to today.
THIS WILL TAKE PLACE AGAIN!  Both at Mt. St. Helens and others. SOME NOT EVEN KNOWN (or reported?) by the “heads” who keep much “hidden”.
NOT WANTING PANIC and MASS EXODUS of these areas. “Shooting Down “THE ECONOMY”!
I tell you true : MOST OF Wa. State’s COASTLINE would LEAVE….To, WELL, inland.
Just about ALL our FULL WEST COASTS…even into Canada!
Might be years away…or in the next few months.
All I know, is WE (family) HERE…right HERE, where I type this…….. Are NOT going to be immune.
(93 miles inland from Seattle).
Mt. RAINIER will be “doing its thing”,  EVERY DAY is ONE MORE Ticking Time Bomb un”-ringing”. All I can say is I’M FEELING “ANTSY”.
STAY TUNED….not with ME, but with “HIM”!
I do not know WHY I’m telling this.   re
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