All That Insulation, Just Falling From the Sky!

Beautiful out. Going to “broom off” the domes and shovel snow off porch. 14 to maybe 16 inches and still coming down. “Brooming” is using a broom to push upward from inside. Did this when in my TiPi. All snows fall to base and goes up-ward. INSULATING the whole. FAR WARMER inside, then. LOVE IT!
The whites kept their roof nails sticking above the shingles, to CATCH snow. Today we put out Big Bucks to insulate the daylights in the attic. Just another way to make someone rich. Aho?
The common man is so STUPID (in my eyes).
My domes have old blankets over the frame (Sweat Lodge way), with tarp over those. Snowfall is “broomed” off from INSIDE (push against the inside). It then slides down and slowly collects all around. Insulating the ALL.    I LOVE THE STUFF! (Guess you can call this “Snow Berming”)
Folks, why FIGHT winter? USE IT and be COMPATABLE with it. Aho?
Gonna get our snowshoes out and take Sky for a Walk-About. Get him used to these.
If any are interested, I’ve owned / used a number of styles. I WON’T USE BUT THE “OJIBWAY” STYLE now.
FANTASTIC “All Around” design. IVENS SNOWSHOE Co. is where I get ours (3 or 4 pairs).
Decided best to make Tire Rubber “Chaps” instead of full Mukluks. High enough to strap above the knees. LESS SWEAT PROBLEMS. Aho?
Plenty of good SNOW ICE CREAM makings, right outside our door. ( :
Also got out my Converted Water Ski. LOVE THIS like you wouldn’t believe! I took off the skeg and foot “step-in”. Screwed in good metal “eyes” at top sides. Drilled a hole at tip (pull rope) AND the BACK.
(Going downhill I walk behind it and hold it back / steer)
I load this with my winter camping gear (AND Fire Wood). Keeping the load VERY low. Try to go 10 inches high. Never above 16 inches. Use the “eyes” to crisscross rope over the load.
My NA Ancestors did this. Theirs tho were often 20 ft. long. Steam Bent the tip. Glides behind like a breeze. 10 to 15 inch width. THIN single board. UNDULATE as you go along….”fitting” the contour of the land. Aho?
Bought my ski at a ‘cheap shop’. $5.00. “Eyes” another $4.00.
Used a Like Ski to make a DOG SLED. Used an old Lawn Mower Handle. Ran Cocker Spaniels with our daughter aboard. Gave it to a ‘cheap shop’ after I got malamutes and a freight sled. THEY SOLD IT IN 4 DAYS! $25.00 !!!
I’ve taught a number how to make DOG HARNESSES out of old jeans. Each leg does one dog. This “doing” from the way the Eskimo in Greenland did, long ago.
Other then having CRAZY coast livers pass by (freeway)…Winter CAN BE FUN!
Why not try it? GB   re
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thankyou RE!!! truely, thank you!
turns out smoking cigerettes stops the snow from being sweet and also melts the snow too quickly when trying to keep insulated!!?? inhibits de- polarizing for the summer