Another Teaching

A phone call 3 days ago…yet another the next.. Both on a missing Cree. Brother of was #2 call.
Told them he was under a half mile from where he was last seen….took a short-cut to his intended destination. Had turned Right when leaving. He was off the main trail but close to it. Evidently tripped and lost a shoe. Wasn’t “with us” anymore.
Missing for 16-18 days….many searchers but no luck. “Call Red Elk”.
Just called me back. They did as I told and found him Exactly as told. “About 500 ft from trail”. One shoe off as well.
Called to thank me.
So MANY Missing…Thank God not all “passed on”.
I can’t “get” um all….RCMP occasionally refuses those who seek me to help…chases ‘em off. Then too, JEALOUSY between Search Teams. Even then, impossible to locate a number….drowned / bear / hidden (murder). The last….”chased off”. Aho?
Then too…TIME. Bones chewed / scattered, etc. over the many months / years.
Occasionally a Passed Away One will appear before me (while I’m out in other “work”) and point to their death spot and ask for “ceremony”. Some 2 – 3 hundred years old (death).
One, a little girl (Cree), like that. Maybe 2 hundred years “missing”. Showed me she was attacked / killed by a bear while berry picking. “Let ‘them’ know”.
Gave ceremony. Several of us. Putting her spirit “to rest”. A real sweetheart. Maybe 8-9 yrs old. Nice, Simple Fringed deer hide dress. A “cared for” child. Never found.  Sad. Aho?
I am able to do these things simply via prayer and WAITING. Most often, mere seconds. Then I’m SHOWN. I BELIEVE , FULLY, what I see. (After all, hadn’t I ASKED “Dad”?)
Any….ANY….can do this.
Now you have “the way” of it.  It’s not “Medicine”, its “IN RIGHT STANDING”. (Good Luck and ALWAYS GIVE HIM THE CREDIT!). AHO?  re
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You have a way of teaching/opening eyes brother. Looking forward to your book.
I have a way of MISS-SPELLING…WS has a way of RE-DOING. HE has a way of GIVING and I just take dictation. ( : re