Remembering Disneyland

Good morning Red Elk
Had another great experience with a tree. In OUR front yard of the home here in Spokane, there are two giant maple trees that are over100 years old. They provide wonderful shade from the hot southern mid day sun, covering the entire house. The tree to the east is in need of trimming as the lower branches are almost touching the ground. My intentions this last spring was to climb up the tree & remove the Y witch included all the lower branches & one large trunk size branch but never got around to it. Well, last night while enjoying my tobacco, I decided to ask the tree how it wanted to be trimmed this fall. It told me, “see how I am leaning to the southeast, if you take the large branch off my northwest side it will cause a shift of weight & make my journey here shorter & more difficult”. It also told me that if I were to trim the large branch on the southeast side of tree, it would help reduce stress on it & the tree would replace the large
hole it would create in time. Now my these are my new intentions.
I wanted you to know teacher that I would not have come to the awearness that WE could talk to trees without your wisdom. I now see with child like eyes & mind. I also see that our people have placed their faith in technology & not in Dad. Sure we walk around w/a” WWJD” attitude but don’t have the faith of even a mustered seed. So I say to our people, read Mark 4:21-32 with the eyes of a child, & ask yourself, “where do I place my faith, where is my LIGhT?”. Do you trust in Dad w/the faith of a mustered seed?
You see teacher, I also see myself as a mustered seed to our people now, may my branches continue to grow thick & strong. & I pray that others see the faith I have in our Creator & it inspires faith of Dad in others. I also pray that others come to this awareness & that their branches too grow strong, Aho? ONE LOVEÂ ONE CREATOR! TG
Kinda Cool, isnt it! ( :  The CA gal just left, but she TOO went out and experienced ON HER OWN. Then I took her to the grass…had her walk barefoot to / on it, then lay down. ABSORBING “Mom’s” ENERGY…AND The CHILD-LIKE MIND. Being a KID again. While down, I introduced her to the several tiny grass bugs. Following their busy walkabouts. Leading their daily lives. Showing even so TINY ones as these think THEY are “Peopleâ€. DO as WE DO…look for food , a mate, a place to sleep, etc.. Then told her to dig BELOW the grass roots…see what lives THERE…and DEEPER. Telling that All need EACH that we 2 Legged can eat / survive. Again, saying WE ALL NEED EACH OTHER. Introduced her to A grass leaf. Had her PET it! SHE SENSED ITS PLEASURE. Suddenly OTHERS BENT TO HER HAND (no wind) to get PETTED TOO!
ALL this NEW to her.
She SAID:Â “Its like visiting DISNEYLAND in a 2 foot AREA!”
Man has forgotten the wonders of Childhood. Too busy to pay attention. SHE IS LEARNING! Ho  re
See you tomorrow. GB  re
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