As I’ve told, we here are no strangers to being financially poor. That does NOT mean, tho, we ARE “poor”.
Knowledge and Creator are the key to this family’s RICHNESS!
For instance, our (then 9 yr old) daughter was badly kicked by a horse. We were without means to take her to a doctor…nor were we on welfare. What to do? PRAY! ASK !
I did so. “Saw” here fractured lower right leg.
OK…time for the OLD WAYS KNOWLEDGE…..knowledge almost no NA seems to have any more.
No $$ even for ASPIRIN (to help in her pain and swelling). INNER WILLOW BARK CHEWING! The REAL Aspirin whiteman has learned to ALMOST duplicate (CAN’T put the plant’s “Spirit” into their’s).
So did so and had her chew and swallow the spit.
Next : Setting the bone.
Tore my only T-shirt into strips and started “binding” there. Being on the Thick Side, it could “breathe” next to the skin. We had a Stretchable “band-aid” and finished with that.
Have no supply of blood to coat all (dries HARD), we had to let it go “as that”.
More bark chewing as her temperature would rise.
Cold water on all now and then.
And plenty of “down” time.
Called in The “Doc” Angels for a FAST HEALING. They did so. HO!
After a few days, time to be “up and about”….no money for crutches….but : KNOWLEDGE. Aho?
Went out and cut a small green tree…with under-arm “branch”. Cut just shorter then under-arm height. Pressed AGAINST the arm pit pinches a vital blood vein…..causing EXTREME Danger to the BRAIN.
JUST “RIGHT” and worked like a charm.
She was able to go back to school “dressed” in this manner.
After only about 3 + wks, was able to stand / walk without her NATURE Crutch.
She was a “living” testimony to ALL at school AND THE SMALL COMMUNITY.
Finally healed completely. PTL!
ALL our ancestors once know these “How-Tos”….yes, even those Not N.A.
Time to learn, friends.      MAY save MANY, in time.  Aho? GB  re
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