Sky’s Dome….WOW!

Adam just left. He and I spent yesterday and today in fixing up the inside of Sky’s Dome.
Yesterday was SUPER!  But TODAY…BEYOND “SUPER” —- UNBELIEVABLE !!!  WOW!  WOW!   WOW!!!!
For those who have recently visited….tho just DAYS AGO…NOW would be STUNNED!
The Sleeping Ledge (dirt held back by Vertical cut poles) NOW LOOKS LIKE YOU’VE WALKED TO AN OLD ANCIENT ENGLISH COTTAGE! A PICTURE painting!
“Wall” now a ‘FENCE’….MANY flowers….MANY (new) HORIZONTALS holding the ‘fence’ together. MORE moss added. I mean THIS is BEAUTIFUL!
Bed Side, “Ol’ English.â€Â Opposite, MODERN “rustic.”
Simply change your seating position and be in “Another” “WORLD”!!!
Again, Pics (yesterday) and TODAY taken. Looked GREAT Yesterday…but NOW? SUPER!!!!
An AMAZING DIFFERENCE from BEFORE Yesterday (“Plain”) to Yesterday (REALLY Nice!) to TODAY :Â WOW SUPER!!
THIS IS A MAGAZINE-on-CABINS / COTTAGES-places Building now. Maybe even COVER PAGE! And STILL Far from DONE!
WATCH FOR THE PICS IN MY BLOG. SHOULD be up in a week or so.
GBÂ Â re
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