SkyDome’s Sleeping Ledge, Fancified

Day One
Day Two
(click the photos for larger versions)
As you will see, I’m tring to bring the OUTDOORS.. .IN.
Making this as NATURAL (and Gnome / Hobbit) as possable.
All with as much NATURAL and SCROUNGED material as possible.
When FULLY completed (in AND OUT), this dome should NOT go over $400.00.
WHAT a PLACE in a back yard…Garden to even (more so) FOREST.
Almost sorry these 3 AREN’T in our little woodsland….but then, WHO WOULD KNOW THEY’RE THERE?
Again, built to SHOW.
Built from abodes of the PAST….for NOW…and our FUTURE.. Aho?
So, “check” my blog and see what’s going on.
My thanks to “Weeds” / Adam / Sky and 2 friends, a Brother from Canada, and my Lady for all their help.  re
(I’m sorry this post is up a lot later than I intended… that’s been my day: delay delay delay. – WS)
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