The Inner Spirit Aches

Talking to Adam….telling of some of my MEDICINE MAN experiences.
As most know…I am a Medicine Man AND a WAKANYAN. The last means “Spiritual adviserâ€.
Due to today’s worldly mess….I find my Wakanyan taking precedence. I’d RATHER be doing “Medicine”.
Love the Sweat Lodge….the Wilderness ALONE times…and, yes, the Tradition of it.
I don’t get to do that much anymore. MISS IT.
Haven’t done a Sweat in over 3 years. A Wilderness Alone time in over maybe 5 years.
My NA “side” ACHES for those times again…..but the needs of man go beyond that.
So I’m stuck at this Computer…..trying to help man know their Inner SPIRITUAL side…and the importance of “One Relation”. Not “One Country Under God”…but One WORLD under God.
I tell you true : it’s quite a sacrifice.
My “INNER Spirit” ACHES for the Old “traditional” I was once so in peace with.
Just NO TIME for that anymore.  (sigh)…………..                        Y O U are MORE IMPORTANT.  Aho?  re
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