Don’t You Know We’re at War?

To any following the reports of the recent Fight Back of the healing ‘trip’ many joined in, I’d like you to KNOW mankind is at war. Have been since “day one” (Adam / Eve / Serpent).
Few are Fully Aware at how SUBTLE “L” is.
You / I / ALL…are CONSTANTLY BEING Attacked.
Our Daily Lives are filled with stresses / fears / sadness / etc. ALL … ATTACKS!
PLANNED attacks, to keep you / us Distracted and Away from our Maker….and His LOVE.
To keep US from LEARNING and SHARING to others in this ‘minefield’ called Life.
All ‘paths’ are filled with ‘Pot Holes’ ….. even Collapsed ‘Bridges’.
“hE comes as a ROARING LION”.
Those contemplating Suicide….another Drink….Drug “His”….to ‘escape’ the daily pains of Life….please :Â Â RECONSIDER!
LEARN YOU ARE S T R O N G E R  than lucifer. (oh yes you ARE!).
hE’S an ANGEL…and the Creator says WE have FULL CONTROL OVERÂ Â AÂ LÂ LÂ Â Â angels.
It’s easy to SAY…..and ONLY by TESTING THIS SAYING will you EVER KNOW.
Consider doing so, PLEASE!
We human’s are GIFTED BEINGS. Gifted with STRENGTHS Far Greater than most realize.
If you have ‘followed’ this recent ONE HEART / MIND event….SEE THE TRUTH that WE…or just YOU, can WIN!
I wish you well.
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